Page 9 of Elemental Healer

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Grace snorted. "Yeah, and if they can change, most people can."

"I think the races who are going to have the hardest time being accepted are not the Dark and Witches," Nathaniel said. "It will be the Vampires and Demons. Their need for blood will be hardest for people to overlook."

"We need to get news out about the Mindolin," Jonas put in. "Somehow we need to do it in a way that doesn't cause mass panic. People need to be preparing and know why we're pushing unity so hard."

"My people are becoming aware of the creature," Saber said. The man beside him, Anverse, nodded his head in confirmation. "Since it was our previous king who began the creature's release, the knowledge has spread quickly. Our military is attempting to keep mass hysteria from occurring."

"The Harbor Witches do not have a military to do that." Nathaniel rubbed at the small beard he'd decided to start growing a couple weeks ago.

Carmon cleared his throat. "I think we should save the rest of this conversation for the treaty talks. I just wanted to give you a heads up on what's going on with the Council."

"Thank you, Cal. I'm sure we all appreciate the new knowledge." Victor's accent was fun to listen to. The lilt was staccato.

Carmon stood. "Okay, I think it's time for everyone to head back to their houses. I know you're not children, but I don't want the Council to call foul on us before the treaty talks even begin."

Multiple voices agreed, and we all did a few things to clean up and left the house.

The temperature had dropped, and I shivered in my Witch robes. "Is it possible for me to pop over to the house using my magic so I don't freeze to death?" I asked Jeff as we hit the tree line.

"That's fine with me, but are you sure you want to leave me alone with Nate?" Jeff looked over at me with a smirk. He'd grown used to my presence after all our time together since my arrival. I still didn't make him feel relaxed, but he was adjusting. I didn't like it. Even more, I did not like his reminder of why I was here.

"Why wouldn't she trust me in your care?" Nathaniel asked. "I trust you boys and so does Tessa. Please, Tessa, go on ahead."

"Nah, I'll just tough it out." My eyes narrowed at the warrior-healer as his eyes taunted me with his declaration that he'd won this round. Arrogant piece of…grrrrr…

I'd been forced to start blowing warm air on my fingers to keep their feeling by the time we reached Jeff's cabin. How had Jeff and Nathaniel not frozen?

"It's going to be cold tonight. I'll make sure to keep a fire going in the fireplace if you want to enjoy it." Jeff headed over to the hearth to start a blaze while Nathaniel and I hung up our robes on hooks by the door.

"Will you be warm enough tonight?" Nathaniel asked me as he rubbed his hands together to warm them.

I smirked in Jeff's direction. "Don’t worry about me. I'll be toasty warm."

Jeff had stiffened at our exchange, and I could see him putting effort into relaxing as Nathaniel ventured into the living room area.

"What's down the stairs?" I asked, looking at the steps that separated the kitchen area from the living room.

"Gym, storage. Not much really. You're welcome to use the gym. It's not as big as the one in Drew's house, but it's decent.”

“Do you have ingredients to make cookies?” I started searching cupboards for the items I’d need.

“No. I’ll have to pick some stuff up for that.”

My scowl was directed at the package of premade cookies in front of me. The ones he ate for breakfast. I’d have to settle for those. I’d really wanted to make cookies, though. It was something to do.

While the guys settled into a conversation about something I didn’t pay attention to—I had plans to fulfill—I made my way upstairs to the room I was sharing with Jeff. Inside, I grabbed out the small vial and syringe I’d stored away in my luggage between my underwear, a place a male wouldn’t look. I’d hoped, anyway.

This part of the plan required no magic use and really wasn’t much in terms of revenge. I was still in the research phase of this activity. I’d let him in on my plan to destroy him later on, at the point where there was no turning back for either of us, but that point was not yet here.

After filling the syringe with the clear liquid, I stashed the vial in my underwear again and slipped downstairs before I was missed. I’d taken the time to grab a book and brush my hair so my trip upstairs wouldn’t seem suspicious.

Grabbing the package of cookies, I turned my back on the men and pulled back the foiled top of the package to expose its contents. Three cookies in hand, I stabbed the needle into a half dozen more cookies remaining in their home.

With chipmunk cheeks from a whole cookie in my mouth, I replaced the cookies back in the cupboard. Nathaniel hated cookies. I had no fear of him eating what he shouldn’t in the container.

“Hope they’re a kind you like.” Jeff nodded to the cookies in my hand as I lay down on a couch in his small living room.

“They’ll do.”
