Page 38 of Elemental Healer

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“Why were they in the woods?” Probably up to no good.

“I’m not sure. That’s not the point. The point is, Abby, your mom, and I thought it was a Light team, and we attacked them, not the other way around. All three of us attacked with advanced death magic. Jeff was in the lead. He took a direct hit from all three of us, and the magic ricocheted off him to hit Dalton, Drew, Chris, and Adam. Carmon wasn’t hit but watched his brothers fall from magic, and his Life element reacted. He couldn’t control it yet, so it slipped from his control and killed Abby and your mom in a breath. The boy couldn’t keep it powered, and the Life element slipped before killing me. It took all of Carmon’s energy, only leaving him enough strength to throw up from taking two lives before passing out.

“I was left to heal the boys. Jeff, I didn’t know if I’d be able to save him. I can guarantee that what you did this morning was nothing compared to what the three of us did to his small body. I know he remembers more than he lets anyone believe. While his brothers were all unconscious, his little healer body was fighting to save them and heal itself enough to do it.

“I know they’ve been through as bad or worse injuries before from their uncles, but to have caused a child so much pain…” Tears streaked both of our cheeks. “The Elementals had always pushed them towards becoming assassins, but Carmon decided that night that his soul wasn’t worth saving. His brothers followed soon after.”

Nathaniel looked up into my eyes. “Your mother’s death was an accident, and all parties have already paid a heavy price because of it.”

“I…I didn’t know…I…oh gosh.” My face fell into my hands. “Oh gosh, oh gosh. Nathaniel, I didn’t know.”

A hand landed on my shoulder, and not from the side Nathaniel sat on. Jeff descended into a crouch from a standing position. His fingers slid over my cheek, taking my tears with it.

“Breathe for me, little one. You’re going to go into a panic attack if you can’t get control.” His deep voice filled with so much kindness after all I’d done was my undoing, and I threw myself into his arms. Sobs racked my body, and the pain I’d been carrying around for sixteen years seemed to leave me with the tears.

Icame down the stairs as Nate finished up his story of the night Tessa's mom and Abby died. My memories came rushing back, and it was all I could do not to fall apart with Tessa as she cried in my arms.

We'd both done some stupid things in the past twenty-four hours. Neither of us had won any rewards for being the most conniving or vicious. Instead, I'd humiliated a young woman, and she'd severely injured me.

"Hey, it's okay."

"I almost killed you!" Her hand slammed into my shoulder as anger poured from her. "How can you say it's okay? It's not. I poisoned you. I threatened you and your family. My magic threw you off the balcony and burned your skin. It is not okay!"

My Love element had continued to reach for her all evening, especially during our kiss. If I hadn't broken it off when I did, I'd have lost control. I needed to talk to Cal or Aunt Lilith. Something weird was going on, and I was going to lose it. I'd never had this reaction to a Witch before, or anyone. Why Tessa?

When the girl had blown me off the balcony, the element had retreated back to my core where it usually lay in peace. I hadn't had to fight with it since, until I held her in my arms again and listened to her sob. Now, it came back with a vengeance.

"Noodles, listen, you need to finish cleaning up. We have to go. We're already running a few minutes behind."

She pulled back and glared up at me because of my use of the nickname. Her purple eyes were red and puffy, and her bottom jaw quivered when she released her anger. The pink of her lips called to me in a way I didn't understand. The kiss we'd shared last night was far beyond anything I'd experienced before. Unbeknownst to my brothers, I'd shared a kiss or two with women, but that was it.

My brothers claimed to never sleep with women because they hated them. The truth no one wanted to admit to was this: we couldn't sleep with a woman because of the chance we could get her pregnant. The child would be part Elemental, and we'd have to stick around to raise it. That was what no one wanted. It had nothing to do with losing out on the physical enjoyment being with a woman would bring us.

I wasn't an angel, but as far as women went, I had a tiny bit of experience. Nothing to write home about. However, I'd never had a kiss like that. It had been too short, and not enough, but I couldn't lose myself to her. She'd responded to me quickly and with courage enough I figured I wasn't the first guy she'd kissed.

She pulled back more, and I helped her to her feet.

"We'll talk more in the car, but realize that I understand you didn't know." It was the best I could give her. I had my own apologies to make.

Tessa cleaned up again and we were on our way, a package of cookies in one hand and a bottle of water in another. Now that I knew I was safe from more cookie poisoning incidents, I was pleased to have my breakfast food back.

"By the way," I yelled over to Tessa as we ran through the woods to my jeep, "You owe me a piece of really good chocolate cake. Can't believe you stole my sugar."

"Too much sugar is bad for you, healer. How many times do you need to be told?"

I smiled and laughed at her. The companionship we'd shared last night before the dinner had begun to come back, and it was nice.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm a healer, Noodles. I got this."

"Noodles?" Nate asked as we arrived at my car and piled in, Tessa at my side like normal with Nate in the back. "That's the second time you’ve called her that."

"Don't you dare!" She held up her index finger in my face and glared hardened violet eyes at me.

I backed out of my parking spot and buzzed down the drive, the last vehicle there other than the Hamiltons' sedan.

"Sorry, Nate. This one is between Noodles and me. It's more fun that way." I winked at her, and she rolled her eyes and shook her head. She did, however, mouth "Thank you," so we were getting somewhere.

Cal?I called to our Commander but sent it through all the links. My brothers needed information.
