Page 70 of Unlikely Souls

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“You write this shit in your books all the time,” I told her. “But you can’t hear it in real life?” I asked, jokingly.

Her face turned bright red, and she looked shocked as hell, something I had never seen happen with her ever.

Summer burst out laughing. “Girlfriend, my man has your number. And he has read every one of your books. Has them all on his shelf,” she told her, matter of factly. “He likes to read and wants to support you.”

“Wow, that's…” Alley started and then paused. Guess someone else was speechless tonight as well. Gaining her composure, she continued, “That is awesome, thank you,” she said to me.

“You bet,” I told her and then turned toward Summer and slowly walked her way, taking in every inch of her from head to toe as I did.

“You ready, gorgeous?” I asked her, grabbing her delicate hand in mine. The need to touch her was so strong, but I had to be careful or we really wouldn’t make it to the club.

The expression on her face changed to one of pain. I knew she didn’t want to go, but I would help her through it. “I will be there and your brother will be too,” I said, trying to make her feel better. But at the mention of her brother's name, she disengaged with me and her eyes looked over at Alley. So I turned that way too.

Alley looked sad, another thing I didn’t see too often unless Landon was around. But she quickly masked her expression and plastered on a smile.

“Just concentrate on the after portion of the evening and you both will make it through like champs,” she teased.” Are you leaving Ash here?”

“If you don’t mind, she likes the company and I am not sure what time we will get back to Gyth’s,” Summer replied.

“Sure thing, I love having her around. It gives me someone to talk to. Even if she is a dog, she’s a good listener.” Looking as if she just realized she may have revealed too much, she waved us off. “Shoo, go try and have a good time.”

Placing my hand on Summer’s back, I led her toward the door as she said bye to Alley, but Ash wasn’t having it. She jumped off the couch and ran up to Summer to get her own special goodbye. Once she got her snuggles, she headed back to Alley and bounced back up on the sofa.

As we headed out the door and I shut it behind us, Summer looked upset. “It will be okay, we will stay however long we need to and then bail,” I told her, thinking the look on her face had to do with the party. But I was wrong.

“It isn’t that, I am just worried about Alley. She is alone a lot and I know she puts up a good front, but I think she is hurting. Something happened with her and Landon. I think it is a lot bigger than I ever thought. I just want her to be as blissfully happy as Jurnee and I are,” she said sullenly.

Removing my hand from her back, I used it to cup her face, rubbing the pad of my thumb back and forth to soothe her. I knew she liked the gesture and it calmed her. “She has all of us and someday she is going to find someone special, trust me,” I said softly to her.

“You think so?” she asked.

“I never imagined I would find you, but I did. Miracles happen and she will get hers.”

Summer smiled and leaned in and kissed me, then pulled back and giggled.

“You look good in that shade of red,” she said, as she reached up to wipe my mouth.

“You can paint me with your lipstick anytime if it means I get to have your lips on mine,” I teased. “Now, let's do this. I like Alley’s way of thinking and I’m going to focus on the after-party at my place. The one where I get to see that extra something you bought and you end up in my bed.”

I then led her to my truck because the faster we got there and made our appearance, the quicker we could do just as I’d said.


Was it possible to die from swallowing your own tongue?

Gyth in a tux was a work of art. My beast, with his hulking frame, rock-solid form, sexy scruff lining his face, and seductive eyes, all dressed up in the black and white suit was something I had not been prepared for. I could barely choke out a word when I first walked out of the hall and found him standing there waiting for me in the living room.

Just the sight of him almost made going to the party bearable. It did at least help some and the fact that it was Gyth’s arm I was on for the evening and he was the one I was going home with, had me feeling like a seriously lucky woman.

But after we left the house and Alley was sitting there alone, well with only Ash, all I could think about was her. My parents and their anniversary bullshit were far from my mind. My friend was good at hiding her feelings and in the few rare moments that her facade cracked, and the reality of how she truly felt penetrated through her walls, it was those times that broke my heart. Like tonight.

So even after hearing Gyth say that Alley would have her time, that she would get her miracle such as Jurnee and I had, I still couldn’t help thinking there were big hurdles to stride over before her time would come. It was as if a mountain was on her shoulders, weighing her down, and an avalanche had buried her in its wrath of sorrow. I think Jurnee and I did her injustice by letting her hide away for so long.

It seemed the time for tough love was approaching. I just hoped it all turned out for the better and let Alley move forward instead of staying stuck with her past demons any longer.

A sweet, sexy sound drifted to my ears, yanking me from thoughts swirling through my head and a sense of peace washed through me. Gyth’s voice always had a way of soothing my soul. The low baritone of his voice as he sang along to the country song that filtered from the speakers in the truck also stirred the desire in me for the man with not only the magic cock, but the magic voice as well.

Pretty powerful shit, I was a goner for sure.
