Page 87 of Unlikely Souls

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Pushing his way through the group, Landon butted in and spoke. “No, she needs to tell me who the hell is bothering her.”

Alley’s face got red and I could tell she was gearing up for a battle. She didn’t like anyone telling her what to do, and I think it being Landon made it even worse. Poking him with a finger to his chest, she laid into him and had us all stunned. I think she forgot we were all standing right there.

“You lost the right to know anything about me a long time ago, so don't tell me what to do.” Landon looked hurt but also determined and I could tell something big was coming. My brother was changing and it looked to me he might just be ready to fight for what he truly wanted.

“Mi Tesoro,” he said, putting up his hand as if to touch her face, but she knocked it away.

Gyth came up on my side and put his arm around my back. “Looks like they have some shit to work out. Are you okay with this being your brother and Alley?” he asked me. I had already suspected there was a lot of history there, so it wasn’t a shock and after the last few things Alley said to me and what I had observed, I knew it was something big.

“Yeah, they will need to work it out on their own.” I looked over at him, giving him a tender smile. “Love you. Are you ready to show me all the ways you love me back?”

Letting his hand drag down my back, he placed it on my ass and gave it a little smack. “Any time you are, Sunshine.”

I was about to reply, but Alley let out a scream and I turned back to see Landon had thrown her over his shoulder and was marching toward the front of the house. My best friend was upside down, kicking and screaming. “Put me down right now Landon, or so help me God…”

“No, you are going to talk to me and you are doing it right now. Time’s up!” he shouted, lifting his hand and spanking her on the ass with the palm of his hand.

“You didn’t just do that!” she screamed again.

It was a good thing Jurnee’s parents took the kids inside the house to put them to bed. This was becoming quite a show.

“Oh snap,” Jurnee said, giggling. “He means business.”

“Did you really just say that?” I asked Jurnee as Gyth took both arms and circled my middle from behind, holding me against his warmth.

“Hey, all the kids say it at the center and it rubs off on me.”

Braxton butted in then, his face confused, mad, and looking as if he needed answers. But I couldn’t give him any, even if it was my brother that had just hauled his sister out of here, as she threw a fit.

“Someone want to finally fucking explain to me what the hell is going on with those two?” Braxton asked the whole group.

It was me that answered. “We don’t know, but it looks like we are about to find out…”
