Page 8 of Elemental Healer

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"Then why are you in my room?" Jeff stood in the doorway, watching me as I continued to make myself at home, unloading my toiletries and walking to his bathroom.

"You're not squeamish about girlie products, are you? Being a Witch, I'm not really much different than your Light women when it comes to personal needs."

"Tessa," he growled. "What are you doing?"

I deposited the items in the bathroom before leaning against the bathroom door frame, taking the same stance as Jeff. "My job is to watch Nathaniel's back," I said.

Jeff nodded. "Yes, and that is my job as well."

"I don’t know you one little bit, Captain, outside of the fact that I now know you need to rethink your diet. That means I do not trust you. Nathaniel might, but that's not my concern. My concern is his safety, and right now, I'm sticking to you like glue in this house, bud. Get used to sharing, because that's how it's going to be."

My tone brooked no room for argument, and I could see the boy's jaw clenching and relaxing as he thought my words through.

"Fine, but I'll need to bring in a cot."

"Nope," I interrupted. "We're sharing. I want to know if you get up in the night."

"Oh heck no."

"Oh heck yes."

His eyes darkened. "You and I are not sharing a bed, Tessa. I will agree to sharing a room with you until you learn to trust me, but I draw the line there."

"What? Are you afraid I'm going to take advantage of you during the night?" I winked at him again. Even the mock attempt at flirting with the man made me want to gag. Sleeping by his side was going to be a nightmare.

He scoffed at me.

"Well, then," I smiled, "this arrangement should work out lovely."

If I heardone more comment about how great the meal was, I was going to blow my top. Yeah, sure, it tasted wonderful, but fifty people didn't need to compliment the meal. That was a little overkill.

I sat on a couch in the living room with Nathaniel and the warrior-healer. The Demons sat across from us with Grace sitting on the couch with them and Dalton on the floor in front of her. The couch on our right was filled with Jonas and Ruby Hamilton. Sylee sat by her mother with Carmon in the same position as Dalton. The Vampires, Dark, and Hamilton children along with their Elemental protectors were seated tightly around the table.

"Will we be doing this often?" Nathaniel asked Carmon as everyone finished up their meals.

"I'm not sure," was the answer. "The Council isn't very trusting, even with us and Jonas here. They want to make sure they are not plotted against."

"We all want peace."

Carmon put down his plate, and I could tell we were moving into business territory. Those at the table began carrying their chairs to the living room, and the Hamilton children joined Carmon on the floor by their parents.

When everyone was settled, we all looked to Carmon. It seemed weird to have the leader on the floor, but he didn't seem inclined to move.

"Some of you know, while others are not yet aware," he began. "We recently learned there is a traitor in our Light Council."

"How are we going to make a treaty with a traitor?" I asked while those who were still in shock sat with wide eyes and stunned expressions. "And why are we only finding out about this now? You could have passed it on weeks ago so we'd be prepared when coming."

My temper was flaring up—I wasn't known for a mild temperament—and Nathaniel had to lay a firm hand on my knee to make me shut my mouth. The hate I held for these men grew even more. They'd knowingly put us all in danger.

Carmon acknowledged me with a nod. "I apologize for leaving some of you in the dark. Unfortunately, I don't trust any lines of communication besides face to face right now. We don't know who the traitor is, and we're going to need everyone to keep an eye out for indications of who it could be."

"You want us to suspect people on your Council?" That had come from the new Dark King, Saber Decoya. His sister was now Lady Lightning, bonded to Christopher Lanshay.

Adam spoke up then. "We know it's not a great solution, but except for Jonas, everyone on the Council is suspect. We aren't asking you to go snooping. Mostly, just keep an eye on everyone in this room to make sure they're safe. We know all of you are looking for peace as much as we are, but mostly we need unity."

"Do you think it's possible?" Damian asked from across the room.

"I think so," Sophie Lanshay said. "When I needed help to reach the guys in time to save Chris, a Neutral couple drove me as close to here as they were comfortable. They knew I was Dark, the princess even, and while they weren't completely happy about it, they helped me. It will take time. It's not going to happen overnight, and some people won't like the decision, but even Grace's parents changed."
