Page 27 of Nyte

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She blinked. “That’s…impressive. How many of you are there?”

“Vampyre slayers?”

“The Veritas.”

Cy sighed, running a hand through his curls. “Hundreds, growing more and more every day. Humans have been rebelling. Escaping from slaughterhouses, the fur markets, the coal mines. I’ve even heard of cases where dogs attacked their owners and got free somehow. The Veritas would never turn away a human in need. Z will take any of them with open arms, show them how to fight, how to be useful to the cause.”


“Our leader.”

“I didn’t know the Veritas had one leader.”

“It’s our best-kept secret. We try to keep him safe as much as possible. Only those highest up in the Veritas know of his existence.”

“And now me?”

He laughed. “And now you.”

“You must be…important, then?”

“I suppose.” He shrugged, his face flushing. “I’m just good at killing vampyres. I worked my way up. They trust me.”

“Will they come looking for you?” Her thin brows were raised as she studied him.

“I…hope not,” he said finally. “I don’t want them to endanger themselves for me. One man isn’t worth the fate of the entire organization.”

“Even one who’s good at killing vampyres?” She smiled at him, and the warmth of it filled his bones.

“I’m not the only one. There are many slayers, all talented in their own way. And I’m sure you’ve heard of the Humanitarian Union?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“An island off the coast, taken over like the rest of us after the Extinction, but they overthrew the Dominion somehow.”

She gaped at him. “How?”

“Their leader organized a rebellion among the cattle. Apparently, a group of them built up a tolerance to Ambrosia and staged a revolt. They took over the entire island and won their freedom back. They’ve been sending envoys to Terra to help us build our movement, arming us, teaching us about vampyres and how to kill them. With their help, I think we can do this. I think we can win.”

Wren stirred in Cy’s lap, looking up at them with bleary eyes. “Win what?”

Cy shook his head, ruffling Wren’s curls. “Nothing for little boys to worry about. Go back to sleep.”

“Will you tell me when I’m older? When I’m not a little boy anymore?”

A soft smile spread to Cy’s lips. “Sure. But right now, sleep is more important so you can grow up and get big and strong.”

“Like you?”

Cy huffed a laugh. “Like me.”

Seemingly satisfied, Wren curled back up into a ball, wrapping himself around Cy’s waist. His eyes slipped closed, and Cy sighed. Just being around other humans again was like a small sort of refuge on a dangerous sea. He needed to protect it. He needed to protect them. He would.

After a few moments, Wren’s chest began to steadily rise and fall. Peaceful sleep had claimed him. Cy hoped for good dreams.

“I fear for him,” Summer said, stroking Wren’s curls. “He has no family, no one to protect him as a child should be protected. Of course, we all look after each other, in a way. But it’s not the same. Though he doesn’t really know any better.”

“I’ll take care of him. And you. I’ll get you both out of here. And then you’ll see what a life of freedom is like. It’s a whole different world out there. You’ll see.”
