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She cleared her throat. “That was… before.”

He sighed, and then moved to where she sat. He knelt in front of her and clasped her hands in his, and then he brought them to his chest, directly over his heart. “I vow that there is no other woman butyou. Can you not trust in me enough to work through this issue together?”

Olivia looked at him for a long time, and then she swallowed. “No.” She exhaled heavily and gently removed her hands from his. He could feel her slipping away from him. “I’m sorry, but I just… can’t.” She closed her eyes, as if reaching within herself for strength, and then she regarded him once more. “Do you remember the sapphire ring we found in Papa’s desk?” She didn’t give him time to respond but pushed forward. “It was meant forher—for Miss Stillwater. My own father withheld something of that magnitude from all of us but Isadora, who found out quite by accident and was sworn to secrecy.”

“What are you saying?” he asked softly, but he feared he already knew what she was going to say.

She pressed a fist to her heart. “If I can’t even trust in myfather, a man I knew my entire life, how can I possibly put my faith in someone I’ve known but a few days? You began our acquaintance with untruths wrapped up in good intentions, and I’m sure my father believed he was doing the right thing by not telling us about the marriage contract with Miss Stillwater. What youbothdidn’t seem to understand is that there is where you made a fatal misstep. I cannot abide secrets. My sisters and I have always been open and honest with each other and that is a trait I admire above all else. Even more than love.” She took a deep breath. “I used to think that this house was the only thing that could offer me any sort of consolation, but if I’ve learned anything after coming back here, is that I can only find that within myself. I can’t give that power to anyone—or anything—else.”

She got to her feet and moved over to the window in her chamber and Miles reluctantly allowed her to do so. He slowly rose to his full height and waited for her to speak the words he dreaded to hear, but at the same time, knew were coming.

She clasped her hands before her. “I’m returning to London. Tonight.”

Miles clenched his fists at his sides. He wanted to order her to stay, to rant and rave and demand she marry him, but he realized that wouldn’t be fair. He had asked her to trust him blindly, and if he let her go, then he would be forced to do the same.

But that didn’t mean he didn’t despise every moment. “I won’t stop you, nor will I beg you to stay.” He stared at her intently, and he prayed that his heart would be reflected in his gaze, that everything that was rushing through his veins was visible in his eyes. “But I should warn you that I don’t intend to lose you. I will do everything within my power to keep you by my side, even if I have to suffer in the interim, because you mean that much to me.”

She lifted her chin, and if he wasn’t mistaken, there was a sheen of moisture in her blue gaze. “Then I am compelled to caution you that I do not concede defeat easily.”

He nodded. “I would be quite surprised if you did.”

Since everything had been properly said, he turned and left. He returned to the study where he collapsed in his chair and put his head in his hands.

But this wasn’t the first time he’d been faced with adversity, and he vowed this was a war he would win.

Chapter Twenty

Once Olivia told her sisters that she had cried off from the engagement and that she was planning to return to London, they had all gathered around her in a group hug. Fresh tears were coursing down Olivia’s face, because leaving Miles was one of the most difficult things she’d ever done, other than saying goodbye to her father and putting him in the ground.

However, until things were cleared up with Miss Stillwater, she didn’t see any other solution. Part of her wanted to stay and fight for Miles, but her pride wouldn’t allow her to remain and feel as though she was the interloper, the mistress that had slid in to assume the role that was meant for another.

Araminta grabbed her hand and offered a comforting squeeze. “We will get to the heart of this issue, Livy. I’m going to stay here with Grey and try to see what we can do to help. He believes in the duke, and I’m not fully prepared to give up on him either. I know deep down that you feel the same, that you know he is truly a good man, but I also understand your reasons for going back to London.” She sighed. “It’s just a difficult position to be in right now.”

Olivia swallowed heavily, and she cast her eyes downward to where their hands were clasped together. “I do want to believe in him, Minty. I really do, but… I’m just so confused.”

“Love is often very distressing,” Araminta agreed. “I daresay when the earl was trying to convince me to marry him, although he was quite persistent, I didn’t think his intentions were sincere. Imagine my surprise, and my delight, when I learned the opposite. I feel the same will be true for you and the duke as well. Don’t give up hope.”

Olivia nodded and then released her sister’s grip. Although she hadn’t confided aloud that she loved Miles, there was no denying it. Her emotions were too strong to imagine that it might be anything else.

As a united front, the women descended the stairs a short time later. The Bevelstroke carriage had already been loaded and was ready to depart.

The last thing left to do was say farewell to their host.

Olivia saw Miles standing by the front door, and even though she told herself not to stare, it was difficult to tear her eyes away from him. Her throat tightened when he turned his head and their eyes met. Hers instantly stung with the threat of tears, but she refused to let them fall. The earl was standing beside Miles with a grim look on his face, that brightened when he saw his betrothed. The duchess was standing on the other side of her son and appeared just as grave as the men.

Thankfully, Miss Stillwater was nowhere to be found, but perhaps the duke had made good on his threat that she remain in her room.

The duchess walked forward and offered Olivia a watery smile as she approached. With a heavy sigh, she said, “I shall miss you, my dear, but rest assured, once this mess is all straightened out, I will still be proud to call you daughter.”

The knife that had been plunged into Olivia’s heart abruptly twisted. She found it hard to draw a breath, and merely nodded in return.

She glanced at Lord Somers who gave her a consolatory wink. It made her spirits lift slightly, because she knew that he would do whatever was in his power to assist the duke, because he was also doing it for Araminta, and perhaps even her. She had always liked him from the moment she’d met him in London, as he had done his upmost to put her at ease when she had been frightened and completely out of her depth. She was glad that he would soon be her brother-in-law.

Olivia paused and finally faced Miles, but when she opened her mouth to speak, any further words failed her, because she didn’t know what she could possibly say that hadn’t already been uttered—except, I love you.

And that’s why it was paining her so much to leave. Through it all, her heart was still aching for her to stay.

She turned to go, but he reached out and grabbed her arm. “Olivia…”
