Page 54 of Elemental Healer

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I could feel Jeff’s worry as he examined the girl with his power.

“I hear congratulations are in order.” She smiled at him and then me, her hair bright against the pale skin and freckles she sported. “You two look so cute together.”

My cheeks blushed. Yeah, we did. When we weren’t having to pretend to hate each other.

“Alright.” Jeff stood and let Drew take his place again. “The babies are ready to come, and Jazz’s body is prepping for their arrival. Don’t panic, but they’re coming tonight if everything stays like this.”

Jazz’s smile grew a hundredfold, but Drew’s look of worry increased.

“She’s exhausted, Jeff. How is she going to make it through this?”

Jefferson stared ahead as he contemplated Drew’s question. “We’re going to need help. By that I mean blood. No one, no race, is going to get much sleep tonight. I’ll have everyone meet us in the living room in five minutes. I’ll explain it there. All you need to know, Jazz,” he spoke to the woman who’d crossed her arms and glared at him, “is that you’ll be drinking from Drew, a lot.”

“Ooh, yummy.” She gave Drew a wink, and he actually smiled at her.

“Rest, Red. I’ll be right back up to say goodbye, and then Ruby will spend the day with you.”

Jazz gave him a tired smile. “I’m proud of you.”

Jefferson pulled me from the room to give the other couple privacy. “Remember, distance.”

I pouted, and he tapped my nose. Then we descended the stairs while the other races entered the back door. When everyone was accounted for—including Lady Love—and we had fifteen minutes before we all needed to leave, Jeff pulled a chair from the table and stood on it. He whistled and gained everyone’s attention.

“Okay, let’s keep things quiet because we have a lot to get through. First, as most, if not all, of you know, Tessa and I are Consorts. You’ll learn more about that in the meeting in front of the Council. What you need to know is that she is being used as bait against the Council traitor. She and I are friends and have accepted this bond happily. However, we cannot show that outside of this house and ours. Her life is on the line, and I need every single one of you to keep an eye on her. Act like she and I hate each other. Do not blow this. She is too young for the Elemental mate bond to hold, but when it can be created, she will be my Lady Healing and Love.

“Second, Jazz is delivering the babies tonight.”

Everyone gasped and began talking. Excitement raced through the room. Jefferson held up his hands, and everything quieted.

“Pay attention. Jazz is weak. She’s been drinking from Drew, but it’s not going to be enough tonight. She can’t drink from anyone else, so she’ll be drinking Drew dry during the labor. To keep him hydrated and give her blood, I need volunteers to let Drew drink from them.”

People started raising their hands, but Jefferson kept going. “Thanks for your willingness, but everyone is going to be drunk from tonight except Isla and Paul. They will only be used if there’s no other choice.

“I will also need some help tonight with blood donations. I will be keeping everyone informed on Jazz’s status and when they are needed. So that everyone is organized, we will be starting with those associated with the most powerful element and going from there. That means Carmon, Sylee, Ruby, and Jonas are first, followed by Adam and the Neutrals. The Vampires will follow them. Chris, Sophie, and the Dark are next. They will be followed by Nate and Tessa, with Dalton, Grace, and the Demons bringing up the rear.

“Those of you not being drunk from will remain awake and guard the house. Carmon will handle the duty of guard assignments so we are not all exhausted at once.

“Finally, keep this quiet. Our most vulnerable team members are going to be at their weakest tonight. Whether or not we are the same race, we are all a team. That includes the non-traitorous members of the Council, but we cannot tell them because we don’t know who the traitor is. We can handle this tonight. I know we can. And we can keep my Consort safe.”

Cheers rang out, and Jefferson stepped down from his chair. Without hesitation, he pulled me to him and crushed his lips to mine in a kiss that was more about showing his possession than anything else. So, of course, it turned me on, and I kissed him back, knowing it would be hours before I could do so again.

“Jeff, your crew will ride with Drew, Victor, and Torres in one of the team’s SUV’s. Dalt and Grace will take Drew’s truck.” Carmon gave us keys to the vehicle, and we were on our way.

Drew and Jefferson took the front two seats, Jefferson behind the wheel. Nathaniel and I sat in the very back, furthest from Jefferson as we could get, and I spent the entire ride staring out the window, trying to look for danger to keep from mourning the loss of my Consort’s touch. His emotions already spoke of the worry he carried for me, Jazz, and those in our vehicle. He didn’t need me adding to those worries.

When we passed the spot where the jeep lay in the ditch, I couldn’t help but speak up. “Will you buy a new one, Jefferson?”

Drew shook his head. “All these years you’ve threatened not to heal us if we called you that, and you let Tessa call you by the given name you hate?”

“You are not my Consort, Drew. Jazz could probably call you the lamest thing on the planet, and you’d still respond to it.” My smile grew at his admission.


“Noodles, in answer to your question, yes, I’ll be buying another. It was already in the plans, but we’ve been low on time and I haven’t found what I want yet.” Jefferson smiled at me in the rearview mirror.

Chatter filled the vehicle as we continued. Lady Love turned out to be a riot, and I loved how she held her own against the men in a debate. When we passed the café Jefferson and I had stopped at yesterday, I vowed to myself that we would stop there again. And soon.

We arrived first in the conference room, but everyone followed quickly behind, even the Light Council members, Borgman and Nash. Lady Love stood beside Jefferson. The pair received curious stares from the Light and others around the table. Seemed not all our people knew about the threat to my Consort’s life.

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