Page 31 of Forbidden Souls

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I’d thought about it, Lord knows I’d fought over the decision, but in the end, I just couldn’t do it. It tied me to the only person I was ever in love with. We were married, something I didn’t think would ever happen after losing our baby girl.

But there I was, even if it happened on a drunken night, hitched to Landon. And I was having as hard of a time of giving that up, as I was believing we deserved a second chance. But right then there was just one thing I wanted.

“Nope.” That was all I said as emotions scrambled my brain.

As if noticing I was fumbling for what to do, he spoke up again and my pulse raced at his words.

“It’s getting harder and harder to keep my hands to myself.”

I sucked in a gulp of air and then cleared my throat, but even then my voice came out a little shaky. Still, he seemed to get the message loud and clear.

“I don’t want you to.”

My hand dropped from his chest as he raised his arms and his palms cupped my cheeks, his eyes filled with a hopeful look.

“You sure?”

I was fucking scared out of my mind, but I knew what I wanted. And that was Landon.

“I’m sure I want us naked and you inside me.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, his hands dropped from my face, fastened onto my hips which he used as leverage to spin us around. Walking us backward to the front door, he plastered the fronts of our bodies together leaving not an inch of space, and my back hit the wood behind me.

Then came the devouring I thought about moments before.

Landon’s mouth slammed down over mine and I opened for him immediately. Right then, there was only one thing I could think about. And that was having this man again. But unlike Vegas, I planned to remember every single detail as if it would be the last time we would come together this way.

For a second, I froze at the thought, but when Landon nipped my lower lip, I went wild with lust. Grabbing his hair with both hands, I slanted my head for better access and our tongues glided over one another in an intimate game of tonsil hockey. The thought made me think of something the girls and I would say in middle school, and I giggled a little, the vibration of it echoing into Landon’s mouth.

He broke the kiss and leaned back a little to look into my eyes, causing my hands to drop from his head. “Is there something about us kissing that you find funny?” he asked in a joking tone.

“My lips are sealed,” I bantered back and pretended to squeeze my lips tight as if nothing was getting in or out. But I was dead wrong.

With a twinkle in his eyes and a sexy smirk on his face, he wrapped his arms around me and cupped my ass in both hands, lifting me so I was perfectly aligned with him. Pressing against me once more he brought my core against his very impressive erection and I rubbed against him like a cat, a purr escaping from my mouth.

“Looks like I have unsealed those beautiful lips,” Landon said, leaning over and licking the seam of my mouth.

Another little purring noise broke free and I ground against him soaking in the pleasure.

“God, baby, I missed that noise and the feel of your body this close to me.”

What the hell am I doing?

Then the undeniably hot man in front of me dropped my leg and fell to his knees in front of me. Looking up in my eyes, he said, “Tell me yes.” He didn’t ask, pretty much demanded as he always had, something that turned me on.

“Yes,” I answered breathlessly.

And before I could even blink, he had the snap of my jeans undone and was sliding them down my thighs.

“You are so fucking gorgeous.” His voice came out gravely and the sound had goosebumps breaking out over my skin.

I realized that both of us were still fully clothed, jackets and all, except for my pants, but I didn’t care. “Stop talking, just get on with it.” He wasn’t the only one that could be demanding.

Landon chuckled and his warm breath washed over my core as heat seeped right past the barrier of my black lace panties, causing wetness to gather there. And when he leaned over and planted a kiss on my covered mound, I started to unravel. Once again, I gripped his hair and held on so he couldn’t move away.

“Not going anywhere, honey,” he said as if reading my mind.

His hands slid up the inside of my thighs and his fingers brushed over where he had just kissed. Pulling my undies to the side, he used both thumbs to separate my folds and my body spasmed with excitement at his touch.
