Page 15 of Brinley's Savior

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“That would be me,” he said with a slight smirk on his rugged face.

“What does security mean, Mommy?”

Letting my gaze leave Rowan's, I looked at Zander, but no words came out.

Rowan squatted down so he was eye to eye with Zander and answered for me. “It means I’m right down the hall in case you guys need anything and close by to protect you if you need it.”

My little guy had a thoughtful look on his face. “You mean like if the boogeyman comes when we are sleeping or there are monsters under my bed?”

Watching their exchange was killing me but there wasn’t a lot I could do and didn’t want to make a scene or worry Zander.

“Sure. If any of those things happen, you can call me,” Rowan told him.

“But I don’t have a phone or your number,” Zander told him in a very serious tone.

Rowan chuckled. “I will make sure your mom has it.”

“Wait, can we call you if Grandma comes to our house because sometimes she is scary too?”

Rowan’s gaze snapped to mine and the look he gave me told me that we would be having a conversation that I truly didn’t want to have. My son was killing me with the world of information he kept spitting out. When I looked away, I noticed Gyth with just as serious of a look on his face.

Well shit.

I started for my son so we could finish getting our things and hopefully avoid any more conversation. As I approached I noticed Rowan was studying Zander, his head tilted as he looked directly into his eyes.

Oh no.



I’m missing something.

Before I could figure out what niggled at the back of my brain, Brin grabbed Zander and pulled him away. She rushed them out of the condo to go to the car for more things.

“What was that all about?” Summer asked.

How was I supposed to know? I couldn’t even figure out what was bothering me when the little guy looked up at me the way he had.

“Not a clue,” I answered honestly.

I may not have known, but I was going to find out.

Brinley didn’t want me around and she sure as shit wasn’t happy to find out I was right down the hall. But there was one thing she was.

An amazing mother.

I could tell she’d wanted to throw me out and didn’t want Zander anywhere near me, but her son’s feelings came first above all.


I saw it in her eyes every time she looked at her boy that day. I wouldn’t have expected anything else from her. If Brinley accepted you into her world, she did it with her whole heart. She also had a loving, amazing mom who showed her exactly how a mother should be.

That was something else besides being raised by a single parent that we had in common. We both had fabulous mothers, unlike Luke’s overbearing one. We’d both also lost them.

Shaking off the thought because I didn’t like the feeling that struck me when I thought of the loss, I focused back on Summer. She had a worried expression on her face. Not that I could blame her. Everyone had caught on the second the two newcomers showed up that they needed help. There were no better people than the group they found either. I’d seen how they’d come together to help Teal recently and how they were there for one another anytime someone needed anything.

It was a protective group.
