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Three weeks later

“That was a beautiful ceremony, Callie!”

Calliope’s eyes were still threatening tears as she hugged her younger sister, Olivia, in the middle of St. Paul’s Cathedral. With her husband, the Duke of Gravesend, by her side, Livy’s green eyes were sparkling with happiness. If Calliope didn’t know better, she would swear that there was a particular glow around the duchess. But then, she supposed being with child was a clear indication of that. She knew her sister was nervous about the upcoming birth, considering it was how Livy’s mother had died, and even though she wasn’t showing yet, she wouldn’t be alone when her lying in arrived. Calliope, Minty, and Isa had already made a promise to each other that they would be present for the baby’s birth, no matter their circumstances at the time.

With Minty happily settled as well, it was evident that Isadora was the only one who had an uncertain future ahead of her. While Calliope had heard no plans of her eldest sister leaving England, Isa was intelligent enough to do whatever she wanted. Not only that, but she was truly the most independent of them all. She hadn’t allowed love to distract her from a sharp business acumen in all her eight and twenty years. Calliope knew that great things were in store for the eldest Bevelstroke sister.

When Sebastian put his arm around Calliope, she was brought back to the present. She turned her face upward and accepted his kiss, in full view of all of their wedding guests. Giving her an unabashed grin, he bent down and murmured into her ear, “Tonight is going to be memorable, indeed, my dear.”

Her lips quirked. “You’ve said that quite often over the past three weeks whenever we’ve managed to find more than five minutes alone, my lord.”

“Is it so wrong to try to surpass each illicit time we’re together?” he muttered. “Tonight, however, we shall not be disturbed and I’m feeling rather invigorated.”

She snorted, even if her blood did run hot at the image of them entwined without a stitch of clothing on. “Wicked doesn’t even begin to describe your lewd nature.”

“Odd’s fish.” He glanced at her as if affronted. “I fear you shall become a terrible shrew in the next few years.”

She reached up and twirled a copper strand around her finger. “You should have been taught never to trust a lady with red hair.”

He groaned. “I’m doomed.” He lifted her hand to his lips, and through the teasing, he glanced at her with dark promise. “I shall need some advice on being a proper husband if I am to survive this union. Please excuse my absence.”

As he wandered over to talk to Grey, Calliope rolled her eyes. However, she wasn’t alone for long, as Minty accosted her with a wide smile, her gray eyes sparkling, and her brown hair pulled up into a lovely chignon. However, Callie knew it was the attentions of her husband that truly lit her up from within, because it was how she felt around Sebastian.

“I knew you and the viscount would come to an understanding at some point,” she said knowingly, and Callie smiled. Minty was still the mother figure of the Bevelstroke sisters, but she doubted that would ever change. To be honest, Calliope didn’t want it to. “I could tell that he was enamored with you that night at the opera. He could barely drag his eyes away from you. I’m thrilled that it all worked out.”

Calliope thought about when he’d appeared at Lyme Regis. “I wasn’t sure it would. But I suppose fate had other plans.”

“It often does,” Araminta replied with a wistful note to her voice.

As Livy returned and began chatting with Minty, Calliope glanced around for Isadora. As their gazes met, she strolled forward and joined them as well.

In an aside to Isa, Calliope said, “I hope you don’t think that I’m abandoning you.”

“Not at all,” Isa smiled gently. As usual, she was calm and collected. Not a single hair or jewel out of place on her person. “Actually, when you returned from Lyme Regis the second time, I had intended to speak to you, but then things were quite hectic with Lord Blakely and the upcoming wedding that I didn’t want to burden your happiness.”

Calliope squeezed her hand. “You could never do that, Isa.”

“Nevertheless.” Isa lifted a dark brow. “I thought you should like to know that I am going to be checking into some of Lord Somers’ interests in Newcastle concerning the rail line, and then I think I shall remove to Broxbourne for a time.”

“You’re going to Father’s hunting box?”

“Briefly, yes.” Isa clasped her hands together. “I never did enjoy the excitement of town, but I knew it was the place to engineer the best prospects. Now that many of those partnerships have been formed, I shall allow myself to broaden those unions even further.”

Calliope nodded, and her eyes filled with tears. “I wish you all the best, Isa.”

“You’re speaking as though I’m never coming back.”

“No, it’s not that.” She wiped away a single tear that escaped. “It’s just that everything has changed so quickly, that it’s difficult to picture my life without you and Minty and Livy in it every day.”

“I daresay you should be rejoicing,” Isa returned dryly. “Or do you not remember how we all used to quarrel at times?”

Calliope laughed. “I do.”

Isa reached out and embraced her. “We will all be together soon. Don’t you fret. Just enjoy your new life with your husband. He’s a good man.” She tilted her head to the side. “I wasn’t sure at first, but he has grown on me.”

“Thank you, Isa.”
