Page 51 of Elemental Healer

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We entered the room, and it hit me hard; this was our room. Tessa would never leave me. For all intents and purposes, we were married, even if we weren’t Elementally bonded. She must have had the same thought I did as the door closed. Shock, uncertainty, and excitement came from her. The uncertainty was prevalent as she tried to act naturally, grabbing her nightshirt and heading to the bathroom.

I groaned, and she stopped to look at me. Worry assailed me.

“Are you okay?”

“I was, and then you decided you wanted to wear that to bed.” I pointed to the small top in her hand. “You may just kill me tonight.”

My heart stuttered when she turned her knowing grin on me and sauntered over with cunning in her eyes. Two of her fingers walked up my chest, slowly, killing me with each touch as she focused on some emotions that threatened to strangle me with need. “I’m sure you’re durable enough to handle it, Jefferson.”

She winked and walked away, making sure I saw the way her hips moved, and even with my pajama pants on, she was sexy. I rubbed my hands over my face as she closed herself into the bathroom. I was in so much trouble. No, there was nothing holding us back from the next step in our relationship, except she was exhausted, even if she tried not to show it. Plus, she deserved to not have our first time occur with her father figure down the hall. On top of that, yesterday had been bad.

But if she was going to play this game with me, I could play too. This time, there would be nothing to regret, like hurting her or being pushed off a balcony.

I pulled off my shirt and let my pajama pants fall to the ground. She thought she was going to win. The widening of her eyes, and the way they scanned me from top to bottom after she’d left the bathroom, let me know we were on equal playing fields. I also took my time to look her over as well. She again wore her thin tank—or whatever girls called them—and pink underwear. Luckily for her, I’d kept my boxers on.

“You going to stay warm tonight?” she pretty much gulped out.

I made my way over to her side of the bed and pulled back the covers for her. “Pretty sure. What about you?”

“Uh huh.”

She climbed onto the bed and lay down on her pillow. I covered her with the blanket, giving myself a little reprieve before I had to climb in beside her. It was a large bed, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to stay far from her. Already my element wanted to be near my Consort.

The bed sank beneath me as I climbed onto my side and pulled the covers over my legs. Darkness couldn’t hide the girl from me. My Elemental side aided my eyesight, so unlike the girl, I could see everything in the room. Including her staring up at the ceiling.

“It’s crazy how fast things changed.” Her remark didn’t catch me off guard. I already knew she wasn’t sleeping.

“Are you okay with this? Us? It’s a lot to take in.”

She turned to face me, and a ball of light appeared in her hand. It was only an inch in diameter and only emitted light, but I still flinched.

“I’m not going to hurt you. This is just a ball of light.” She spoke quickly, afraid I’d run.

I stared at the ball. “I know it’s only light, and I can feel your emotions, as you can feel mine. I know you aren’t going to hurt me. That does not change the decade and a half of fear of magic I’ve carried. Even at their worst, my brothers didn’t harass me about that fear, for which I am grateful.”

“I am a Harbor Witch, Jefferson. I won’t stop using my magic.” Her purple eyes showed the worry I knew she felt.

“And I will not ask you to. Your magic is as much a part of you as my elements are a part of me. Soon I will not fear it, just as I no longer fear you when I look at your face. I know you noticed it when you got here.”


My hand reached out of its own accord. I had to touch her. Sliding my fingers down her cheek caused her eyes to close, and she leaned into my touch.

“I’m more than okay with us,” she said as my fingers slid from her jaw and down her neck. “I feel like everything has collapsed around me, everything I knew to be true is false. You are the only thing keeping me from falling with it. Don’t let me fall, Jefferson.”

She opened her eyes, and they pleaded with me even more than her words did.

“I will protect you, Tessa. I can and will never lie to you. With me, you’ll always know the truth. My words speak truth, and my emotions will not do otherwise. All Elementals have the ability to hide their emotions from each other over the links, but I will never hide mine from you. Even if they are not pleasing, I will not hide them.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at me.

“Now, we need sleep, but first…” I slid my hand to her shoulder and pressed her back onto the bed. My body followed close behind hers, pushing the top half of her further into the mattress. My lips covered Tessa’s in a searing kiss that reminded me of our first, only this time her hands were free to explore.

She didn’t hold back on me, but this time, I could sense her insecurities. Her touch to my back and shoulders was hesitant, and she gasped when I slid my tongue against her lips. When my tongue caressed hers, she turned limp beneath me. Her moan of pleasure made my blood burn hot, and I had to pull back to pepper kisses to her jaw and neck.

We both panted, but her breaths only came faster the more I loved on her.

“Tell me to stop,” I whispered into her ear.
