Page 70 of Elemental Healer

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“Yes, but you are free to bite me wherever. I just feel safer with the wrist with other people. Having someone bite my neck leaves me feeling vulnerable. With you, though, I don’t feel that way. I feel safe with you.”

She grimaced. “I poisoned you and tried to kill you with my magic. On top of that you fell off the balcony.”

I shrugged. “I’ve been through worse.”

Tessa rolled her eyes as she reached for my hand.

“I’m not a big blood drinker.” She winced like she was admitting something horrid to me, something worse than me being partly responsible for her mom’s death—something I was still trying to wrap my mind around.

“You’ll only need to drink from me once to create the bond. You never have to do it again after that.”

Try as I might, I couldn’t keep her from feeling my disappointment. I’d thought for a moment to hide it from her, but that would be a lie, so I didn’t block it.

“Why does it make you sad?” Tessa’s fingers ran over my hand as she laid it on her stomach.

Like the rest of her, this part of her body was soft. With the exception of Jazz, my sisters-in-law had a lot of muscle. My girl didn’t, but I liked her this way. It didn’t matter to me if she could run ten miles or one. How much weight she could lift did not interest me.

What did matter was that Tessa was as open with me, and honest, as I was with her. She had no idea how important that was to me. That’s what I wanted in a mate, and that’s what I’d received.

“I’ve been told how wonderful a mate’s bite feels, and I’d hoped to enjoy it more than once. However, after you bite me, we can discuss it more.”

Tessa took my hand back up and ran her nose down the back side of my forearm. She moaned and licked my wrist, and I’d never wanted a woman more than I did in that moment. Her teeth sank into my wrist, and a frenzy started when she drank from me. The bond formed itself in my head as another link was created but not connected to her.

Emotions from her and the length of her draw told me she liked this more than she’d anticipated. Which was fine by me, except I was done. I needed more than this.

It was a bit painful to pull my wrist from her when she wasn’t ready, but this wasn’t enough anymore.

Confusion crossed to me from her until she looked up. She was startled, but I had no idea why.

“Your eyes are glowing, Jefferson.” She was concerned over that?

“I’m an Elemental, Noodles. My eyes glow on occasion. Especially right now.” My voice was a deep growl I wasn’t used to hearing from myself. It seemed that the creation of the bond was pushing the healer out and letting the Elemental warrior take over. I had to be careful, though. I didn’t want to scare her.

There was no need to worry. Her lips curled up in a sensual smile. “I like it. And, I liked drinking your blood. I’ve never felt this powerful before, like I could take on the whole world and win.”

I pushed her down on the bed and leaned over her. “I love you, Tessa Lanshay.”

My hand slipped to the bottom of her shirt and began pulling it up. When the overwhelming amount of self-consciousness hit me, my hand halted.

“Are you okay, little one? Am I moving too quickly? I can stop.” She wouldn’t meet my eyes, and they began to sparkle with extra moisture. “Oh, Tessa. What did I do?”

Her head shook, and her voice sounded thick. “Nothing. You’ve been great. I just…I’m not like the girls you’re used to. I’m not like your brothers’ mates. I’m fluffy and could use some exercise. Even for a Harbor Witch, my eyes are a weird color, and I’m not as beautiful as other women.”

I was finished hearing this. “Stop.”

Her eyes opened wide at my harsh tone.

“Have you ever once felt a disgusted emotion from me when it comes to your body? Have you not seen the look in my eyes when I watch you? Do you feel me hesitate to touch you? Your body is beautiful, Tessa.” The sparkle in her eyes had begun to change from upset tears to ones of happiness. “Your lips have already brought me pleasure I’ve never experienced. And I have no doubt,” I let her see the raw need in my eyes that my body was feeling, “that the rest of you will do the same.”

Her blush was beautiful, and I leaned in to kiss her. It was my goal from then on to never let her doubt the physical attraction I had to her. At least right then, I hoped, as we completed our bond, she knew how happy I was to have her and how beautiful she was to me. But, just in case…

You are beautiful, Noodles.

Her eyes narrowed playfully at me.The first time you talk to me like this, and you call me Noodles. Really, Jefferson?

Easy, little one. I did say you were beautiful.

She gave an exaggerated eye roll and snuggled closer as I chuckled. My time with her had been more than I’d hoped it would be. Both of my elements were quietly resting inside of me after they’d gone crazy with excitement when I’d loved on my mate.
