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Chapter Twenty-Four

Sebastian collided with Calliope. He stumbled when she flung herself at him, but he quickly steadied himself because he was determined he wouldn’t let her go again. He kissed her soundly on the lips whether she wanted him to or not. He couldn’t resist. But then, he’d never been able to hold back when it came to her.

The moment he’d spied the lone figure at the end of the Cobb, he’d known it was her. Worried that something might befall her, he’d taken off in pursuit. Only when he saw her brilliant hair flowing out behind her like a flag of surrender, did he realize that she was running toward him.

He quickly increased his pace to close the distance and when he had her in his arms, he closed his eyes in relief. Nothing had ever been so right as holding her against him again. The feel of her soft curves was a balm to his injured soul.

“I’m so sorry for everything,” she choked out when they parted temporarily, just long enough to look deep into each other’s eyes.

He held her face in his hands and searched her beautiful face. “Whatever it is, you’re forgiven.”

She smiled and it was as if the sun returned to fill him with its brilliant rays.

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her knuckles. “I want to be alone with you. Will you say yes?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly.

He kept her hand in his. Keeping her firmly at his side, he led the way back to the village. “I’ve let a house here temporarily, rather than take rooms at the hotel.” His gaze shifted back to her. “I’m glad that I had the foresight to do so now.”

Her gaze softened and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. He couldn’t wait to slowly peel off every layer of her clothing and lay her down on an actual bed. Each time they had made love before, it had been in the water. While he wasn’t complaining, it would be nice to hold her in his arms all night long, instead of having to worry that she might catch a chill.

He saw salvation just ahead and he had to fight to keep from increasing his pace. However, as they walked up to the front door of the modest cottage, he reluctantly paused when he heard Mrs. Anning calling his name. He’d been hoping for no interruptions, but he supposed it was best that it happened now, as opposed to later.

He turned to see her rushing over to them. He prayed her grim expression had something to do with the repairs they’d been making in town, but something told him it didn’t, for alarms went off all through his head.

“Thank goodness I found you!” she said breathlessly. She laid an urgent hand on his arm.

He glanced at Calliope, who wore a concerned frown. “What’s the problem, Molly?” he asked.

She handed him a sealed missive. “This just arrived for you by special messenger from London earlier this evening. I was afraid it was grave news, so I wanted to ensure it reached you as soon as possible.”

Sebastian swallowed hard. “Thank you.” He stared at the seal for a moment, and then dared to break it. He wasn’t surprised to see that the letter was from his grandfather’s butler, as he would be the only one who might write to him there.

He read the few lines that were scribbled down, and then slowly lifted his gaze. “It appears that the marquess has suffered an apoplexy. The doctors aren’t sure that he will survive. I am urged to return to London immediately.”

Silence reigned for a time after Sebastian’s announcement, and then Mrs. Anning made the sign of the cross. “Dear Heavens. You must leave at once, my lord.”

Calliope gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll return with you.”

He looked at her. “Are you certain? I wouldn’t blame you if you decided to stay. I know my grandfather hasn’t been a proper gentleman toward you.”

“I want to be there for you.” She gazed at him steadily. “We can take my carriage.”

He nodded. “Very well.” He pulled her close. “Thank you,” he whispered in her hair, and then he turned back to Mrs. Anning. He withdrew a few shillings and handed them to her. “For the care and feeding of my horse while I’m gone.”

She reluctantly took the coins. “I’ll be praying for you all.”

It didn’t take long before Sebastian and Calliope had gathered their things and began the long journey back to London. They stopped only long enough to change horses and take a quick meal for the road at the local pubs.

Calliope sat curled up next to Sebastian most of the time, but she worried about him. Most of the time silence was their main companion as he stared out the window with a pensive look on his face. No doubt he could be thinking of how he wished he’d been able to make amends with his grandfather, when now, he might not have the opportunity to do so.

She wasn’t sure what would happen when they reached London, but she vowed she would stay by his side, no matter what happened. They would get through this together.

Normally, it would take a day and a half to cover so much ground, but they reached London late the next evening. As Sebastian knocked at his grandfather’s townhouse, it didn’t take long for the butler to answer, proof that they were carefully watching over their master’s condition. Calliope feared it was very grave, indeed.

“The marquess will be relieved to see you, my lord.”

“How is he?” Sebastian asked. The butler hesitated as he glanced at her, but Sebastian said firmly, “Lady Calliope is a close personal friend of the family. You may speak freely in front of her.”
