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Chapter Nine

Sebastian clenched his jaw and looked away so he wouldn’t see the horror flash across her face. It was the same every damned time anyone learned of his past. He hated discussing it, because it wasn’t something he yearned to revisit, but since she’d told him about her family, he decided it was only fair that he offer the same courtesy in return.

He took a deep breath and recounted the events as they had been told to him, because either he had been too young to recall them, or he had repressed his own memories. “I was at our estate when we received the news it had happened.” It. Such a simple word for such a terrible event. He tamped down his emotions and continued in an even tone. “My parents were in London enjoying the Season. I was only nine years old, so I wasn’t allowed to join them. I remained at home so that I would continue to be groomed to inherit the viscountcy. Little did I know that would happen sooner rather than later.”

He swallowed, the emotions of that day still present, even if his own recollection of that day was hazy at best. “My parents were expected back home, but instead, my grandfather arrived in their stead. He told me that my mother had been killed by a thief, and when my father tried to intercede, he was also struck down, and then the assailant turned the weapon on himself. It was only years later that I learned the truth. That it hadn’t been someone intent on mischief at all, but my mother’s jealous lover. They got into an altercation that ended the lives of three people.” He looked out over the water, where there was nothing but a wide, open expanse. It helped to loosen the tightness in his chest. “I vowed, then and there, that I wouldn’t put myself in a similar situation. It might be expected of me to marry, but I won’t put that misery on anyone.”

“Surely you can’t believe that such a tragedy would happen again.”

He dared to return his gaze to her face. He was surprised to find that her eyes were clear and focused. She held no condemnation, unlike others who had confronted him about the misdeeds of the past. “Don’t you think there is the possibility that bad experiences can be revisited?”

She paused, as if choosing her words carefully. “My sister, Livy, used to think that she would perish in childbirth just as her mother did. She long refused her attraction toward the Duke of Gravesend for this very reason. However, it didn’t stop her from eventually finding happiness with him. She is already increasing with their first child.”

“I’m glad to hear that it has worked out for them thus far, but what if there are complications with the birth?”

She lifted her chin. “I prefer to think positively.”

“And what of your father?” he countered harshly. “Do you think he continued to do the same when he put another duchess in the ground?”

Sebastian realized he’d gone too far when she jerked as if he’d physically struck her. Her eyes flashed with fire, and she took a menacing step closer to him. “If you want the truth, my lord, I think you’re lashing out at me because you don’t want to face the fact that the reason you are reticent to do your duty, is that you are merely a coward who uses the excuse of his parents’ misfortune as his reasoning.”

He clenched his jaw and took a step toward her. “Is that so?” He spoke softly, but menace laced his tone. “I’m starting to think that perhaps my grandfather was right about you after all. Perhaps you should be committed to Bedlam for your asinine ideals.”

For a moment she looked angry enough to strike out at him, but instead she spat, “I admit one thing. I was foolish enough to believe that we could honor a truce when in fact, I should like nothing more than to be free of you for all eternity!”

“Do you?” He returned in a low growl. “Then I suppose it won’t matter if I did this.”

He grabbed her wrist and drew her against him. Since he was losing this battle anyway, and the crash of the surf against the rocks made an ideal backdrop for a brief tete-a-tete, his mouth descended on hers. He had been aching for a taste of those sweet lips ever since he’d been denied the opportunity the night before. Once his curiosity was satisfied, perhaps she would quit invading his dreams and he could finally be rid of her once and for all.

Calliope tried to tell herself that she would have preferred her memory to recall the brief affections of a brave, village lad when it came to kissing, as opposed to this… onslaught. But it would be a terrible lie. The moment Lord Blakely pulled her against him, her entire core was enveloped by a blazing shot of heat. The force of it made her breath catch, her veins turning to fire beneath her skin.

Was this what it was like to be well and truly loved? If so, it was no wonder her sisters had been so eager to wed.

Then again, what she was experiencing right now had nothing to do with tender words or embraces. This was a battle meant to conquer. He held nothing back. He kissed her as though she was the air that he required to breathe, the water he needed to drink. It wasn’t until his tongue ran along the seam of her lips and slid into her mouth that the war waging between them altered.

Calliope’s knees went weak, and her head spun as passion consumed her. She grasped fistfuls of his jacket as if it were a lifeline that kept her afloat in the midst of this carnal haze. The scent of his clean, woodsy scent taunted, until everything else around her faded away into oblivion. Even the sound of the sea was a distant hum in her ears as Sebastian continued to plunder her senses.

He groaned and the hand he’d placed at the small of her back brought her closer. Her breasts were crushed against the hard wall of his chest, until the only thing separating them was the material of their clothes. She moaned when the urgent press of his manhood pulsed against her belly. She imagined sliding her hand down the length of his ribcage, past the waistband of his trousers, and farther, until she could feel the solid length of him against her palm.

When she felt his hand move upward, she began to tremble. Just a little higher and he would be able to mold her breast in his palm.

But did she want him to touch her?

Yes. The answer was an all-consuming yes.

Just as quickly as it all began, the embrace ended. She stumbled slightly when he turned and moved away from her. She was dazed by the sudden withdrawal, until her ears began to pick up the sounds around her once more. That’s when she heard Mary’s enthusiastic voice calling out her name. Thankfully, she was able to regain her footing, and most of her equilibrium before Miss Anning came into sight with her brother at her side.

Calliope prayed that she didn’t appear as out of sorts as she felt, but they didn’t appear to notice.

“My lady!” Mary was wearing a large smile, the likes of which Calliope had seldom witnessed until now. “You’ll never guess what we discovered!”

“Don’t be so modest.” Her brother interjected with an equally satisfied grin. “As usual, it’s your keen eye that uncovers the impossible.”

Mary rolled her eyes but held out an object to Calliope that she’d been holding. “Look at this!”

Calliope saw the viscount walk over to the shoreline out of the corner of her eye, but she didn’t dare look his direction, lest her cheeks warm and she gave everything away. She was feeling terribly harried, although when she spied what Mary was holding, her lungs seized for another reason entirely.

Her entire focus shifted to the object Mary held. “What is it?” she breathed in amazement.
