Page 121 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

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She didn’t move.

Robert let out a deep-throated growl. “Get out.Now. Before I get my gun and plant a silver bullet in the middle of your forehead.”

Frankie shook her head. “You can’t kill me. You need me as bait to get Jace here. He’s my mate. He’ll know if I’m dead.”

He chuckled. “That’s where you’re wrong. You see, as soon as Jace finds the little note I left him, written in some of the delicious blood from that neck of yours, he’ll come here ready for a fight. Your death will only cause him more pain. Why wouldn’t I want that?” He brandished the knife. “The only reason I haven’t killed you yet is so I can kill you and fuck you right in front of him.” He smiled, and the lack of empathy there stilled her.

He wouldn’t just hurt her. He’d enjoy it.

A chill ran down Frankie’s spine. Every animal instinct in her body screamed for her to run, but she couldn’t. She had to listen to him, if not for the sake of her own survival, then for Allyson’s.

“Let my friend out of the cage, too. I’ll get out if she comes with me.”

Robert eyed her for a moment, sizing her up as a potential opponent. “One at a time. Her first.” He nodded to Allyson.

Allyson groaned, her body lying limp in Frankie’s lap. Frankie gripped her shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. “Allyson. Allyson, you have to get up. We have to get out of here.”

Allyson let out another moan and rolled her head to the side. Her eyes flickered open, and she stared at Frankie. “I can’t.”

“You have to. The longer you’re near this iron, the weaker you’ll get.” Frankie placed a hand on her friend’s cheek. “You can do this.”

“This is all very touching, but I suggest you hurry the fuck up.” Robert’s voice rose as his impatience grew.

“Allyson, get up. You can do it. Do it for David.”

Allyson inhaled sharply. Her whole-body language changed, as if she’d found a new resolve. Frankie helped lift her onto her feet. Stumbling, back bent so she didn’t hit her head, Allyson escaped the iron enclosure.

Robert grabbed her by the arm and drew her into his body. He held the knife to her throat, then nodded at Frankie. “Stay,” he commanded, as if she were a dog. He kicked the cage door closed, and the lock snapped shut automatically.

“Hey!” Frankie screamed. She crawled on all fours toward the door, then moved to stand. If she could charge at the lock with all the fury she could muster, maybe she could break it open.

Robert held the knife tighter to Allyson’s throat, but all his focus was on Frankie. “Don’t get up.”

She put her hands up in surrender and sank back down to the floor. “I thought you wanted me to come out?”

“I’ve changed my mind.” Robert’s eyes remained on Frankie even when he leaned his mouth down to Allyson’s ear. “You first.” He backed away, dragging Allyson with him.

“What are you going to do to her?” Frankie yelled. She slammed her fists against the bars. The pounding rattled the inside of her skull.

Robert maneuvered Allyson several feet away, where a pair of shackles hung from the end of a chain that had been haphazardly attached to the ceiling.

“Let her go!” Frankie shouted. She barely recognized the voice as her own from the panic in her tone.

“Lift your arms,” Robert said, positioning Allyson under the contraption. She lifted her arms like the perfect victim, threatened enough by Robert’s knife to listen, but not scared to the point of immobility.

He clamped the wide cuffs around her wrists, and she cringed at their touch.

More iron, Frankie realized.

Shaking the bars of the cage, she tried to think of anything she could do to help her friend. As far as she could tell, she was out of options. It took everything she had in her, but she caved in. She begged. “Don’t hurt her. Please, don’t hurt her. She’s not a part of this. Let her go and kill me instead. Please.”

Robert laughed as he examined the blade of his knife. “Who said I was going to kill her?” He glanced over his shoulder at Frankie, his eyes unpredictable and mad. “We’re going to have some fun first. I’ve had lots of practice. I’ve had women, wolves…but faeries are a new favorite.” He slapped Allyson. “Isn’t that right, my little troll?”

Frankie watched, completely horrified, as Robert stabbed his blade into the soft flesh of Allyson’s stomach.

The tiresofJace’s Chevelle squealed as he sped up to the curb outside his apartment. He barely took the time to throw the car into Park before he bolted from the vehicle. He rushed up the stairs and burst into the apartment, panting and out of breath, but full of adrenaline.

David stood. “J? Man, what are you—”
