Page 69 of Elemental Healer

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“Since when does a woman not get a choice in who she is with?” Patrick was becoming red-faced, but Carmon looked unfazed.

“Since the Mindolin is about to break free of his confinement. Lord Jeff and Tessa have come to terms with this. The discussion is over about their bond.”

Patrick still looked furious but held his tongue.

I’d feared with him upset about me and Jeff that his emotions would slow us down, but he worked with us all and was not a hindrance. Nathaniel was Council scribe as we rehashed the items we’d talked about over the past few days.

We didn’t break for lunch. Instead, Isla and Paul delivered plates of food Ruby had prepared from the stores of food Drew had stocked up on in case we were ever stuck here like this. The large Elemental was nothing if not prepared.

By evening we’d finished the draft of the treaty. While not a perfect document and hastily put together, it covered the basics we’d need until a more elaborate document could be drawn up. When we came into issues as the races gathered, we’d add them to a list to talk about later.

“Now, everyone will take a few minutes and read through the treaty and then sign your name to it. Copies will be made, and then you’ll be on your way in the morning to spread the word as fast as you can. Since the races will be going to academies of the Light and Dark, the leaders of these races will have to spread the word faster and make sure you tell everyone in the cities surrounding them too. If the races want escorts in, please let us know and we can arrange it. Now, read and sign so we can make copies. Then you are free to go.”

Jeff read and signed first before handing the paper to me. It was easy for me to read Nathaniel’s fancy scrawl. I read through it carefully, trying to find anything we’d missed talking about or that wasn’t worded correctly, but Nathaniel had done a good job writing it so there could be no misinterpretations or questions. We were probably missing things, but this was as good as it got for now.

The treaty covered the lands for each race and the lack of borders. It covered this new Council we’d put together and the guards that would work for them. The new military was covered as well as police forces. The drinking of blood and lack thereof was also written in. Those were the basics along with other various details.

I stood when finished. Jeff took my hand and pulled me from the room before Rico could object or leave because he was one of the last to read and sign.

At the back door, Jeff helped me into his coat. “Bundle up, Mrs. Lanshay. It’s a cold walk to our house.”

You leave for the Harbor Witches in the morning, Jeff. Be back to the main house early so you can head out just after dawn. And congratulations. I hope this works as Life said.

Thanks, Cal. Good luck with Rico.

Carmon laughed.Yeah, he’s turning as red as an apple.

Once Tessa was zipped into my coat—something I’d been dying to do since yesterday—I opened the back door and we ran out, down the deck, and through the woods. My house looked deserted in the darkness. That meant nothing, so I kept my Healing element scanning for auras. I’d have to be on top of the person almost, but it would give me a second’s warning.

As we approached the front door, though, I felt nothing. There was no one in the house and no one in the close vicinity. Cal would know that too and wouldn’t have sent us out without scanning Drew’s property first.

The house was a little chilly. I usually had a fire going by nightfall to help heat the place. The fireplace was the first place I headed when the door was locked and the kitchen light on. It didn’t take but a minute to get a nice little fire going, and Tessa curled up on the couch with a blanket, waiting for the room to warm.

“Room under there for two?” I asked with a smile. She looked at home in my place—our place—and it brought me happiness I hadn’t understood before now. I’d spent so much time content by myself, watching my brothers receive mates. Now that I knew I’d never have found someone among my own people, I understood why I hadn’t sought out a mate amongst them.

“You’re one hot fella. Of course there’s room for you.”

Surprise filtered to me as I pulled the blanket off her, climbed in behind her body, replaced the blanket over us, and held her close to me. Neither of us spoke as the fire crackled in front of us. Contentment radiated from her, and I was happy just to feel the emotion. When the emotion changed to more curious and lustful sensations, I found my heart speeding up and my breaths coming closer together.

“Do you want dinner?” My voice cracked, and she giggled as I was forced to clear my throat.

She rolled in my arms to face me. Her eyes were hooded as she ran her fingers through my hair and down my throat. Gulping, I took her hand in mine, brought it to my lips, and kissed it.

“I want your voice in my head, Jefferson. No, I need it. I need to be yours in every way possible. Food is secondary on my needs list right now.”

Words failed me as her emotions and admission hit me in the chest. I needed those things too. I’d gone without our bond for long enough. Her emotions alone would no longer suffice.

I climbed over her and gathered her smaller body up in my arms. My eyes never strayed from hers as I made my way up the stairs to our bedroom. After laying her on our bed, I removed my thick vest and shoved my sleeves up to my elbow.

A nervous excitement danced in her eyes as I settled on the bed beside her.

“Your wrist.” I held out my hand for her to surrender her hand to me.

Her skin was soft, and her nails were painted a bright red. The smell of her blood when I put my nose to her skin was intoxicating. My mouth watered at the memory of the one other time I’d bitten her. The memory of her emotions from the same biting excited my body, and I bit into her flesh.

The emotions were no longer memory and were so much more intense this time as I repeated the bonding words. I had to say them twice—the first time I’d been so distracted by her I’d gotten them wrong—but the bond was started when I pulled back.

“You like to bite at the wrist,” Tessa gasped out. “Do you like to be bitten there too?”
