Page 116 of The Edge of Falling

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"I mean, I know Oliver and Foster said they want us to find ourselves and choose a career that we're really going to love, and all that good stuff, but I think for now we're just looking for jobs, right?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "I think so. I mean, I don't really know what I want to do. I mean, I do know what I want to do, but I can't do it."

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

"I told you, I want to work for a TV show. I want to write TV scripts."

"That would be pretty amazing," I said, nodding, "and you're a brilliant writer."

"Aw, thanks, Rosalie."

"What? It's true."

"Do you know what you want to do?" she asked.

"Um, can I say be a housewife and sit and watch TV all day?" She started laughing.

"Oh my gosh. You did not just say that."

"I mean, I did, and it's only half true. Does that make it half less bad?"

"I guess so," she said, "but that's a long way off. You don't even have a boyfriend right now."

"I know," I said, smiling as I thought about Oliver.

"Unless Oliver is your man."

"No, no, no. It's nothing like that. Though, last night he was so sweet."

"Oh yeah, what happened when you snuck off to his room? Did you bow chicka bow wow?" She winked at me.

"No, actually. He gave me this cute little dolphin, because..."

"Don't tell me he remembered how much you loved dolphins when we were kids."

"Yeah," I said. "Sweet, huh?"

"That is really sweet," she nodded. "And so you didn't give him thank you sex for that?"

"Girl, I wanted to give him hello, let's get it on sex, but he wanted to talk, and it was really nice. We just talked about things we liked, things we were into and, you know, just sort of caught up after all these years."

"Oh, wow. It sounds like one of those first dates that you have at a coffee shop," she said, "where you get to know everything about the other person."

"Yeah. I guess it was kind of like that, except we didn't have to find out the basic things because we already knew them. We were just filling in each other on our likes and dislikes and, you know, just enjoying each other's company and laughing."

"Oh, that sounds amazing, Rosalie."

"It kind of was." I chewed down on my lower lip. "I think I'm really falling for him."

"Oh no," Alice said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I don't know. He's got much more depth than I remember as a teenager, but maybe that's because I have more depth now, as well. I mean, I appreciate that he's a fucking sexy guy, but I like his personality, as well, like he's caring and he's funny and he's protective and sometimes he's a little bit over the top and grumpy, but I like him in all his stages. Is that weird?"

"No, girl. I think you're falling in love with him." I looked at her and nodded slightly.

"I think you're right. I think I'm in love with Oliver James, and this time, it's not just puppy love." I sighed. "He was right."

"What do you mean?"

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