Page 91 of Captured

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Once I'm outside in the crisp night air, I place my earbuds in, selectingSuffocateby Nathan Wagner to play. It suits my dark mood.

I fucked up.

We all did, but I messed up the worst. I'm meant to protect them, and along the way, Lilly became part of those included on that list. But I let her down. I wasn't there when It mattered, and it feels like a fucking knife has gone through my gut, cutting my insides to shreds.

Like my father, I'm the leader, the alpha, the top dog. But unlike that cunt, I actually give a shit about the people under my care. Those guys, and now it seems Lilly, are like family to me. More so because I fucking chose them, over a father who's an evil son of a bitch, and a mother too doped up on tranquillizers to notice a fucking thing.

The song plays on, reminding me how badly I messed up.

My mind flashes back to when she burst through the door, broken, bleeding, and terrified. My hands clench at the thought of that cumstain laying his hands on her. Trying to take something that doesn't fucking belong to him.

A menacing growl escapes my lips when I think of how close he came.

How dare he even look in her direction! Let alone touch her. White hot rage feels me up until every atom of my being is burning with the need for violence. For vengeance.

Jax is right. Robert is a dead man walking, and his days are fucking numbered. We're coming for that asshole, and he'll be so broken by the time we're done, there won't be enough pieces to put him back together.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


For the next seven days, I stay in our dorm, with at least one of the guys with me at all times. Well, except Ash, who seems to be avoiding me like the plague.

The other three take care of me so tenderly, my heart repairs a little more each day. Kai makes me all my favourite foods, like chicken ramen and triple chocolate brownies, and I get breakfast in bed every morning.

Loki runs me epic bubble baths, often joining me in them, and although we make out, I’m the only one who ever comes.

We've not gone further than kissing, or them eating me out like I’m their last meal, since the night of the attack. I want to feel them inside me so badly, to feel that connection, but I just can't. Any time we’ve tried, I get horrendous flashbacks or start to panic. And they're so sweet about it, saying it's all about my pleasure, and taking care of me.

Jax makes it his mission to show me some basic self-defence moves, often ending with me pinning him down, or with my legs wrapped around him. I can feel him getting hard, but like Loki, he keeps it strictly about me and my release.

Some sessions, certain positions cause horrible flashbacks to that night. But Jax helps me through the panic, with soothing words and his comforting embrace, holding me until the tremors subside and my breathing evens out.

Every night, Loki and Jax leave me exhausted in bed with multiple mindless orgasms before falling asleep on either side of me, wrapping me up in their arms. They hold me when I wake up screaming, nightmares now featuring clammy hands, alongside the visions of drowning in a sea of blood.

The bruise on my jaw begins to fade from the deep purple of a plum to a rather sickly yellow, which I suppose is better, as I can now hide it with makeup.

It's October thirty-first, All Hallows' Eve, and my first day back to class. I'd told my teachers that I was sick with a stomach bug, not wanting everyone to see the marks that were painted on my face and body.

As I get dressed, I look over to the burgundy dress bag that's hanging on the front of Loki's closet. It's the school Halloween party tonight, which is being held in the ballroom.

I know, right?! What fucking school has a ballroom? Pretentious twats.

I'm not sure what the guys are dressing up as, but I have a killer dress that I bought a while back. I can't wait to show them and have a night to let my hair down after everything that has happened recently.

I never really bothered with school discos back in England, shite doesn't even begin to cover how lame they'd been. Apparently, here at Highgate Prep, it's a different affair, with amazing decorations and entertainment, a themed buffet style banquet, and the rules on alcohol consumption are relaxed.

Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but, apparently, it can enable underage drinking.

I add the finishing touches to my makeup, making sure that every bruise is covered. Luckily, I don't have PE today, and even though I have chosen Yoga and Pilates as my electives, which I can wear leggings and long-sleeved tops for, I'd still have to get changed in front of the rest of the girls. They'd definitely see the bruises, and I'm not up for Cuntflap Magee, aka Amber, to start shite over them.

I look myself over in the full length mirror, deciding that I'm looking fierce as fuck. I've chosen my red tartan Run and Fly dungarees, rolled up at the hem, with a black roll neck sweater underneath. On my feet, I've gone for white lace ankle socks, paired with my red snakeskin Irregular Choice heels that have super cute sparkly heels and bows on the toe.

Dark smoky eyes and bright red lips finish off the punky look. Grabbing my leather satchel, I head out of the door and down the stairs to find all of the guys waiting for me.

Loki, of course, wolf whistles before grabbing me around my waist, pulling me towards him, and whispering in my ear.
