Page 34 of Brinley's Savior

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My hands clenched together where they sat on my lap and then I continued with the last part I would say for the moment.

“I don’t know what is going to happen from here, but I need to get my son home to talk to him, and then the next person I need to have a conversation with is Rowan. It is only right that I tell him more first.”

Gyth nodded his head. “I understand and agree. Just know that my offer of help still stands. I don’t care what the situation is or was, I promised Luke I would be there for you two and that doesn’t change.”

I thought about that for a minute. And it was sweet, but there was a factor that I thought might switch that up.

“Even though you are friends with Rowan and work together?”

“Of course, that doesn’t change a thing,” Summer said, walking over to her husband where he sat and placing a hand on his shoulder. “We can support both of you any way you need. Right, Big Guy?” she said lovingly looking at her man.

A little jealousy at what they had swept through me.

“My wife is right.”

A small laugh escaped me even in that trying moment at the look on Summer’s face that said, ‘Of course I’m right, duh.’

Then Gyth continued.

“I think you both will need us and as my wife said, we can be there for everyone. But if I am being honest, even not knowing what happened with you and Rowan in the past, I have a strong feeling you will find that he has changed some and won’t let Zander and you down.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and my face crinkled up as I thought about the fact he’d just walked out of the house at the confirmation he had a son. As usual, Gyth hijacked my thoughts.

“Rowan leaving a minute ago could be expected from anyone after finding out what he just did. Don’t let that sway your thinking that he will keep running. Give him a few to let it sink in. I think you’ll be surprised.”

My cheek was going to hurt, I bit it so hard.

“I will try. And thank you both,” I said softly. “I think it is time to get my son home and I will talk with you guys more later.”

“Let me go get Zander,” Summer said, and then she was gone.

Silence sat between Gyth and me for a moment. It wasn’t uncomfortable I realized. He had such a huge presence but was also like a teddy bear at the same time. Not that he’d probably like knowing I thought that.

Then, he broke the silence with a friendly reminder.

“Don’t forget what I said, okay?”

“I won’t. Luke was lucky to have such a great friend and I guess that trickled down to me now.”

I tried for a small smile, but at the mention of my best friend's name and one of Gyth’s too, tears pooled in my eyes. When I looked at Gyth, I saw a glimmer shining in his eyes too.

That was the kind of guy Luke was. He touched everyone’s hearts that he met.



I have a son.

The ability to breathe left me when I heard Zander’s small voice ask if I would be his daddy. But when Brinley said yes, he was mine, I didn’t think I’d ever pull oxygen into my lungs again.

I have a son.

Over and over I said those words in my head, but they still didn’t take hold or feel real.

We were together once.

I used a condom.
