Page 13 of Opened Up

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“Why not?” The question was out before he could think twice about whether he actually wanted to know the answer.

“We work together. We have a lot of things happening right now, between the show, your proposal, my plans… I just don’t think it’s wise.”

“How did your parents ever manage?” He could understand where she was coming from, but the pulsing in his lap had yet to subside and his frustration came out as sarcasm.

“They aren’t managing very well right now, because this business got all twisted up in their marriage.”

“We are not your parents.”

“You’re the one who brought them up. I just think it would be smart not to rock the boat while everything else is already up in the air.”

“One question—did you enjoy that kiss?”

Her blush deepened, and though she didn’t speak, he caught the slight nod of her head.

“So, this isn’t a no. It’s a not-right-now. I can work with that.”

“No, no, no. This isn’t some challenge for you to work on. I need a truce.” She held up her hands as if she could stop the train of thought he was on.

“A truce. Are we negotiating terms here, Sofia?”

“Sure. I need your help making sure this pilot episode is a success, and your promise not to distract me with more of that.” She fluttered her hand in the direction of his lap, and he couldn’t suppress his grin.

“I need your help convincing your dad about my proposal, and taking care of my crews in the contract. In return, I promise to keep all of this”—he fluttered his hands over his lap—“away from that.” He wiggled his fingers at her chest and earned a laugh.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Not good enough, Sofia. If I’m going to ignore the way I feel about you, I’m going to need a powerful motivation.”

“Okay, deal.”

“I also need a deadline. How long does this truce last?”Please don’t say forever…

“Until things settle down. This…thing…between us, it took me by surprise. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy the hell out of that kiss, just that I can’t handle anything else right now.”

“Okay, Sofia. You have your truce. I’ll help you get this pilot to succeed, and you’ll help me convince your father that I deserve a chance to buy in. I’ll keep my hands to myself until you ask me not to.” He paused and leaned closer to her, gratified when her eyes focused on his lips. “Just know that every time I see you, I’ll be thinking of this kiss, waiting for the day I get to do it again.” He reached across the desk and offered his hand to shake on it. When she took it, warmth raced up his arm at her touch, and he couldn’t resist pulling her hand to his lips for a quick kiss to seal their bargain.

With that, he stood and walked out the door. He’d call her later about the contract details. If he didn’t get some distance and quick, their truce wouldn’t last the next three minutes.

Chapter 6

Three weekslater

“Sofia, I need your help.”Jake Ryland cornered her in her office and shut the door.

“With what?” She slid her ever-present stack of papers to the side and gave him her full attention.

“It’s your dad.”

Leaning back in her chair, Sofia let out a sharp bark of a laugh. “If you think I’ve got any influence over that man, you’re crazy.”

Jake dropped into the chair across from her desk and handed her his tablet. “This is the sizzle reel.”

Sofia tapped the white triangle and saw their recent construction projects come to life on the screen. Punchy music overlaid the introduction shots of her parents, Frankie, and Enzo. It even showed a clip of her talking with Adrian. Damn, the camera loved him. He looked good enough to eat, and she let her mind wander down that pleasant path a moment.

“Here it comes.” Jake drew her attention back to the opening scene. Her father stood at an angle with the Shahs in his office. Had he tweaked his back again? She’d never seen her father hold himself so still unless he was in pain.

“Hello.” His voice was as flat as paint primer.

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