Page 50 of Elemental Healer

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“Yes, and then no,” Lilith answered. “It’s changed. It always does. The same element I wield is different from what it was a thousand years ago. It’s even different from the element Jeff carries, but only a slight difference. It’s even a difference that Lord Jeff’s Love element doesn’t always appear pink like mine. His is more red, which is why his formal Elemental clothing is all red like his Healing element.

“When you were all born and began displaying elements, Lady Life and I discussed the possibility of you having a Consort, Jeff, because of your Love element. As it turns out, Lady Life and I were correct in our assumption. You have taken a Harbor Witch for a Consort, and eventually, an Elemental mate.”

I rubbed both hands over my face. This was so much to take in. “That’s why you never pushed me to find a mate before now.”


"You said eventually take me as a mate?" Tessa asked.

Lilith nodded. "Yes, sweetheart. Life says the bond will be based on your maturity, not your actual age. Though, she also says that it will not be long before the bond will hold, so do not fear."

Tessa squeezed my hand, and I turned to her. Her eyes smiled at me as she sent encouragement and hope through the emotional link we shared. "It'll be okay, Jefferson. We can be patient. We just became friends. Let's keep working at our relationship, and then we'll be ready when the bond is."

Wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug, I couldn't help but wonder how I'd gotten so lucky.

"Now," Love slapped her hands on her knees, "everyone to bed. I know these two are exhausted. We'll work on more guard details tomorrow at the meeting, and we really need to find that traitor on the Council."

Cal held up a hand. He looked at me, and I didn't care for the emotion of regret that was in there.

"I think I have an idea, but it involves the both of you." He looked at Tessa and me. "I think Tessa will be more okay with it than Jeff."

"Then we don't want to hear about it." My voice was deep and upset. "You're not using Tessa."

"Jefferson," she laid a hand on my arm, "let me help. I need to do my part."

"Hear me out, Jeff. We will protect her."

I groaned. "Fine. Speak fast before I change my mind."

"No one else knows Tessa's past yet or that she poisoned you. They also don't know you're Consorts and that you’re okay with that. What if they found out about some of that? The traitor might come forward to recruit her if she is portrayed as hating the Consort bond you have."

"They know I kissed her last night."

"They also know how embarrassed she was and that she stayed away from you the rest of the night." That was Nate, which surprised me. "The plan has some benefits. I'm not a fan of putting Tessa in danger, and it would require a lot of acting from Jeff and Tessa, but I think it could work."

"I agree." Drew said, and Victor nodded. Lilith waited a minute, but eventually she consented that it was a good plan as well.

Everyone else thought it was a good idea, but could I put my Consort in danger? We didn't even have an active link yet! She could be put in danger, and I'd never know how to find her.

She must have felt my fear and uncertainty because she again took my face in her hands and spoke softly to me. "Jefferson? Do you trust me?"

I couldn't help but smile at her. "Yes, Noodles. It's just everyone else I don't trust. What if I can't get to you in time? You have no link for me to find you."

"And who says I'm going to walk into trouble tomorrow or the next day? The traitor will not approach me until they are sure of my feelings and that they won't change. That will not be for at least two days. You can handle that, right?"

"You will pull out if I ask it of you?"

She nodded. "If I'm in extreme danger, you are allowed to pull me out. Make sure it's a reliable source, though. We'll never get another chance if we lose this one."

"You have my permission, Cal. Please, none of you make me regret this. Keep her safe." Though, I was already regretting the decision.

“Bed, everyone.” Love clapped her hands, and everyone stood. Drew, Victor, Jonas, and Cal left. “I’ll be in one of your spare bedrooms.”

“I’ll show you the way, Lady Love.” Nate held his arm out to her like the gentleman he was and led my aunt up the stairs.

“Do Elementals need sleep?” Tessa asked from my side.

“They need their full energy for fighting the Mindolin. They will rest to replenish it. Normally, they wouldn’t need to.” I pulled her toward the stairs. “Unlike my aunts and uncles, I need rest, and I’m low on energy. I know you are too, so let’s get some sleep.”
