Page 90 of Nyte

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“Why should we trust your word?” Reyber’s brows pinched together, his rage evident in the deep lines that etched his face.

“I delivered your traitors to you, didn’t I?”

“And now one of them has escaped!”

“Indeed.” Thorne settled back, crossing his arms over his chest. “He’s a vampyre slayer. That’s what he does. My progeny could have been murdered in his sleep!”

“Yet here he stands. Unharmed. Alive. While Merick lays dead in the dungeons. Does that not seem amiss to anyone else?”

Gaius spoke then. “Merick tortured the human. Haven, in his own way, showed some small kindnesses to him. Perhaps the human assumed Haven was his ally. Either way, what matters now is that slayer is free, running amok in New Avalon, while Haven comes to us to assist in his capture. Put him on trial if you must. In time you will see he is innocent of any crime against the vampyres.”

Reyber’s gaze narrowed. “Gaius, would you vouch for him?”

“I would. Of course I would.”

Thorne chuckled, slipping a hand over Haven’s shoulders and pulling him close. His eyes met Gaius’s over Haven’s head. “Ahh, look at us. Father and son united by the boy we both love. It seems almost fateful. Aren’t you proud, Haven, to have two such strong vampyres looking after you?” His tone sent a chill down Haven’s spine.

But it was no worse than the scathing look of pure distaste that Reyber sent his way.

“This isn’t over. Not until the human is returned to us.” He glanced at Thorne. “You. Send your best men out. I need a search party combing the area. He can’t be allowed to reach the Veritas. If he does, he’ll be lost to us.”

Haven swallowed, attempting to school his features as the reality of what had happened began to set in.

“My child is wounded and exhausted,” Thorne said, stroking Haven’s hair. “He needs rest. I’ll escort him to his chambers.”

Again, Reyber snarled, his lip curling in fury. “Post a guard at his door. And not that one.” He pointed at Sirene. “I want one of my men watching over him.”

“Reyber, isn’t that a bit extreme?” Gaius started, but Reyber spoke over him.

“Until he can be trusted, I want him followed. I want every conversation observed.” He stepped closer so he peered down into Haven’s face. “I want to impress upon you the seriousness of this situation,Lord Haven.The man you’ve let escape is much more dangerous than any of us could have imagined. If the Veritas gains traction, it will be on your conscience.”

Thorne leaned in and pressed a kiss to Haven’s temple. His lips felt cool and moist. Haven shivered. “He knows that, don’t you, love? He’ll own whatever consequences come about. But right now, he needs rest. He needs his sire to comfort him. Don’t you?”

Haven swayed on his feet, enticed by his sire’s deep voice, the allure of his sway. He nodded, unable to form words.

“Fine then. Get him out of my sight. In the meantime, we’ll have someone clean up this mess. Everyone back to your rooms. The council will reconvene tomorrow with a plan.”

Thorne grinned as he turned and whisked Haven down the hall and away from the crowd. Gaius trailed along on their heels, with Sirene like a shadow behind them.

“Father, you should stay with Lord Reyber,” Thorne said, an edge to his voice. “It’s obvious he’s much in need of your assistance.”

“You’ve done something. You know more than you’re saying. I can sense it.” Gaius’s voice was low, his brow furrowed.

“Whyever would you suggest such a thing?” Thorne feigned a hurt expression. He continued to walk away, lugging Haven along behind him. “I’m as innocent as a virgin. Haven’t I just proven that?”

“Anyone who thinks you an innocent is a great fool,” Gaius snapped. Once they were out of earshot, he wrenched forward and grasped a harsh hold of Thorne’s arm, stopping them in their tracks. “Haven, come with me.”

Haven blinked, looking between Gaius and Thorne, unsure of what to do. But his sire’s sway held him riveted. The decision had been made for him already.

“I don’t think that’s a wise decision, my love,” Thorne purred. His words radiated down Haven’s spine, making him shiver. “Let me take care of you. No one else knows how.”

Haven let out a tiny whimper, his lips moving involuntarily. He knew being alone with Thorne was perilous. But he couldn’t resist.

“Haven—” Gaius tried to reason, but Haven shook his head, attempting a smile.

“I’m fine, Lord Gaius. My sire will take care of me.”

“If you hurt him…” Gaius warned, but Thorne only laughed.
