Page 61 of Elemental Healer

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We arrived home first, having been given the shortest route to get back to Jazz. Plus, Drew was speeding. A lot. Carmon’s group would arrive next to be blood donors.

We piled from the car and headed straight to the house. Being outside, I couldn’t yet hold Tessa to me, but when we were indoors, I reached for her hand.

“Cover all the windows please. No one can see in here.”

Everyone hurried to do as I asked. Drew found a couple sheets for the large back windows that had no curtains or blinds. The Vampires held them up while Nate used magic to make them stay in place so we wouldn’t hurt the sheets or the house. I couldn’t move from Tessa, and I held her hand tightly so she would stay by my side.

When the house was closed in, I pulled Tessa to me and crushed my lips to hers, not caring a darn bit who was around. I’d waited hours to do this. My Love element and her magic had been eating at me since we’d walked out the door this morning, and now they were happy with our physical connection.

She pulled back first, and I groaned in displeasure.

“How long do we have to do this? Your element and my magic are making this painful.”

“I know.” I hadn’t noticed the pain until it was gone. It had grown so slowly my body had adjusted to it. My brothers and I had high pain tolerances, and I could guess the separation between us hurt her more.

Jazz had another contraction. I pulled away from Tessa but kept her hand while I walked to the stairs. It was time to do my job, but the bond between us wouldn’t allow another separation so soon.

Ruby had Jazz walking the room to keep the contractions going and keep her mobile. It was a good effort, but the contractions weren’t going to stop. We were on a track we couldn’t turn back from now.

“How’s my favorite pregnant Elemental?” I smiled at Jazz as a contraction ended and she sagged against Drew, who’d come up behind her. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

“Ready to meet these sweet kids.” The redhead gave a small smile. “Would it be okay to open the window? It’s a little warm in here.”

“We’ll keep it open until you get closer to delivering. Then we’ll have to close it and warm the room up.”

“Thanks, Jeff.”

I nodded and stretched out my open hand to the tiny woman. “Time for a vitals check.”

Everything looked good, and the babies were doing well with the labor.

“I’m going to have a constant watch on you now that I’m not so far away at the academy. Drew’s going to give you blood pretty frequently as well. Has he already given some to you since we arrived home?”

She nodded. I looked to Drew. “Give her more. Lots more. I’ll send Cal up to hydrate you. Ruby, go grab something to eat. You, Jonas, and Sylee will be adding to the blood supply after Cal.”

Ruby gave Jazz a hug. “I’ll be right downstairs if you need me.”

Jazz looked a little upset that Ruby was leaving. I could only imagine that having Ruby around was a comfort to Jazz when her own mom couldn’t be there to help.

“Wait, Ruby.” The woman looked at me, confused. “I changed my mind. Jazz needs you here. That’s where you’ll do the most good. We’ll only take blood from you if it’s needed. Stay here.”

Relief softened Jazz’s worry lines.

I looked to my brother. “I’m going to go grab some food to keep my strength up. Drew, I know you want to be with Jazz every second, I understand that, but I need you to eat soon too. I’ll have Dalton be in charge of food since Grace can cook and they’re last on the blood line. Give Dalton a few minutes’ warning before you go down so they can get something whipped up and you won’t be gone as long.”

Drew nodded and I felt a contraction starting with my power.

“Come on.” I pulled Tessa from the room with me and over to the room I usually used on the other side of the house. Kicking off my shoes, I closed the door behind us and then collapsed onto the bed. “Get over here, Noodles. I need to hold you, and I need rest.”

“You also need food.” Her tone made me open my eyes. She stood by the door, arms crossed.

I groaned. “If I have food brought up here, will you come lie with me?”

She kicked her shoes off and joined me on the bed, using my shoulder as a pillow. My world was right again, and my breathing evened out. A deep sleep didn’t happen with Jazz’s contractions occurring every few minutes, but I did fall into a light doze. I heard food arrive, but Tessa didn’t wake me as I’d expected her to.

I drank from Cal and have given more blood to Red. Jonas is on his way up to give me more blood.

My body roused itself from sleep, and I blinked my eyes open to see the dark room.Cal, send Sylee to Drew as well please.I sent the message to both Cal and Drew before sitting up and looking at my sleeping Consort.
