Page 59 of Elemental Healer

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Tessa’s emotions had fallen all through the meeting. My Healing element had found her headache, but I’d made the decision to hold off on healing it because I needed to save my strength. Even a tiny headache would take energy I’d need for Jazz later. I’d talk to Nathaniel about healing it for her.

Also, if she were uncomfortable, she’d be more likely to snap at me. Which she had when she’d left, but I knew she’d hated doing it as much as I’d hated turning my back on her.

Her fear had risen in the hallway, but I judged it to be a mild fear. Patrick Rico was out there. While he put on a good front, his way with the ladies wasn’t always approved of. The Light people had fallen further than I’d thought to let a man like Rico on the Council and also let Borgman enter this meeting with no plans to help create peace.

Terror almost made me gag and stopped my heart.

Cal! With me! Now!

My brother walked swiftly behind me as I exited the door to turn left, the way Tessa had left the room. At the end of the hallway was Rico, his lips plastered to my Consort’s, and her arms struggled to push him away.

Let me handle this!

Carmon gave the order and stepped forward just as I was going to yell out to the man. Cal was right. It would be better if he put a stop to it.


The man jumped back and pushed Tessa against the other wall. She was unhurt, though she was pale, so I stared a death glare at the man.

“You do not touch another man’s woman, Rico.” Carmon walked further down the hallway. From the magic behind me, I knew Nate had walked from the room after us.

The Councilman sneered at Cal. “She doesn’t want to be his girl. Doesn’t that have consideration in this?”

“I think that until their bond is worked through, the both of you,” he glared at Tessa too, but I knew it was for show, “should keep your lips away from each other. Unless you want a very upset Healing and Love Elemental breaking this up next time. It is in our nature to be a bit possessive.”

“Guess we’ll have to add that to the list of things to talk about during the treaty, hmm?” Rico knocked into Cal’s shoulder as he passed. The Councilman stopped to look up at me when he stood at my side. “I wouldn’t count on keeping her around long.”

“I’d consider who you should have replace you in this meeting if I were you,” I growled back.

“Jeff.” Carmon shook his head at me, and Patrick laughed, heading back into the conference room.

I wanted a link to my girl so badly. I needed to hear she was okay. I needed her to know I cared. Instead, I had to turn hard. “Next time you and your boyfriend want a rendezvous, find someplace with a door.”

It tore me up inside to turn my back on her and walk away. Her emotions were still a mess, and I couldn’t go to her. We were halfway through the day. I wasn’t going to make it to the end.

Patrick was back to his classy, helpful self when I reentered the room. I’d mentioned Tessa’s headache to Nate. He and Cal were with Tessa in the hallway. Her emotions were calming, and I had to remind myself that she’d be mine tonight.

Just as I’d had the thought, Jazz had a contraction. No, I’d have Jazz and the babies tonight. How was I going to make it through tomorrow when I couldn’t have her tonight? If I could only talk with her!

My girl wouldn’t look at me as she came in and took her seat next to Nate. The Warlock, the closest thing I would have to a father-in-law, gave me a sympathetic look. This was all too much.

Life started the meeting again, and Anverse raised his hand.

“Do the Accords say anything about blood and the drinking of it by the four blood-drinking races?”

Cal shook his head. “No, it does not. I think that was one of the items they wanted their Council to figure out. However, I think we need to discuss it.”

“So,” Nash spoke up, her presence seeming stronger since Borgman had been replaced and she wasn’t so looked down upon—even if she secretly crushed on the older Councilman, “the Vampires and Demons drink blood for food, but do not necessarily need human blood. And they bond with blood. Correct?”

“Yes, but it strengthens my people.” Victor nodded.

“Yes, yes. And the Witches? They only need it to grow more powerful?”

Nate readjusted himself in his chair. “That is correct. And it’s only Light and Dark blood that do that for us. We wouldn’t be as affected by a no biting law, and we bond through our magic.”

“What about Elementals?” Nash looked to me and my brothers, ignoring Life like she also wasn’t a blood-drinking Elemental. Though, I didn’t know how many of my aunts and uncles actually drank blood. Love, Lightning, and Water did since they had mates. It made me wonder if any of the others had mates.

“Elementals need blood to reenergize ourselves when we are low, to heal faster, and to bond. Since we are in limited supply and are mostly all bonded, our need to bite someone outside of our mate would be for emergencies only, and we bite with permission.” Carmon gave her the answer and the rest of us nodded our agreement to his words.
