Page 79 of Elemental Healer

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One by one the Mindolin took the men and drank their blood until there was none left. The sight made me want to vomit, so I had to stop looking. The sound wasn’t much better as the men sobbed and pleaded for their lives until they were dead.


Jefferson! He’s alive. He’s here!

I know. Are you hurt?

No. Just a small cut. I’ll be okay. Here he comes!

“Now, I’d stay and chat with the both of you,” the Mindolin chuckled while he ran a finger over Jeff’s neck, “and I’d take a taste, but I have somewhere I need to be. There’s a certain unbonded Fire Elemental I need to find and destroy. When I’m done with that, I’ll be back to finish the two of you off.”

The door to the room opened before him, and I shook in fear at how much power the man had.

Can you free yourself?Jeff asked, and I pulled at my bonds.

“No.” My voice cracked, and I began crying. “What are we going to do? He’s going to kill Adam!”

We warn Adam and our family. Then, we wait to be rescued. Keep working on the bonds.

“I feel so helpless.”

Yes, but helpless is not hopeless. We may not be able to help ourselves, but we must never give up hope that our family will come through this intact.

“The Mindolin is free! How is there hope?”

We are alive. Adam still breathes. The Mindolin is not at full strength, or he wouldn’t have needed all the blood he drank. There is always hope. And, I love you.

Every Elemental in the room, other than my brothers’ mates, stiffened. Jeff’s words rang through my mind, and I couldn’t move.

“What’s wrong?” Sylee asked from across the room.

“The Mindolin is released,” her mate answered.

Gasps could be heard, but I continued to stare at the fire in the hearth.

Carmon continued, “He’s coming for Adam.”

“Why Adam?” Jazz asked. She’d come down with the babies, not feeling safe by herself upstairs.

The Vampires, Demons, Dark, and Nate had all decided to continue taking the treaty to their people. The Council decided to take the treaty to the other cities outside of Rusolo. The plan would remain. Even Jonas Hamilton had left to do his duty, leaving his family in our care.

Sylee hadn’t been able to get ahold of her brother, Archer, who was a cadet at Mount Pickett, since we’d learned of the state of the city. We all hoped for the best, but things weren’t looking good for Rusolo and its academy.

Drew spoke as he paced the windows next to the dining room table, looking out into the back yard. “Adam is unbonded. Without a Lady Fire, we will fall.”

“So, what do we do about that?” Grace asked.

I looked to my Aunt Mercy, ignoring the woman next to her. Everyone had ignored her since she’d arrived with the Elementals a few hours prior. She had had Aunt Mercy, Lady Life, call us back from our rescue of Jeff and Tessa. No one had moved past their anger about that yet.

“I need to go,” I told Life.

“It’s too dangerous.”

“You expect me to stay?” I didn’t mean to bark at her.

“We can protect you and the babies just fine.” Leo, Lord Fire, was an obnoxious jerk with a streak of arrogance a mile long.

“Why don’t you make him bite somebody?” Alex, Lord Healing, roared from across the room. “Make him bite the Neutral girl.”

Hazel cuddled closer to her husband, Connor. They were the only ones who hadn’t left, on my request. They knew my secret, and before this was over, they’d be risking their necks because of that secret.

Lady Life opened her mouth, but the woman next to her—the one we all ignored—stepped forward.

“Leave him alone. There is a little time,” she said.

I groaned. How wonderful. Of all the people in the world to come to my aid, it was Clara Lanshay, my mother. What was this favor going to cost me?
