Page 39 of Elemental Healer

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Are you almost here?

We're not as close as we should be, but I have a good reason. It's not something I'd like to talk about over the links, but we'll need to talk soon.

I could feel their curiosity but didn't expound further, instead getting to the point of the conversation.I just wanted to let you know that I've found the cookie poisoner. It's not related to the peace talks, so don't worry about that.

Who was it?

Please don't make me say, Cal. I've promised to keep it quiet. Just know it won't be happening again. I've guaranteed it.

Fine.He didn't like it, but I was grateful he didn't push me.

About last night, Jeff.His continued conversation took me by surprise.You're not to kiss Tessa anymore. She is under your care. Do not abuse the situation. Drew also informed me that you are sharing a room with her. Also not happening. No woman will want to bond with a man who is currently sharing his bed with another. Especially one who is leaving lipstick on his mouth.

Yes, sir.

Now that we were on better terms, I didn't know what Tessa's bedroom plans were. Would she be happy to move to the spare room, or was she happy where she was? If it were up to my element, she'd be staying right where she was. Honestly, I had no idea if I could sleep with her in the next room over. It was bad enough being separated last night before the incident.

We arrived on time, barely, and ran for the elevator on the garage level. A half-dozen cadets were inside, and their eyes widened and hands went to weapons as the Witches boarded with me.

"Everyone's weapons stay where they are, or I'll start breaking limbs." I made eye contact with all of them and poured authority into my words. Yet, one guy in the back corner—he was a year or so younger than me—thought he'd try my patience.

"What gives you the right to boss us around? Huh?"

I turned to give him my full attention, rose to my full height of six foot four, crossed my arms over my chest, and glowered.

"My name is Captain Jeff Lanshay." All their faces paled at my name. "You got a problem with my order, you take it up with the Council. Otherwise, shut up."

"Y...yes, sir."

I looked at Tessa as I turned my back on the kids. Her cheeks were a little pink, and she wore a smile.

"What?" I returned the smile and she rolled her eyes.

"You always so bossy?"

I shrugged. "You like it when I'm bossy."

"Lords and Ladies have mercy on me," Nate groaned as the elevator came to a stop.

The kids got off, and we finished our trip to the Council's floor. We walked into the conference room with thirty seconds to spare. Everyone else was already seated and ready to go.

"Thank you everyone for the wonderful time we had last night," Lady Life began. "Now, as promised, I'd like Damian and Victor to tell us a little about their races. If there's time, I'd like to hear from Nathaniel."

Damian indicated Victor was to go first. The Vampire rose and took Lady Life's spot at the head of the table while she moved to the side along with Alex. The Healing Elemental already smirked in my direction.

"My people, like all of yours, have been around so long that our history has been forgotten. Unless there's something in anyone else's records, we do not know our complete origins. We do know that we have never had a specific home as the rest of you do in Demon's Ridge, the Warlock's palace, and the Dark's castle and Light's Mount Pickett. We live in hives, underground tunnels where we can hide from the sun while we hunt at night. We can come out during the day, obviously, but our eyesight during the day is worse than our night vision.

"We bond through blood like the Demons and, as I have recently found out, also like the Elementals. I will not bore you with the details as most, if not all of you, know them.

"Vampires are also blood drinkers. We can eat your human food, but we will not be sustained on it. Eventually, we must have blood, or we will grow faint and perish. Human blood sustains us the best, but when we are in need, we will drink from animals or each other. It takes much more blood from a large animal or many smaller animals to give us the energy we need. However, we do not need it every day unless we are eating from smaller animals and can't drink enough from them."

Victor went on with the explanation of his race. Then we had a question and answer time before it was Damian’s turn.

“Like Victor’s people, mine are not considered as sophisticated as the rest of yours. It is probably due to our need for blood as well. Also, like Victor, our histories have not been kept. However, unlike the Vampires, we do have a home where we are protected, Demon’s Ridge. Our bodies can handle the heat when others can’t. Most of my kind live in the Ridge with a few, who I fear are gone from us for good, living in Bard’s Forest. Some even live in other places, but they are very rare.

“My kind are also different from Vampires in that we eat what we drink. We do try to keep it to animals, bringing them into the ridge to feed us. Many Demons can be fed on a cow or deer. We do not need human blood specifically. It does taste good, but most Demons kill humans as retribution for wrongs they think the humans have done against us.”

Tessa raised her hand, and I was interested to hear what she had to say. “Would it be possible then, for the Demons to raise their own cattle?”
