Page 9 of Unlikely Souls

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I need help, but I don’t want to be someone’s burden.

Right then I needed food, so time to get the man before me, staring at the menu, and taking up a huge space in my kitchen, to make up his damn mind.

Gyth was built like a big ass redwood tree. Massive body, strong limbs, tough outer shell, and an unwavering amount of strength. When I rested my palms on his scruffy, gorgeous face earlier, I had to stretch to do it.

Even though he could break me in two, Gyth would never hurt me, that much I knew for a fact. He could be gruff at times, but I had seen the other side of him that was sweet. Like when he sang to the kids at Jurnee’s center, how he played with Embry, and how much he kept trying to help me even though I pushed him away every chance I got.

Even the hurt and sorrow in his eyes when a word was ever spoken about the buddies they’d lost on a mission had told anyone around him that he was a good man. But I still didn’t know too much about him, and even though I wanted to, I knew it would make things that much harder.

My gut said that the more I learned the more irresistible he would become.

Shit on a brick I’m already doomed, I think.

“Did you decide what you want, or are you going to take another hour to figure it out, Mr. Indecisive?” He smirked at my teasing like it was the best thing in the world. What that was about, I don’t know.

“Yeah, but it hasn’t been an hour, you're exaggerating just a smidge, Sunshine. Tell me your order and I will take care of it, and have it delivered.”

“I can do it and pay for the food, you're a guest,” I replied, frowning a little. I wasn’t incapable of doing things for myself.

“Babe, if you're with me I’m gonna take care of it, and you. Get used to it. My momma taught me right.”

I didn’t argue with him just then but nodded in agreement. Something in his tone had an air of finality to it that I chose not to question, but his eyes were a little distant and sad too, and that made me want to understand what I’d seen pass within them.

Grabbing his cell from his jean pocket, he set about ordering our dinner, as I wandered off into the living room to look through movie options.

It was a good time to take a moment to reflect on what the hell I was going to do with Gyth in my home for two straight nights.

Lord help me!

Chapter Five


You’d thinkI hadn’t eaten in a year.

Groaning, I held my stomach and stared at the shabby chic coffee table littered with white Chinese boxes, along with our glasses that sat on the BFF coasters that me and the girls had personally made with a picture of the three of us on them, and my empty plate.

Shit, I’d practically licked it clean.

I’d only had one glass of wine, even though I really shouldn’t have because of my medical stuff going on, but one once in a while wouldn’t kill me I didn’t think. And it tasted so damn good, while also making me nice and relaxed. That, along with the food coma I was slipping into, I felt pretty blissed out.

The Breakfast Clubplayed on the tv, and I was surprised when Gyth hadn’t argued with my choice of movie. I loved the 80’s movies, just as I did the music. He’d said he was good with whatever and actually liked the choice.

With my eyes half-closed, I leaned my head back against the back of the sofa and turned it slightly to the side to glance at Gyth. He had sat down next to me to eat, and I was hyper-aware of his closeness throughout the entire meal.

Mimicking me, he also leaned back and turned his head, our eyes locking with one another. A good old-fashioned staring contest went on for a beat, but I was no match for him. The guy was ex-military and was probably trained on all sorts of shit and had the control of a saint. Not that I knew much about those days or any of his past for that matter.

I closed my eyes fully and turned my head back the other way, breaking the connection. Taking a deep breath, I was just about to say something when all of a sudden fireworks were going off and people were screaming and shouting outside. Shit I’d forgotten. It was just seconds away from the stroke of midnight.

I had no time to think about how awkward it may have been because I felt the couch bounce as if Gyth had jerked hard and then heard his pleading whisper.


My eyes snapped open and my head swiveled in his direction once more. His eyes were pinned to mine, but they were distant with a faraway look in them, filled with anxiety and pain. Then he blinked, and it was replaced with need and longing. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what that had been about, but it was the need and longing I wanted to explore.

My walls stand no chance with Gyth, he is crumbling them bit by bit.

More yelling from next door, and outside all around us as you could hear people banging pots as they counted down. He squeezed his eyes closed once, and then took a deep breath and opened them again. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, and the last few minutes I was lost as Gyth raised up a little and his face got closer to mine.
