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The Earl of Somers followed soon afterward, but his gaze was fixed on Araminta the moment he entered the room. Olivia glanced away as her sister greeted him with a kiss. However chaste it might have been, the intimate exchange they shared was anything but innocent.

They followed the duke’s lead, but when Olivia was considering doing the same, Miss Stillwater breezed into the room, as if she had already taken over the house as its mistress. “Good morning.” Her smile was wide and cheery.

Olivia thought she might be sick, especially when she walked directly over to Miles and placed a familiar hand on his forearm, even going so far as to raise up on her tiptoes and brush his cheek with a kiss.

While she had made the attempt to appear strong earlier, Olivia had her limits and to see the lady fawning all over the duke like this could not be borne.

Olivia was about to turn on her heel to exit the room when the duke’s firm tone made her pause. “Miss Stillwater, if you do not wish to be escorted off the premises at this very moment, then I suggest you keep your hands to yourself and take a tray in your room. You are making the other guests uncomfortable.”

She blinked at him, as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “But, darling—”

“Edgerton.” He didn’t remove his irate focus from the lady, and even though the butler hadn’t been present, he was suddenly at the duke’s side. “Please ensure that Miss Stillwater makes her way to her chamber and that her needs are provided for there.”

It was obvious the lady wasn’t pleased at such treatment, but it wasn’t as though she could counter an order from the duke whose word was law. “Of course, Your Grace,” the butler intoned with a touch of respect in his voice. “If you would be so kind as to follow me, Miss Stillwater.” He started walking and after a bit of a frustrated flounce, she reluctantly trailed after him, but not before she shot Olivia a murderous glance at her departure.

Apparently, they would not be the very best of friends, although it wasn’t as if Olivia really cared in the least. In truth, she hoped the earth would open up and swallow the detestable woman whole.

“Lady Olivia.” She turned to look at the duke. “I believe it is ladies’ first.” He stepped aside, allowing her to go before him.

She told herself it was merely the etiquette of her upbringing that brought her forward to accept his invitation. “Thank you,” she murmured politely.

As she set a spoonful of eggs on her plate, he whispered in her ear, “I would do anything for you, my lady. Make any request and I am your loyal servant.”

She shifted her gaze and stared at him pointedly, but when the retort she’d had on her lips fizzled away, she turned back to the task at hand and muttered, “I do not require anything of you, Your Grace.”

“Are you quite sure?” he murmured against her neck, his breath caressing the fine hairs there and sending shivers trailing down her spine.

She told herself to resist him, but her pulse began to race. “Whether I do or not seems to be irrelevant now that you have Miss Stillwater clamoring for your attentions.”

“Youare still my betrothed,” he returned firmly. “That hasn’t changed. Nothing shall stop me from making you my wife.”

“I’m afraid that you and I will have to disagree on the matter, Your Grace, for I have changed my mind.” She looked at him steadily and revealed the decision she’d made that morning after a night of careful reflection. “In all good conscience, I cannot marry you when there are still so many questions left unanswered. It would not be fair to me—or Miss Stillwater.”

He swallowed hard. “Don’t do this, Olivia. I don’t know what else I can do to prove to you I’m telling the truth.”

She paused. “I don’t believe there is anything more to say. I have made my decision.” She took her plate to the table and sat down between Calliope and Isadora, her actions ensuring that he couldn’t speak to her privately anymore. Her resolve was in danger of cracking around him, and she had to withstand the temptation he presented.

However, the problem was solved when he quit the room.

* * *

Miles hated this.No, more than that. Heloathedthis.

Granted, Miss Stillwater had caused this recent riff between him and Olivia, but it pricked his ire that she continued to imagine the worst of him, that she would be willing to take the word of a complete stranger to a man that she was poised to wed.

He intended to gather evidence of his innocence and lay it all at her feet, but he wondered if even that would placate her at this point.

That left but one other option.

He heard the door to her chamber open and close a short time later. Only when he could be assured they were alone did he move from his position in the corner of the room. She gasped when she spied him, her blue eyes widening slightly. But by the color that started to rise on her face, something told him it wasn’t fully due to fright.

“What are you doing here?”

He set his hands on his hips. “You may think that this is over, but I refuse to accept that.”

Olivia froze, but then she calmly walked farther into the room and sat down near the fireplace and glanced at him expectantly. “Very well. I will listen to what you have to say, Your Grace.”

His earlier frown deepened. “I thought you were comfortable calling me Miles.”
