Page 63 of Unlikely Souls

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Pulling my lips from Gyth, I turned my head in the direction of what was probably our little spy in training based on her next words.

“Yup, you were right!” Embry shouted back toward the kitchen. “They are sucking faces again and there isn’t even any of that mistletoe above them this time.”

Another round of laughter at my expense echoed from the kitchen.

I did say they were family and I did love them, so I’d put up with them, but I was all about getting even I thought, letting out a wicked little laugh.

Grabbing both my hips, Gyth turned me back around and raised me off his lap so I was standing. Then he swatted me as he said, “That was a naughty laugh, baby, hopefully you throw some of it my way.”

Before I could say something back to Gyth and forgot Embry was still in the room with us, she yelled out again as she ran off towards the group in the kitchen.

“Auntie Summer just got a spanking. She is a bad girl!”

I choked on laughter as it rose out of my throat. Gyth moved up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he leaned in, letting his breath and words tickle my ear.

“Bad girls do need lots of spankings, but just remember I am the only one that will be administering them to this sexy ass.”

Then pulling his hands from around me, he swatted my ass once again.

Fiddlesticks, what’s the point of even wearing panties anymore?

Chapter Thirty-Four


Now I rememberedwhy wearing undies around Gyth was a good idea.

Curled up in bed, with the morning sun just starting to rise and shine through the blinds, I felt a hand on my bare ass and a warm body behind me, giving off enough heat you would think the man was a furnace. But it was his hand on my backside that had my attention.

Another week had passed and I had stayed over at Gyth’s more than I had spent at my own place. I was feeling guilty about that, leaving Alley there alone so much, but she didn’t seem to bat an eye when I told her I wouldn’t be home again. She just said that she loved seeing me happy. Of course, she couldn’t help adding that she was thrilled I was getting some too.

This was exactly what happened too, I had definitely been getting some. But then, last night I had fallen asleep in his t-shirt and nothing else. Which would be fine, except for the wee little problem was, if I actually wanted to get to work on time, I should have remembered to wear undies, because when my shirt rose it was like a beacon for Gyth. The man had an ass fetish and his hand or body would be planted against my bare globes in an instant.

He thought he owned the thing.

“Mine,” he said as he gave my ass a little pinch and then slowly rubbed his palm against where he had done it.

As much as I wanted to let the scene in his bed play out, I didn’t have enough time and needed to get up for work. Jumping out of bed, I headed to the bathroom. “You, Big Guy, will have to wait, or I will be late for work.”

“That shit isn’t fair, Sunshine. You can’t tease a man that way and go running off. I am thinking a shower for two sounds nice,” he said as I was walking away.

Turning around just as I reached the door, I planted my hands on my hips. “I am locking the door.”

“You do realize I can pick the lock, right?” He smirked.

“Gyth Alan Elliott, don’t you dare,” I told him, giggling as I shut and yes, I locked the door.

Why did it feel like someone was watching me?

When I left Gyth’s place this morning and drove to work arriving in the parking lot, a feeling of unease swept through me, just as it had multiple times over the last week. Yet today was the same as it had been each time when I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. So I chalked it up to me being paranoid and still being a little shook up from the ordeal with Dr. Lawson.

But the small white piece of paper under the wiper on the front window of my car, as I approached when leaving work that day, wasn’t me being paranoid anymore. Knowing in my gut that it wasn’t going to be some coupon or ad, I couldn’t even bring myself to look at it as I snatched it off the window, threw it in my car, and got in as fast as I could, needing to get home.

A short time later I was sitting on our couch with Alley, the paper balled up in my tight grip, as I worked up the nerve to open it.

“What the hell is going on, Summer? You look like you have seen a ghost and said you needed to talk to me, but you haven’t said anything for ten minutes. What do you have there?” Alley asked, her tone laced with worry.

Hands shaking, a thump in my throat making it hard to speak, I unfolded the paper and handed it to Alley without looking at it. “What does it say?” I asked her.
