Page 32 of Elemental Healer

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“So, do you think peace can be attained?” Dion asked when dessert had arrived.

“I don’t see why not,” Tessa finally spoke up and added to the conversation. “In this room we have a Light and Dark couple.”

“And Sophie says they are not the first,” Dalton added.

“I think there’s a lot of work ahead of us, Councilman,” Nate spoke up. “None of this will be easy, but as the leadership of the races, I think it’s important we try whether or not we feel it will work. I’ll agree with what was said earlier; our people want peace. I know parents want to raise their children in a world filled with peace, because that’s what I’ve always wanted for Tessa. We have the opportunity—no, the duty—to make that happen, especially with the Mindolin on the rise.”

Damian cleared his throat. “When do we tell our people? When do we start gathering our militaries? We can’t wait until the last minute. My people are scattered across this land, as are Victor’s.”

“I wasn’t aware the Demons and Vampires had a military.” Dion’s eyes narrowed.

“We don’t. Not yet.” Damian took a drink of his water. “That is why I am curious about when we should gather our forces so we can help stop the Mindolin.”

Dion looked a little uncomfortable. “To be honest, not everyone on the Council believes there is a Mindolin.”

“Then they will have a rude awakening,” Damian said bluntly. “Bard’s Forest is dying. A place guarded and loved by a Lower Elemental should not die. I’ve seen the forest myself. It used to be beautiful and have a variety of creatures you’d not find anywhere else. Fairies and gnomes, things most people think are tales, exist in the forest, or they used to. I’m not sure what has become of them now.”

Dalton and I shared a look. We weren’t sure what had become of them either, or Bard. The Mindolin couldn’t kill Chris, but could he kill Bard? Or was he feeding off Bard’s energy?

Grace took Dalton’s hand and gave it a squeeze. He gave her a small smile in return. Lucky guy. Again, I was reminded of my singleness. Something that wouldn’t be a bad thing if it weren’t for the Mindolin. I’d always been content to be by myself, in no rush for a relationship. Of course, my element of Love was partly to do with that. Who wanted to know when their mate lied to them?

“Any word on what has happened to Bard?” Nate asked, as if he could sense our unspoken conversation.

I pushed my chocolate cake around with my fork. “No. Nothing, and if Lady Life has any information, she has kept it to herself.”

“Are you boys alright?” The Warlock followed up.

“Why wouldn’t they be?” Tessa asked, confused.

“Bard helped a little in raising us,” Dalton answered when I only stared at my plate. “He was the only male Elemental not to raise his hand to us. Until recently, we weren’t as grateful for that as we should have been.”

Guilt ate at me as I knew it did Dalt. We were not the poster children for good decisions, but Bard had looked past it, always inviting us into his home when we needed a place to feel safe. We’d stopped in between missions for years, just needing to be taken care of.

How are you doing?Dalton asked privately as the conversation moved on.I know you went to Bard more often than we did together. Probably the same times Drew went to build his house.

Multiple times a year, we’d take a week leave of each other to work on our elements and take time for ourselves. We all disappeared but were back when our leave was over. No one ever said what they did during that time, but Dalton knew from my smell when I returned that I’d been at Bard’s. He was kind enough to keep what I did a secret.

I’m afraid for him. Leaving him behind was the worst thing I’ve ever done, but he is bound to the forest. What could I have done for him?

I understand. Chris and I left him as well, and I cannot seem to get over it.

Bard gave the best advice, and I found I needed it now. What would he tell me right now? How would he react to Tessa’s treachery? I almost snorted aloud. He’d tell me she needed a friend and love, and that being who I was, I was the best one to give that to her. How often had he told me that everyone craved love and to be accepted?

But, Tessa had Nate. She was already loved. What was she missing?

I looked over at her, and she was yet again in deep conversation with Grace. Her smile was large, and I could feel her genuine happiness. My eyebrows drew low. I’d not felt someone’s emotions like this before. Around the table were people I couldn’t read like I could her, but I was sure I could feel happiness coming from her.

Tessa had Nate, but who else did she have? What did she enjoy doing?

Leaning back, I just kept myself from grabbing clumps of my hair and banging my head on the table. Why did I even care? Outside of the fact I wanted to live a long, prosperous life, that is.

“Are you going to eat that?” I jumped when Tessa’s voice whispered in my ear. I turned to her, intending to glare at her about wanting to steal my cake, but when my eyes met the most beautiful purple orbs on the planet, I could only suck in a breath and stare back.

My Love element leaped at its physical boundaries, bringing my head back around.

“What do I get in exchange?” I whispered back, slapping a smug smirk on my face.

Her eyes narrowed. Yeah, I wasn’t in a position to barter. So, I handed over my dessert plate.

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