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It was just another nail in his coffin when it came to Lady Olivia. He probably wouldn’t have to mention the change in quarters, for the mere sight of him tonight might send her into a frenzy.

Nevertheless, he was impressed by how close the fit was, just as Lady Araminta had guessed.

Tugging down the cuffs of his jacket and ensuring that his freshly shaven jawline was smooth and impeccable, that his longer hair was pulled back in its usual queue with not a strand out of place, he headed down to the parlor.

For war.

Unfortunately, the battle he’d been expecting never took place. In fact, Lady Olivia was nowhere in sight when he entered the room. The only comfort he took from that was that Lady Calliope was also missing.

While he might have feared Olivia would have taken it into her head to try and escape him, he reminded himself that this was her beloved home, and that Calliope would certainly not allow it. He imagined that her sister would be daring enough to attempt something on her own, but she didn’t seem like the type to follow along with another’s plans.

“Your Grace.” Araminta dipped into a slight curtsy and greeted him politely, as did her sister. The earl offered him a friendly nod. He knew that, as far as they were concerned, he was already part of the family.

“I’m sorry that our sister,” Isadora smiled tightly. “Excuse me—bothof our sisters aren’t here to properly greet you.”

“It’s quite all right,” Miles waved a hand in dismissal. “No doubt this is difficult for all of you. This was once your home, and here you are, forced to play the part of the guests when you probably know more about entertaining here than I ever will.”

“Actually, Your Grace,” Araminta countered, her gray eyes kind. “We didn’t hold as many parties here as you might imagine. Our father was generally too distracted by his distraught past to care about holding a ball or soiree. And considering many of the locals referred to him as the ‘Black Widower,’ it did not endear him to do much more than see to our education and to that of the estate.”

Miles inclined his head. “He did a remarkable job of it. It has not taken me long to pick up where he left off when it comes to the ledgers.”

“He was meticulous about accounting for every shilling,” Isadora confirmed with a note of pride in her voice, as well as the sparkle in the gray eyes that were very similar to Lady Araminta. “I assisted him on occasion, as he was not averse to a female, even his daughter, from doing so. I find it shall serve me well in my future endeavors now.”

Miles knew that the Bevelstroke sisters wanted to be remembered as independent women. “Do you have any specific vocations in mind?”

Her lips tilted up slightly in the corners. “I do.”

“Indeed?” Miles was impressed. He was confident that if any of the Bevelstroke women could make it on their own merit, it would be Isadora. Her determination and tenacity were evident in her direct manner. “I wish you the best of luck, but please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of any assistance.”

“Thank you, Your Grace,” she returned. “A lady in business is always in need of allies.”

Miles was about to address the earl when there was a large cacophony out in the hall. “What on earth?” he muttered, as he strode out of the parlor to locate the source of the commotion. The ladies and Lord Somers were right on his heels.

He skidded to a halt by what he saw.

Lady Olivia and her sister, Lady Calliope, were covered with dust and cobwebs from head to toe, to the point that any color was indiscernible by a heavy layer of gray and white that covered them. Behind them, a formally concealed door was hanging open.

But it was the almost childlike laughter that came from both of them that quite captivated Miles. It was the first time he had seen Olivia without any sort of inhibitions.

In this moment, she was completely free.

He swallowed thickly, because he was the one attempting to trap such a lovely creature.

* * *

Olivia wonderedif it was possible for her stomach to burst. It ached so much that she thought she might actually be sick. But it had felt good, nowonderful, to engage in such merriment. It seemed as if she hadn’t laughed in ages, and certainly never to this extent.

“Olivia! Calliope!” Isadora rushed forward with admonition in her voice. “So, this is where you’ve been? Running through these old passageways like a couple of misguided ruffians?”

Calliope giggled. “And having a wonderful time!” She grimaced. “At least, until the last.” She gave a mock shudder and glanced at Olivia, who covered her mouth against another round of laughter.

“I think the point Isa is trying to make,” Araminta walked forward to add diplomatically. “Is that you are grown women and should conduct yourselves as such.”

Calliope rolled her eyes. “Oh, Minty. Don’t be such a bore.”

Araminta ignored her and pinned Olivia with one of her firm looks, the kind that used to make Olivia look at the floor in reprimand. Now it only made her lift her chin higher. “Truly, the corridors were to blame for it all. They have been abandoned for far too long, so we decided we would see if we could recount where they led. Unfortunately, neither one of us considered the fact that there would still be certain… insects that might be living there.”

“Spiders!” Calliope cried. “You know my aversion to them!” She rubbed her arms and shivered.
