Page 77 of Elemental Healer

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The city came into view, and I almost threw up. It was on fire. At least half the city was engulfed in flames. The enemy was destroying buildings and rounding up the citizens and making them submit or jailing them. I relayed it all to Jeff as I sat and cried in my seat. My beloved café was no more.

We’re going into the parking garage of Mount Pickett. Are your brothers close?

Yes, but they will be slowed down by this. And they’ve added protection to the babies.

We parked, and Kinkaide pulled me from the backseat. Jeff was released from the trunk, looking even worse, if that was possible. Then I remembered the injuries his body had incurred when we’d been captured.

I’m not sure how much longer I can force my body to stay conscious, Tessa. I’ll try to stay awake until we get where we’re meant to be. I’m so sorry.

Do not be sorry. No one could have foreseen this. Our plan was good. We just didn’t have the time for it to flourish.

Know that I love you. I always will.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.My mental voice was as much a whimper as my real voice would have been.

Stay strong. Be brave. Whatever choices you make, make sure they are choices you can live with. No one will judge you for anything that happens after this. We all want you to make moral decisions.

I love you, Jefferson.

His energy ebbed too much when one of the Vampires bit into his shoulder and drank from him.

“What are you doing?” Kinkaide grabbed the Vampire and slit his throat. I jumped and covered my mouth, eyes wide, at the sight. Oh gosh, we were going to die. “Come on. We’re late.”

Instead of taking the elevator, we climbed stairs. Lots of them. I couldn’t see Jeff, and his link was still silent. Why couldn’t we girls have been given a link to everyone else too?

Lady Life?

Hold on, sweet girl.I hadn’t expected her to reply.There is nothing you can do to stop these events. Just live through them. That is all that you need to do. Live. Keep Jeff alive as best you can.

I will do my best.

The Elementals have pulled back. There is nothing we can do to stop the Mindolin. We are now protecting the babies. The Mindolin has enough power to shield Mount Pickett from us so we cannot jump there. We will have to come in the same way as Jeff’s brothers.

How did he become so powerful?

Live through this, dear one, and we will explain it all.

Her link went silent. How was I supposed to live through this? Who was coming for us? Did they even know where we were? Where we’d end up?

We entered a library, and I had instant library envy. It was beautiful. I hoped it wouldn’t take too much damage during the siege.

“This way.” Kinkade led us to a door in a back corner and put in a code. The door opened, and stale, dry air hit my face.

We climbed down some stairs and entered another room filled with books. These books were old. Very old. Two tables had been placed between two shelves of books.

“Lay him here.” Silvia motioned to the Vampires to lay Jeff on the table to our right. The rest of their group, including Demons, Light, and even a Witch, followed us into the room and closed the door behind us.

“Sweetheart, I need a little of your blood while Kinkaide finds the book.” Silvia held her hand out to me as she picked up a knife.

Shaking my head, I moved back a step. The Demon behind me grasped onto my upper arms, holding me still. I was not going to be responsible for this! But try as I might to pull myself free, the Demon kept a strong grip on my arms.

Tears poured down my face. Help wasn’t going to come in time. They would take my blood and release the Mindolin. Then he would feed on Jeff, and I would be powerless to stop him from killing my mate.

Anger made me growl, and my new power, mixed with my magic, searched out the auras of the men and woman around me. Two, the Witch and a Demon, had received mortal wounds and had barely been saved. Those were their last healings. Lucky them.

The Vampires had less severe wounds as their last injuries, but before that they were injured pretty well. I’d have to undo many injuries, but I could do it.
