Page 47 of Captured

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“Me too, gorgeous,” he commands. “I am your official date after all,” he teases like the arsehole that he is. I roll my eyes at him, although I'm stupidly pleased that he too wants me to mark him.

Letting go of Jax’s arm, I sashay over to him, wiggling my arse a little for Jax's benefit. Like with Jax, I place my hands on Loki's bare chest. He's so hot under my palms, it’s like his blood is molten lava. I lean in and place a kiss on his neck too.

“There. Happy?” I ask as I step back, needing a little room to gather my thoughts. Being close to these boys is like coming into earth's orbit, and being pulled down by an invisible force.

“Very,” he drawls back. “Shall we?” he asks as he holds his arm out for me to take. I swear I hear Jax growl behind me, Loki's grin getting wider. It's then that I notice Kai is absent.

“Where's Kai?” I query, looking round.

“Parties aren't really his thing,” Loki tells me, leading us out of the door. “Unless it’s the first one of the year, which we all have to attend, or he's forced. Otherwise, he usually just stays home,” he continues as we head down the hall.

“Oh,” I say, my brow furrowed. “Why would he be forced?” I ask, a little confused.

“Oh, you know, family shit. Being rich as kings is not all fun and games, Pretty Girl,” Loki replies as we head down the main staircase. He has a resigned irony in his tone that makes me glance his way, and I don’t miss the look of unhappiness that sits on his face.

I want to ask more, but we reach the doors and I hear the low rumbling purr of a car engine. Looking up, I see a cherry red car sitting on the drive, its engine running. A young guy in a smart navy blue uniform comes towards us, looking me up and down with a gleam of appreciation in his gaze.

Creep.As he holds the keys out to Loki, Jax's hand darts out and grabs his, squeezing, and I swear I hear a pop. The guy’s eyes widen in pain and he squeaks, his gaze darting from me to Jax, who's now at my side.

“Look at her again, and your hand will be the least of your fucking worries,” Jax rumbles darkly, sending shivers of desire swirling through me, along with a touch of fear.

“S–s–sorry,” The guy stammers out, voice high and definitely in pain.

“Jax,” I say under my breath, reaching out and grasping his arm. He doesn't immediately let go, eyes still locked on the boy who's probably shitting himself.

Not that he doesn’t deserve being a little scared, he did ogle me after all and why the fuck should women have to put up with that every time we dress up?

“Jax,” I say again, more firmly this time. He takes another moment, then releases the dickhead’s hand, snatching the keys out of it.

“Now, fuck off,” he growls out, sending the valet scurrying away into the darkness.

“Was that really necessary?” I ask, turning to him, hands on my hips.

“I didn't like the way he was looking at you,” Jax grumbles back, looking a little sheepish now that he's getting told off. Violence still wafts off him like an expensive perfume, and I can’t say that it doesn’t get me a little hot.Fuck, what have these guys done to me?

“I'm with the big guy on this one, Pretty Girl,” Loki pipes in. “He saw you were with us and still decided to test it, so he deserved what Jax gave him. More if you ask me.” Jax snarls at him.

I look at Loki with a ‘can you stop fucking baiting Jax' look, which I know he understands, yet chooses to ignore when he walks over to the car instead.

I roll my eyes, grab Jax's arm, and pull him with me.

“I'll drive,” Jax mumbles, Loki pumps his fist in the air with a whoop. “As long as Baby Girl sits up front,” Jax finishes with a slight tilt to his lips.

“Ugh! Fine, asshole,” Loki relents, opening the door, and pulling the tan leather seat back to get in.

“Alright with you, Baby Girl?” Jax turns to me, an unsure look in those beautiful, piercing blue eyes of his. You'd think the colour would be cold, but it's not. Instead, it's scorching hot, like the deepest part of a flame. Always banked and ready to flare into an inferno.

I come to when I hear him clear his throat, realising that I got lost in the depths of his gorgeous eyes.

“Uh...what did you say?”

He chuckles at me, stepping closer until my back hits the car as he presses me up against the rear passenger window. He's so close that I can see the pulse beating in his thick neck, the front of our bodies pressed so tightly together, I can feel his hardening cock pushing up against me.

“I asked if riding up front with me was okay with you?” he asks gruffly, his voice sending a cascade of shivers down my spine, making my core tingle.

“Yes,” I whisper, trying and failing not to get lost in those blue eyes again. I'm surrounded by his warm lemon scent until it's all I can taste. I feel lightheaded, and my breathing is so shallow, it's a wonder I don't pass out.

He reaches out a finger, trailing it down the side of my face, using it to tilt my chin up, his eyes focused on my red lips. Leaning in, he surprises me by bypassing my lips and placing his own warm ones on my neck. At the same time, his knee comes between my legs, his huge thigh pressing up into my suddenly aching pussy, with a delicious pressure that has me grinding down.
