Page 38 of Captured

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“That's beautiful, Kai. Who wrote it?” she asks, a touch of something in her voice that I can't puzzle out.

“It's calledColoradoby David Mason. I can't remember the rest of it, but I always used to think of those lines when seeing the mountains around here,” I tell her, noting the wistful tone of my voice.

Gone are the days when poetry was important to me.

“And now?” she asks softly. “Now, what do you think?”

A feeling of being trapped, of being all alone, isolated, and terrified sweeps through me with such force my breath catches and my heart pounds hard. And then to my surprise, it's followed by a slight softening, like sunlight filtering through a cave showing a way out.

“I think I'm beginning to see their beauty again,” I respond, and I can feel the flush on my cheeks. It's one thing we have in common, Lilly and I, blushing like schoolgirls.

The rest of the journey is silent, but not uncomfortable. It's the quiet of longtime friends who are comfortable in each other's company. I prefer it over lots of people and loud noises, liking my own company better, or hanging out with the guys. Although, I can see the benefits of hanging out with a certain hazel eyed brunette too.

As we pull onto Main Street, I can't help but see it through her eyes afresh. The wide boulevard with its nineteenth century buildings, all leading to a backdrop of the majestic mountains that make this area so popular with the powder chasers come winter. An idea springs to mind, and for once, I don't overthink it.

“Do you like hiking?” I ask her, pulling into the parking space in front of one of the many boutiques the small town has to offer the fashion addicts of Highgate Prep.

“I used to love walking in Hampstead Heath?” she tells me, a little unsure and ending it like a question.

“Great.” And a smile takes over my face as I begin to plan. “Would you like to come for a hike next Sunday? With me? We could explore the forest around Highgate, and there's a pretty awesome lake about five miles away where we could stop for a picnic. You know, if you'd want to?” I ask, uncertainty in my tone. I mean, would she want to spend time with me? Especially as she clearly already has Loki and Jax, and I doubt Ash will hold out for much longer. Not with the way he looks at her.

“I'd love that!” she beams, and as I look into those stunning eyes of hers, I swear she eclipses the sun outside the car window.

“Great. It's a date,” I say, smiling back and feeling that fucking blush return to my cheeks.

Real cool, asshole.

Chapter Thirteen


Kai and I spent a wonderful afternoon wandering about town and looking at what the high-end shops had to offer. He didn't mind window shopping at all and was a great companion, happy to talk about anything and everything. He shied away from talking about his childhood, but then so did I, so we mainly stuck to Highgate Prep. He filled me in on all the gossip, which I must say is hilarious. When I questioned him about how he knew so much, he just shrugged and told me, a little cryptically, that he keeps an ear out for these things.

We stopped for tea in this beautiful, authentic British tea room run by an Englishwoman, named Sally. I got to enjoy a proper cup of fragrant Earl Gray tea with a slice of buttery Victoria Sponge cake, which made me tear up a little with a pang of longing for home. Although, I don't miss it quite as much as I thought I might, and that surprises me. I suppose given what happened...nope! Still not going there! Not today, Satan!I know it’s cowardly of me to not face what happened, but I just can’t. I’m not sure that I’ll ever be able to.

After tea, we went to the supermarket to pick up a few bits and pieces for dinner. Kai explained that he usually orders shopping online and gets it delivered to the dorm, but had forgotten a few key ingredients for tonight's meal. I do love how excited he gets about cooking for us all, and he really does take great joy in feeding people. Perhaps I'll make something for him one day, a typical English roast dinner. Or maybe I’ll see if he'd like to cook it together?

We head back to campus as it's getting dark, the sun setting behind those breathtaking mountains with the stunning image reflected in my wing mirror. I feel so at peace here, like there's a calming breeze constantly playing over my skin. This place, it's something else.

I feel at ease for the first time since Mum died, like I can finally breathe and live again. I don't know whether it's the guys or the setting, maybe both? Mum was always a great believer in following gut instincts, and mine is telling me that here is where I'm meant to be. At least, for now.

As I open the door to our dorm, I hear the beautiful voice of Joseph Vincent singingMine,and I come to a complete standstill, stalling just inside. Kai knocks into me, grabbing my arms from behind to help steady me, but I hardly notice when I see the sight before me.

I lock eyes with Loki who's lounging on the sofa looking entirely too pleased with himself, like a smug cat. No, a tiger. He's much too primal and dangerous for a mere moggy. He slowly licks his full bottom lip then captures it between his teeth, making my heart stutter, my breath catch on a sharp inhale, and my core ache fiercely. Kai’s fingers tighten on my biceps, which just seems to fuel my lust and I feel my knickers getting damper by the second.

Loki looks decadent, lounging there, arms thrown along the back of the sofa and one leg up over the arm. An angel waiting to be worshipped. Or a devil waiting for his sacrifice.

He's wearing a navy blue dress shirt unbuttoned and open, displaying his delicious torso, covered in all that beautiful ink. His jeans are slung so low on his hips, I can see his happy trail, which is auburn like his hair.

Fuck me.

I can't even form a coherent thought as that song plays with him looking like he’s seconds away from the best orgasm of his life, devouring me with that emerald gaze of his. There's a banked heat in his eyes, and I know I'm not the only one remembering him fucking me senseless whilst he sang this very song to me.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Curling up, he stalks over to us, not taking his predatory gaze off mine, and when he reaches me, we are so close my hardened nipples brush his bare chest. I gasp quietly at the contact, and hear a low growl from behind me, which Loki raises a perfect red brow at. A mischievous smirk crosses his lips as Kai pulls me closer, my back now flush with his front. Having them both caging me in is destroying what little sanity I had left, and I’m so close to the edge I could tumble off with the slightest nudge.

“You've a little drool there,” he teases, chuckling as he uses the pad of his thumb, wiping at the corner of my mouth.

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