Page 19 of Captured

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I can’t stop the small involuntary moan that escapes, causing three more sets of jewelled eyes to swing my way.

“Who would you like most, I wonder?” Loki continues in his deep, delicious voice, “Jax and meat?” He gives a husky chuckle at that which does naughty things to my lady parts. “Or maybe Kai and Although, fair warning, he's much less sweet in the bedroom than you’ve seen so far,” he teases. “Or perhaps Ash and his penchant for ropes?”

My whole body goes white hot as I take in a sharp breath, imagining being at Ash’s mercy, tied down and vulnerable.

As if he heard his name, or my dirty thoughts, the tosser in question looks up at me and holds my gaze in his cutting one, his brows a downward slash.

“Seems like Pretty Girl here likes the idea of being all tied up,” Loki drawls, loudly enough for the grey eyed prick to hear. Molten heat flashes in Ash’s eyes, liquefying them into swirling pools of slate and freezing me completely.

“Looks like Ash likes the idea of tying you up in knots too, Pretty Girl,” Loki snickers playfully, his tone heated.

“Loki, enough!” Ash snarls, practically gnashing his teeth, just as Gerald comes back with our lunch, breaking the thick sexual tension in the air that I'm almost drowning in.

Loki chuckles evilly, and at the same time gives Ash a virtuous look, palms pressed together, as if to say ‘what?’How he manages to be evil and innocent at the same time is one of life's great mysteries, I'm sure. Must have been that fall from heaven.

Gerald sets down the plates before us, and I immediately notice this is no ordinary school canteen food. On my plate—and Ash’s—sits a slab of beautifully slow cooked beef, alongside some creamy mash potato. There is a side of blanched buttery carrots and green beans. It smells divine, and I look up to find Ash with a smug arsewipe smile on his face, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed.

Being the mature person that I am, I stick my tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes, although there’s definitely a hint of a tilt to his lips. Then he focuses on his own plate and starts meticulously eating so that not a drop of gravy spills on his still pristine suit.

I look over to see not one, but two plates in front of Jax, piled high with what looks like a very fancy chicken kebab. I guess big guys have big appetites. Kai seems to have some kind of stir fry noodle dish, and Loki has gone for a gourmet burger and chunky chips, or, as they're called here, fries. Of course, I reach over and grab one, I mean, chips are life! He lets me with an indulgent smile on his biteable, plump lips.Good man.

I turn back to my plate of deliciousness, unfortunately catching Amber’s gaze along the way. She's still livid. Like I can almost see steam coming out of her ears, she's so angry. Serves her right, the jizzmuffin. I ignore her, having already wasted enough of my time on that bitch, and pile my fork with a little beef and mash, bringing it to my mouth and moaning out loud as it hits my tongue.

“Oh my god! This is...amazing!” I groan, eating more and not at all delicately. I look up to discover all four guys have paused, and are staring intently at my mouth with looks I can't decipher in each jewel-like gaze.

“What?” I ask, panicking slightly as none of them are even fucking moving.

Loki leans in, lips so close his breath tickles my ear, sending another pleasurable shiver across my body.

“Pretty Girl...those noises... Every guy at this table, hell, in this room, is imagining you making them while we're buried deep inside you,” he growls huskily, voice filled with heat and causing an answering warmth to build between my legs.

I'm going to die if this keeps up. My gravestone shall read; ‘Here lies Lilly Darling. Died from horniness.’

I look down at my plate, toying with my food, thinking about what he just said.

“It’s bad manners to play with your food, Princess,” Ash barks, making me jump and my fork clatter on the china.

“S–s–sorry,” I whisper, face aflame and looking down again.

I hear the sound of cutlery as the guys resume eating when I feel a warm palm land on my thigh. Loki's vanilla scent wraps round me as he once more leans in.

“Don't worry, Darling. It's one for the spank bank,” he sniggers, drawing a smile from my lips, which I bite down on. Then a bread roll hits him in the chest, making him laugh harder and wink at me.

Fucking cuntbandit.

Chapter Seven


As Highgate Prep royalty, it's traditional for us to hold a party in the woods that surround the campus on the first Friday night of the new semester. It's been like that since my father's days, and far be it for us to renege on our duties.

God, I hate that fucking word,duties.My mouth fills with bile at the mere thought of it. I've done so much in the name of duty. If they were to carve me open, they would find it stamped across my blackened heart.

It's still warm in the evenings, although once the sun goes down, there'll be a chill in the air, so I make sure to keep my suit jacket on. Not that I'm often seen without it. Can't disappoint daddy dearest by looking like a mess. I know the guys rib me about it, wearing suits like I'm an old man, but it does lend a certain stay-the-fuck-away-from-me air.

As dusk approaches, Jax, Kai, and I head out of the Academy’s back doors towards the forest. It really is beautiful at this time of year, the evening birdsong accompanying the faint music that’s playing. Loki is behind us, his arm wrapped around Lilly like a possessive asshole. I don't know why he doesn't just piss on her and mark his territory properly.

My heart fucking leaped in my chest earlier when she came out of his room, proving the organ is not as dead as I would like. She is wearing a striking mini dress, in kaleidoscope colors that make me think I’m tripping on LSD, and hurt my damn brain. The dress skims her delicious curves and ends just under her pert ass.
