Page 53 of Brinley's Savior

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“No thanks needed. It’s what we do.” Giving me a chin lift, I gave him one back and then jumped into my truck.

Before pulling off, I glanced at the paper in my hand and another wave of anger raced through every cell of my body, along with fear as I read the words again.

You made a mistake sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. What is mine is mine. You had no business messing with my personal life, but since you decided to do just that, you better watch the people in yours. Real close. Especially that pretty lady and cute little boy.

I pounded my hand on the steering wheel.

“You’re not fucking touching them!” I shouted to the empty car.

It may have been late but I needed to get home and see both Brin and Zander with my own eyes.

I needed to touch her. Not in an intimate way, although that had been amazing.

But just to know she was safe.



I couldn’t sleep.

As I lay there staring at the ceiling, my phone chimed from the bedside table, and I rushed to grab it. The screen lit up with a text from Rowan letting me know he was home and at my door. My heart started pounding for two reasons. First, because I knew something had happened before he left and it wasn’t good. Second, because I could still feel his mouth pressed to mine and couldn’t help but want a repeat.

In his text he said he needed to see if Zander and I were okay for himself, which scared me a bit. But after the way he worded it, I couldn’t say no.

And I didn’t want to because I wanted to see him too.

I climbed out of bed, padded down the hall on bare feet and peeked out the peephole when I reached the door. Standing up on my tippy toes so I could see, I said, “Who’s there?”

A huge smile broke across Rowan’s face. He was strikingly handsome. The man could have any woman swooning and if he ever graced the cover of one of the romance books I read, he’d have every lady one-clicking in the blink of an eye. Maybe even the men.

“You know who it is, Buttercup, you’re looking right at me.”

I giggled. “Do you know the password?” My toes were starting to hurt but the flirting was too much fun to care. At least at the time that is what I thought we were doing. Then with Rowan’s next words, I was sure of it.

“Spanking.” I saw him wink. “Because if you don’t open this door right now, that is exactly what you are going to get.”

My breath caught and the damn tingles were back in my lower region. Rowan could charm the panties off of anyone. Including me I realized as his sexy voice washed over me.

“Since the door is still closed, maybe that is exactly what you want,” Rowan growled.

I dropped to the flats of my feet and stared at the wooden door. A strange feeling rushed through me. Was it a yearning? Anticipation? I wasn’t sure. It then hit me that the idea of him actually spanking me was appealing. What was wrong with me? I had told myself to stay away and not get hurt. I also had no clue how to act when I opened the door.

“You’re thinking way too much, sweetheart. Let me in, Brin.”

If I didn’t he was going to wake up all the damn neighbors. That would be even more embarrassing than facing him after the banter we’d shared. Not to mention him seeing me red-faced from the desire that rushed through my body at his comment.

I pulled open the door and my face flamed even more when I saw him without the barrier between us. Rowan smirked and walked inside, planting a quick peck on my lips when he got beside me.

“Hi,” he whispered.

“Hi,” I said back breathlessly. Even just his lips on mine and a simple hello got to me when it came to Rowan.

Then he leaned back, glanced up and down the hall before shutting and locking the door. Another niggle of worry seeped in. Rowan was nervous about something and that was not like him. It immediately put me on edge. One second I was flirting and the next ready to jump out of my skin.

“What’s going on?” I sighed. “You have to tell me. You’re worrying me.”

He grabbed my hand and guided me down the hall.
