Page 18 of Captured

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I’m surrounded by light. Glorious, brilliant sunshine pours through the walls, two of which are entirely made from glass and held up by what looks like elegant black metal trees. The ceiling soars above us and is also made of glass so that it feels as though we are standing outside. Round Swedish design beechwood tables fill the space with matching chairs, and along the right hand side are counters filled with food to go, reminiscent of Harrods food hall in London.

“You coming, Pretty Girl?” Loki’s increasingly familiar drawl comes from ahead.

I emerge from my daze to see his eyes full of amusement, causing my own to narrow back at him.


We head to join the other guys at a table, my eyebrows lowering to see it’s occupied by them and no one else.

“Where are, like, your cronies, minions, or probably in Asher’s case, slaves?” I ask, puzzled by the lack of hangers-on. “Aren’t you guys like...popular?”

I hear a low, rumbling growl that could also be a chuckle come from Jax as Ash’s eyes narrow and he glares at me from across the table. He doesn’t even bother with a reply, just gives me a once over, no doubt noticing my disheveled appearance. A slight twitch in his cheek appears briefly, then he goes back to looking down at his phone.

Of course, Loki crows with laughter and is the one to reply, pulling me onto a seat next to him.

“We are popular, Pretty Girl. I mean, of course we are. Just look at us,” he preens, getting a napkin thrown at him by Kai.“But we don’t wanna be surrounded by ass kissers, we’ve got the rest of our lives for that,” he sighs, his eyes dulling.

Then his face brightens, a mischievous grin on his lips. “And Ash keeps his slaves in the dungeon, only letting them out after dark, or when he wants to do terrible things to them.”

The man in question snaps his head up, and his eyes turn to slits, swimming with danger. I should be afraid of that look, but all it does is start a burn between my thighs, and cause my nipples to tighten under my bra.

Damn, get it under control, Lilly!

Before Ash can do or say anything else, I shit you not, a waiter dressed in a black tailcoat comes to the table to take our orders.

Where am I?

I look round but can’t see a menu, then hear a sigh from my left as Loki leans in.

“The day’s menu is on your iPad, Pretty Girl,” he says, tickling my ear with his breath and causing a shiver to cascade down my body.

“Oh,” I reply in a breathy tone, my hand coming to my throat as my cheeks grow hot. Of course, Loki smirks, but I can see Kai, who's on my right, start to flush pink.

“Ummm…” I begin as I fumble in my bag trying to find my iPad.

“For fuck’s sake!” Ash snaps from across the table, making my head jerk up and my lips press into a white slash. “She’ll have what I’m having, Gerald,'' he continues, not even looking at me, and I flood with embarrassed outrage, my hands curling into fists. I’m also a little surprised that he actually knows the waiter’s name. I thought rich pricks didn’t bother with details like that.

Before I can tell Gerald that I don’t eat the same as fucktrumpets, he’s rushed off in a flurry of tails. I look back to Ash, who has a single jet black brow raised, cold eyes boring into mine, waiting to see what I’ll do next.

Your time will come, thundercunt.

I ignore him, crossing my arms and turning to Kai. “How was your morning?”

Poor guy blushes berry red and stutters out, “F–f–fine, thank you,” then buries his head back into his iPad.

I sigh, glancing round the room and catching the eye of The Cumdumpster, aka Amber, sitting at another table. Her eyes narrow—I seem to be inciting that reaction in a few people recently—then they flit to Loki.

I turn to him, with a devilish smirk on my face, and lean in close, my breasts brushing his arm. He smells like vanilla and days spent naked by a fire, and it’s no hardship to lick the outside of his ear, sucking his earlobe into my mouth and gently tugging on it with my teeth. He abruptly stops his conversation with Jax, and from the corner of my eye, I can see his hands clench as they rest on the table, his knuckles turning white.

My gaze flits back up to Amber’s, noticing with a warmth that spreads through my body, that her face is reddening more by the second, and her teeth are bared in a snarl.

That’s right. Mine, bitch. I’ll hump his leg if I have to stake my claim!

Without moving, Loki whispers, “If you keep doing that, Pretty Girl, I’ll have to bend you over this table and fuck you so hard in front of everyone that you’ll walk like a cowgirl for days.”

His words distract me from my petty revenge, and I gasp at the thought of being watched, my thighs clenching and breath quickening.

“Ah,” he smirks, noticing the movement. “I see you like the idea of an audience.” His shit-eating grin is now positively sinful. He leans in closer, lips brushing my ear and sending delicious tingles racing across my jaw. “I’m sure we can convince one of the others to join us, if you like?”
