Page 52 of Brinley's Savior

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“There is,” Gyth said. “They had the entry gate and the cameras in place, but Braxton and I double-checked it and also lent a hand on some updates to them as well. While we don’t monitor those as you know, we work closely with the company that does.”

“When can we take a look at those?” Lyric asked. “If I need to jump in I need to do that.”

The cop in him was shining through. For a moment, I feared he’d try to warn us all not to get mixed up in this and tell us to let the police handle everything. But that wasn’t what he did.

“I will help any way I can with my connections, but I know you will all do what you need to do and I respect that. Just don’t get in trouble,” he said with a glint in his eyes.

It was obvious he knew us well and we would do whatever was needed to protect any of our families but were all highly trained. We could handle this properly unless pushed into a corner and then it was all bets off because nobody would hurt the two most precious people in my life. Even if it meant I got myself in trouble making sure they were okay in the process.

Braxton jumped in. “I will get a hold of one of the owners over there in the morning and get the footage. There will be no issues retrieving the images. Anyone who’s available tomorrow afternoon can meet me back here around two and we can go over it.”

The gym was open so I knew Braxton would be here and I believe Kace had some classes going on, but I still hated for everyone to take time out of their weekend away from family.

“Wipe that look off your face.” Kace's eyes were zeroed in on mine when I turned to look at him. “I can see you worrying about us taking time out of our schedules, but nobody is going to blink a damn eye helping with this, you hear me? You are family. So are Brinley and Zander.”

I nodded because a lump of emotion in my throat kept me from speaking.

“I’m not sure how I can help, but I’ll be here,” Landon blurted out.

“You’re our lawyer so if we murder anyone you get to get us off,” Braxton said, letting out a deep, crazy chuckle.

Landon laughed as well as the room, while Lyric groaned, putting fingers in his ears and humming like a child who was pretending not to hear what was being said. That caused more laughter and I couldn’t help but join in. It was funny as hell honestly.

“The other thing we need to do is think about the jobs you have done or are doing now that could’ve pissed anyone off,” Braxton said to me. “Also if you had anyone that could have followed you to town when you came that you made mad in your past or since you got here. Anything from military time, ex-girlfriends, lovers, and so on.”

I winced. I didn’t like thinking anything that had to do with me was bringing this to my family's doorstep. And besides work, I couldn’t think of a single thing. There had been a few jobs I helped on that I had been worried about because the security we were putting in was for issues much like this where women and children didn’t feel safe from their exes.

A shiver went up my spine at the thought. One in particular that I had just been dealing with bothered me the most. Was it possible it was related?

Other than those I had no struggles with people in the military so it wasn’t that and some may not believe me but there were no ex-girlfriends or lovers.

Whether I could admit it in the past or not, Brin was it for me and there had not been anyone since her. Not a single person that may have tried after she and I were together compared to her and was not given the chance. If I didn’t give her one, I certainly wasn’t going to give that to someone else. Even if it was just sex.

“It has to be work, there is nothing else,” I said.

All the guy’s eyebrows raised in unison and the sight was pretty comical. I wasn’t going to explain my personal reasons on the matter. And right then I was itching to get back to my place. Braxton seemed to pick up on my unease and jumped in to wrap stuff up.

“Okay, well we’ll go over all the jobs tomorrow while we check out the camera footage. Let’s conclude for now so we can all get home, it’s late and I know Rowan is worried, which is understandable.”

“If anything else happens you call me no matter what time. I don’t give a shit whether I am off duty or not, this is about having your back as your friend,” Lyric told me.

“That goes for any of us, day or night,” Braxton added, and again everyone nodded.

I let out a big breath I felt like I had been holding in the whole meeting. “Thank you. All of you,” I told everyone. “I appreciate this more than you know.”

Braxton picked up the note. “You want to take this or leave it here?”

“I’ll take it. As much as I hate to show Brinley and scare her, I am not going to keep her in the dark so she doesn’t pay attention to her surroundings.”

“Understandable and smart, even if it is hard,” Braxton said, handing the paper over to me. Then he rapped a couple of times on the wooden table with his knuckles and everyone stood. “See you all tomorrow.”

As we walked out of the conference room, Lyric slapped me on the back. “Anytime something feels off you give me a call.”

“Thanks, man,” I responded with a lump in my throat. It felt odd having people care so much but damn good too.

We all walked out of the building and Braxton locked everything up, setting the security system with his phone.

“Thanks again, man,” I told him as we reached our vehicles. Everyone else had gotten in their own cars and were pulling out of the lot.
