Page 56 of Elemental Healer

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I found myself swept from my chair, to be placed behind Jefferson. My fear had me clutching to his vest, but I made sure not to move too close to him. I did peek around and saw Carmon had pushed Borgman down into his seat and had his hand resting on his shoulder.

“Councilman Borgman, you are relieved of your seat here on this council.” Lady Life looked livid. “Councilwoman Nash, please find a replacement for the Councilman. We will reconvene in an hour’s time.”

Carmon escorted Borgman from the room, and I didn’t realize how badly I shook. With the danger gone, I let go of Jefferson and went to Nathaniel when he stood. My mentor wrapped me in a tight hug, and I let myself rest against him.

“Did I mess up?” I asked him.

“You did what was necessary.” The response came from Damian, who stood behind Nathaniel. “We can only do this if everyone wants it.”

“Come here, Tessa.” Grace took my hand and pulled me with her to the door. Sylee and Sophie met us there. “Let’s go to the bathroom. We’ll be right back, gentlemen.”

When the door to the bathroom closed behind us, we found ourselves alone in the room with two stalls. It was a tight fit as there was little extra room between the stalls and sink.

No one spoke, and I found my breathing speeding up as what I'd done hit me again.

"That was really awesome, what you did." Grace smirked at me. "I've been wanting to tell that guy off since he walked in the room the first day."

"Seriously," Sophie added. "I am not usually the violent type, but that guy made me want to shock him. Multiple times. An hour. Probably more. Chris thinks it's the whole lightning thing. I really should have done it. No one but us would know what happened, right?"

We all burst out in sputtering laughter. My fear of messing up diminished as the girls high-fived me.

"Oh gosh, I loved it." Sylee wiped at tears in her eyes. "Carmon was actually biting his cheeks to keep from cheering."

No way. I couldn't imagine the Lord of Life and Water cheering me on. Me of all people.

Grace looked over at me. "Jeff is asking Dalton how you're doing."

"I'm better." I tried to project that with my emotions. Jefferson's were a mixture of worried and proud. I should have thought of him earlier, but I forgot the girls had links to their guys.

"It's so hard today." I couldn't elaborate more in case someone was listening, but the girls knew. Sylee hugged my shoulders. Sophie took my hands in hers and gave them a squeeze.

"We don't even want to imagine," Grace said. "By the way, I'm not sure if Jeff mentioned this, but when you and he bond, you will become a Lower Elemental. But, you also get put onto my team. You see, the guys are a team, but we girls are a team too."

"Like a warrior team like the Light and Dark have? I'm not any of those things." My smile fell. I wouldn't fit in with these women.

"No, like a Lower Elemental, bonded to a Lanshay team." Grace gave me a stern look. "This team has no boundaries. As long as you are a Lanshay mate, you're on the team, or in your case, a Lanshay Consort. Sophie is a healer and Dark, the first non-Light on our team. Jazz, the poor thing can only throw a punch and do damage because Lord Marcus gave her extra power to do it. She's not very good at fighting, but she will cheer you on and have your back like no one's business.

"Sylee and I are trained warriors. That does not mean we're better than our healer or Jazz. We are honored to have a Harbor Witch on our team with us. You add an element we didn't have before, and it's more than your magic. You stood up to a Councilman on behalf of our world. That is the job of a Lower Elemental. Whether or not you and Jeff get to that point, we are happy to have you with us, and I know Jazz feels the same way."

"I can't wait until she's back with us." Sylee had let go of my shoulders to wrap her arm through mine. "She's missed so much, and we've missed her."

"She'll be with us soon." Grace looked determined. "We will make sure of it, Ladies. We will not let our girl down."

We all knew what she meant. Tonight, when the babies came, we would do our best to help her, keep her safe, and keep her mate standing strong by her side.

"Okay, let's get back to our men before they worry. They're too good at that." Grace rolled her eyes, but it was plain to see how much she loved being with Dalton.

Jefferson's eyes found me the moment we walked back into the conference room. He looked away quickly to go back to his conversation with Adam and the Neutrals, and I looked for Nathaniel. He was talking to Saber and Uriah. He made me laugh. My mentor was a social butterfly. This trait of his had always entertained me.

Hello, Niece.The voice had me stiffening.Relax, it's okay. It is only I, Lady Life.

I looked around the room for her, slowly so no one noticed. She sat talking with Lord Healing, and her eyes briefly met mine as she winked.

I wanted to check on you and have opened a temporary link so you can reply.

I am well, my Lady.

You will be mature enough to bond with Jeff in about thirty-six hours. Since your Consort bond kicked in, your maturity has advanced. I have watched you both and know you have started your relationship badly, but I need you to bond with my nephew quickly once you are mature. We are running out of time.
