Page 57 of Elemental Healer

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Are you worried, Lady Life?

I didn't mean the question to be demeaning or sarcastic. My intention was curiosity and comfort.

He gains strength. When the babies are born, he will know. He will come for them. We need a strong force against him. You have helped us with that today, and for that I am grateful.

You are welcome, my Lady.

Silvia Nash walked in then with another man. He looked familiar—red hair, beard, and mustache and a lot of height and width. He was probably Jonas’ age, but had a youthful look about him. Ladies probably drooled when he walked into the room, and if I didn’t have Jefferson, I’d have probably done the same. Jefferson was in a league all his own as far as looks went, so no one would hold a candle to him and his dark chocolate, yummy-looking eyes.

The new guy’s eyes twinkled, and he looked happy to be in the room with all of us “monsters.” There didn’t appear to be a trace of unease in the way he carried himself. It would have been nice to have a link to Jefferson so I could find out who he was and information about him.

“Hello everyone.” The newcomer addressed us all without hesitance. “My name is Patrick Rico, for those I didn’t have the pleasure to meet at the dinner the other night. Silvia has filled me in on the happenings of today. I can assure you that I am willing to work to make this peace happen that we are all searching for.”

He moved to Borgman’s old chair, and the rest of the group settled into their spots. Life again resumed her place at the head of the table.

“As a recap, we were discussing borders, or the lack of them. We’re going to move on to the subject of the Accords. They were drawn up a hundred years after the war started over three thousand years ago.”

Patrick raised his hand. “Lady Life, I’m under the assumption that no one here outside of the Elementals knows how this war started. Would you be able to fill us in?”

“We are very near out of time to put this treaty together, Patrick. What I will say is that history is repeating itself. If we do not put a treaty between the races together this time, the races, including the Elementals, will fall.”

The tension in the room peaked and people fidgeted before Carmon spoke up.

“I have had the opportunity to explain the accords to some of you. For those who are unaware of them, they are the former peace treaty that was signed by our races but not put into place, for reasons I do not know.

“The main objective of the Accords was to create a central government with representatives of all the races being present. However, it placed Neutrals under the Light, so I am glad we have improved upon that. Under the Accords, two members of each race—elected by their people—will comprise a council to enact laws and keep the peace of the land. The leaders of each race will work together to bring peace and keep it, and the races will no longer have a separate governing entity. No more Light Council, Warlock, Dark King, Demon King, Vampire Overlord. It will just be the Council of Loath after the name of our continent.”

“Will there be Elementals on the Council as well?” Nathaniel asked. “They are a race of this world.”

Carmon looked to Life, but she did not move to respond. Her nephew turned back to Nathaniel to answer his question. “Lady Life has given me permission to make this decision, and as such, I have decided that yes, there will be Elementals on the Council. All races will be represented.

“Each race will be allotted two members on the Council, much as we have set up here. Guards to the Council will be made up of the best of the soon-to-be-established combined military. Those are the basics of the Accords. There will be more to discuss to make it happen, but that’s the short version.”

Heads nodded around the room.

Saber rested his elbows on the table and looked around at the members of the committee. “I’m not sure if we still vote on that plan, but I am in agreement. Now, I’d like to discuss our blood-drinking brethren. What can we do in this treaty to help them? Personally, I would like to see them raise their food in cattle or another animal they wish to harbor. However, I’m a little worried about humans moving against them while they try to set it up.”

“We will need land and to be taught,” Damian said. “But we do not have money. I’m not sure about the Vampires, but we have always stolen what we need. It was our way to oppress those who hated us.”

“The Vampires have no money either.” Victor frowned.

My eyes caught the Lanshay brothers having private conversations with each other, and then the few I could see had conversations with their mates.

“Damian, Victor,” Carmon addressed the two race leaders. “My brothers and I have plenty of money to do with as we please. At this point, no bank will help you with a loan as you have no collateral. We do not need collateral, and if we are never paid back, we don’t care. Would you be willing to take a loan from us to get these ranches started? And Victor, maybe even buy some land for your people to build hives to house them?”

Victor and Damian looked first at each other and then at the men they’d brought.

“Why are you looking at me?” Uriah muttered. It was the first time I’d heard him speak. “You’d be an idiot not to accept.”

“I’m inclined to agree with Uriah,” Torres told Victor, who looked to Carmon.

“The Vampires take you up on your offer.”

“The Demons take you up on your offer as well,” Damian added.

“Good. If it is alright with this council, I will arrange the paperwork tonight and meet with Victor and Damian to work out the logistics of our agreement. No other aspect of the treaty will be talked of—"

Patrick Rico held up a hand, drawing Carmon’s attention and cutting him off.
