Page 30 of Captured

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“I’m gonna go with a hard no on that one. Thanks, but no thanks,” I deadpan as I turn to walk away. His grip becomes bruising, enough to cause a sharp intake of breath to escape me, which only makes him tighten it more, his eyes sparkling with a hint of lust and excitement.

“I thought we could go this way,” he guides us down the hall, still oozing boy next door charm, if one could be a boy next door type with a malicious glint in his eyes.What a straight up cunt.

He gives me the shivers, but not the good kind. He starts dragging me down the corridor when I begin to resist in earnest, trying to pull my arm out of his bruising grip.

“Get your fucking slimy hands off me!” I shout, my heart pounding as I try twisting in his grip.

All of a sudden, I hear a rumbling growl behind me, my body sagging in relief at the same time that my nipples harden.

Firstly, what the fuck kinda reaction is that? We should be shitting ourselves. Secondly, give me a break, nips! You girls have been like a fucking standing ovation since we came here.

Robert pauses to look behind him, the colour draining from his face and leaving him paler than a corpse. One second I’m looking into his white pasty complexion, the next a sharp pain stings my arm, and Robert the fuckface is no longer holding onto me. He’s been ripped off and is literally being pinned by his neck to the wall by a hulking Norse god who's vibrating with rage.

Robert's face is no longer as pale as Casper’s, in fact, it's slowly turning purple. His eyes are bugging out in the most unattractive way, like a frog that's being squeezed.

“You ever touch her, or fucking look at her again, ” Jax snarls, teeth bared. His voice is like dark shadows, full of warning as if he's a beast about to rip this guy's throat out with his teeth. “I will tear your fucking balls off with my bare fucking hands.”

Called it.

An acrid smell fills the air as Robert, like the pathetic wanker that he is, pisses himself.Ewww.Jax gives him a small shake then lets him go, leaving him a gasping heap on the floor, covered in his own urine.Fucking disgusting.

“Get the fuck out of here,” Jax sneers in that delicious growl, and Fucktard—he doesn’t deserve his own name—struggles to his feet and stumbles down the corridor.

“Jax?” I whisper, his back towards me. His whole body is shaking, his fists are tightly clenched, and his breathing is laboured.

“Jax?” I say again softly, approaching him like I would a wounded wild animal. I give him some space, walking round his side. I’m cautious, but my compass must be screwed because suddenly, my core is aching with need even as my heart races with more than a little fear.

“Jax, hey, I’m okay,” I assure him, feeling so protected when I’m in his presence, like nothing will ever hurt me again. I know in my very bones that he'll never harm me. That I'm safe. Which is batshit crazy as I barely know the guy. I should be terrified of his barely controlled rage, but I'm just...not.

I finally reach him, coming round to that beautiful broad chest of his. His eyes are now closed, his nostrils flared with the effort of his breaths. He looks like he's about to explode, danger and barely suppressed violence rolling off him in intoxicating waves.

Hesitating for a beat, I take a deep breath and step closer until I’m surrounded by his wonderful citrus musk—ah, he’s the lemon body wash—and my hand makes contact with his impossibly hard pec, which is burning with his body heat. I can feel the beat of his heart through his tank top, pounding so hard and fast that I'm amazed it's still trapped inside his chest.

“Don’t touch me yet,” he says roughly, my hand immediately stilling. “I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice is like velvet covered boulders sliding across my skin.

“I trust you, Jax. You won't force me to do anything I don’t already want with you,” I whisper, surprised at how quickly my fear has given way to lust.

His eyes snap open, the blue piercing like icicles, slicing straight through me, and I gasp.

“Baby Girl…” he starts through clenched teeth, his jaw so tight his short beard bristles. “I don’t have the control…”

His words have the opposite effect on me, and rather than scare me, they make my thighs clench tighter and my heart pound. My fingers tingle and I’m left feeling breathless, the want I can see in his gaze setting my nerves on fire. I need the risk he poses. I’m like the rabbit that needs the chase to feel alive.

“So lose control,” I breathe, my fist bunching in his tank, my mouth a hair's breadth away from his.

There's a shift in his eyes as the blue sharpens to a razor point, and he takes in a mammoth breath, his chest getting even bigger.

Suddenly, he picks me up, one burning hot hand under each thigh and a squeal leaves my throat. He hoists me in his strong arms like I weigh nothing, pulling me flush against his rock hard body, and I nuzzle my face into his neck, breathing him in. I can feel his heat seeping through my lace knickers, my core burning with the contact, and I’m dripping with aching need and gasping. His hands are tight enough to bruise, and I revel in the edge of pain, wrapping my arms round his thick neck even tighter.

I have a flash of uncertainty.I thought this kind of thing, being with more than one guy, only happened in my reverse harem novels? I've spent the week in Loki's bed, in Loki's arms. Will he be okay with this? He did say he didn’t mind sharing...

We get to our dorm, and Jax unlocks the door one handed, carrying me inside and ignoring the other guys who are sitting on the sofas. I see their faces, Kai’s blush—he is just too cute—and Ash’s narrowed gaze and compressed lips. I flip him off, smiling sweetly.

My eyes alight on Loki's emerald ones, and I bite my lower lip nervously until I notice that he's smirking.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Loki calls as we reach the bottom of the stairs, giving me a saucy wink.

Huh, so I guess he is okay with this then.
