Page 26 of Nyte

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“No.” Cy shook his head. “But even if he betrays me, I…I’ve killed my share of vampyres. I’m actually quite good at it. All I need is a weapon. And some vampyre blood might not hurt.”

Summer’s eyes widened. “You’re a slayer?”

“Juggling isn’t my only talent. I know how to kill, yes. But I was raised as a pet. I know how life works under the Dominion.”

“I’m surprised you would sacrifice your freedom for anyone. Once you had a taste of it, I’m sure coming back here is its own kind of hell.” Something like envy glittered in the wetness of Summer’s eyes.

“I did it for my friend, Jax. He was wounded, so I led the vampyres away. I knew it wouldn’t end well, that I’d likely be killed. I’d do it again if it meant keeping Jax safe.”

“Tell me about him.” Earnestness settled over Summer’s golden features, and Cy couldn’t help but lean into it. Slowly, Summer’s fingers moved over Cy’s and twined themselves with his. The softness of her palm spread warmth into Cy’s belly. It felt so good to touch and be touched, a comfort despite their awful circumstances. “Is he your lover?”

“No. Just a friend. We grew up together as pets. The Veritas freed us. That’s where we learned how to hunt vampyres. We came to understand their weaknesses, trained together every day. And now we fight for human liberation. That’s our end goal.”

“That sounds…exciting. Dangerous.”

“It’s both. But it’s rewarding.”

“And you think…you think that there’s really a chance? That we can all be free of them one day?”

Cy pondered those words, unsure of what to say. He wanted to believe that a life without vampyres was possible. But sometimes, it seemed like a far-off notion, something that could never be achieved. “There was a time when humans were free.”

“A long time ago. Before the sun died. And the plants and the animals died with it.”

He nodded. Then, he lowered his voice. “The Veritas found UV lights. They’ve been keeping them underground. Growing vegetables and other plants.”

Summer sat up, her eyes wide. “What? That’s amazing!”

“Shh,” he chuckled, looking around to make sure no one had noticed her excitement. Vampyres had excellent hearing, even outside closed doors. But it was early morning. He hoped most of them might be sleeping, locked away in their coffins. And in these quarters, the humans had been left alone, barred and bolted inside. “Yes, we’ve been arranging transport between camps. So far, the vampyres haven’t found them.”

“How many? How much?”

“Enough to feed several camps with fifty humans each. We scout for more every day. The vampyres destroyed most, but…we’ve been able to scavenge enough to keep ourselves alive.”

Summer watched him with wide, hopeful eyes. She looked so excited, so intrigued, almost childlike in her wonder. In a way, her enthusiasm reminded him of Wren. And Jax, with his impenetrable hope. “Listen, I’m going to get you out of here. Both of you. But in case I don’t make it…I want you to know how to find them. So you can get you and Wren to safety. If I can do that, this will all have been worth it.”

At his words, her expression darkened. “Why wouldn’t you make it?”

“I told you. I never expected to survive my capture. I thought I’d make it so far as New Avalon and attempt an escape when the time was right. But now I’ve met you and Wren and…I think this is what I was sent here for. To help you both. To help you get to freedom.”

“Cy, no. You’ll come with us.”

“And if I can’t—you have to promise me you’ll push forward. Get Wren to the Veritas. Can you do that?”

She smiled then, shaking her head. “You’re so certain you’ll be able to rescue us.”

“I am. I’ve done it before. I’m good at distractions.”

“Hence why you’re here.” She grinned at him and he swatted her playfully.

“When I set my mind to something, I don’t fail. Now listen. The Veritas camps are underground as well. When the Great Extinction started, the founder of the Veritas saw the writing on the wall, and he began prepping a series of underground tunnels inside the forests. He predicted that the trees would survive with minimal sunlight, and he was right. So the forests keep us safe below ground. If a human can get deep enough inside, they’ll be safe. Look for a ‘T’ at the base of the corresponding trees to mark your path. Follow them and keep following them until you’re deep in the woods.” He made the shape of a ‘T’ in the air so she’d understand, so she would recognize it even if she didn’t know what it was.

“What for?”

“For Truth. And a vampyre skull will mark the stairway to the camps.”

“A vampyre skull?”

“Trophies. Ones we’ve killed ourselves.”
