Page 37 of The Edge of Falling

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"You don't understand, Rosalie. It's not as black and white as Diana is trying to make it seem."

"Did you date her?" Rosalie said, ice in her voice.

"Yes, but not—”

"Did you have sex with her?" she cut me off. I let out a deep sigh.

"Of course. We were dating. Rosalie, that—”

"Did you ask her if she wanted to get back together again?"

"Yes, but that was before—”

"I can't right now. I can't believe you kissed me last night, and you have whatever it is you have with that horrible woman." She sniffed, and I bit back a smile. It was true, of course. Diana, while beautiful, didn’t have the warmest personality, but I hadn't dated her because I wanted someone warm. She was a fellow attorney and kinky as hell. There had been many nights when we'd worked late and then gone back to her place or my place and fucked like bunny rabbits just to get out the anxiety and frustration of the case.

I'd never loved her. I didn't even particularly like her. She was just there, but I knew Rosalie wouldn't understand that. She still had an idealistic view of love and relationships and sex, and I didn't think it would make it better if I told her that the only thing Diana and I had in common was our love of doggy style and reverse cowgirl. That was something I would never share with her.

"Please, Rosalie, just let me explain. I didn't kiss you last night because—”

"You already told me why you kissed me last night. You told me last night..." She blinked. "I don't even know what I'm saying right now," she mumbled. "I'm so upset. I can't believe that you cheated on your girlfriend with me."

"She's not my girlfriend, Rosalie. You know that."

"I can't believe you cheated with someone you want to be your girlfriend. I just can't believe this. I never should have come. I should have just stayed at home. I should have just found a job at a local store, saved money, and Alice and I could have moved to LA or something."

"So now you don't even want to be in New York?" I stared at her.

"I don't know," she said. "I can't believe this."

"Rosalie, please let me explain."

"Look, they're waiting for you in there. I don't want someone else coming out saying, 'Oh, please come, Oliver, we need you so badly.'" She rolled her eyes. "Like frigging a, can't they just do whatever they got to do without you?" I pressed my lips together. She didn't know that the sole purpose of the event was the award ceremony and that I was the only recipient of an award, so they kinda were waiting on me. I didn't want her to think I had a big head or that I thought I was important because none of that mattered to me right now, not as long as she was upset. "Just go, Oliver."

"I don't want you to—”

"I'm going to call Alice and talk to her. I'll be sitting over there." She pointed at some seats in the lobby. "Do your thing, and we'll speak later."

"Okay," I said, nodding. I stepped forward to grab her hands, and she pushed me away.

"Oh, no way. Don't even think about touching me," she said. "You're an asshole, and as far as I'm concerned, assholes don't belong in my life." And with that, she turned around and headed to the couches. I let out a deep sigh. I wanted to follow her and explain that Diana meant nothing to me, and it was her that I wanted to get to know and explore better. As soon as I was able to have a private conversation with Diana, I would tell her that it was over. I didn't even care if Foster was upset. I'd have a conversation with him and explain. We were best friends, so he had to know I was a good guy. Well, maybe not the best guy, but at least I wasn't the worst guy in the world. I heard the sound of her voice again and looked up. Diana was standing by the door.

"Oliver, they're waiting," she said in her shrill voice, and as I looked at her, I saw a glint in her eyes that I recognized as malice. She'd done that on purpose. She'd wanted Rosalie to be upset. I pressed my lips together. It was my own fault. I should have ended things with Diana a long time ago, or at least as soon as I'd found out Rosalie was coming to town.



My fingers pressed the buttons on the phone clumsily as I attempted to call Alice. I needed to talk to my best friend. My emotions were all over the place, and I was pissed at Oliver and myself.

"Hey girl, what's going on?" Alice said, answering the phone as soon as I called.

"Oh my gosh, Alice, I miss you." I burst out immediately in a garble.

"What? I can't understand what you're saying," she said. "What's wrong?"

"I miss you, Alice."

"Where are you? I thought you were going to have a wild night of sex with Oliver tonight."
