Page 60 of The Edge of Falling

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"But you still slept with her."

I sighed. "I don't expect you to understand, Rosalie, but I'm not sleeping with you because I value you. I care about you."

"Oh, shut the fuck up, Oliver." She shook her head. "You know what? I'm done with these games. If you don't want me, I'm sure I can find a man who does." As soon as she said those words, I froze.

"Rosalie, listen to me. Don't just go-"

"Don't tell me what to do," she said, glaring. "I'm about to go and have a shower, and then I'll come out when I'm ready and we can eat the food. Where is the pizza, by the way?"

"Really, Rosalie? Pizza?"

"What? You don't want to sleep with me, so I might as well look forward to the next best thing."

"So sex with me was number one, and pizza is number two?"

"Yeah. Actually, tell a lie. Pizza is number one. Sex with you was good for being number two. But that was only because the pizza wasn't there yet."

I shook my head and stifled a laugh. "I know I've hurt you, Rosalie, but-"

"You haven't hurt me, Oliver. You've got a big head. You think that you rule the world and just because you don't want to sleep with me, that hurts? Whatever. There are a billion other men who want to be with me."

"I'm sure there are, but-"

"Maybe I'll try to figure out Chad's number. Do you have it?"

I glared at her. "Really?"

"What? You don't think he wants me?"

"We both know he wants you, but he's not the right guy for you."

"Oh, why not?"

I pressed my lips together. I didn't really have a good reason. I didn't really know Chad whatsoever. He actually seemed like a pretty nice guy. I sighed. "Rosalie, you just got to New York. Shouldn't your focus be on finding a job? And Alice is coming soon. Don't you guys want to find jobs and get a place, and then you can start thinking about dating and hooking up."

She stared at me for a couple of seconds and then turned around and walked back into the apartment. She walked into the bathroom, and I heard doors slamming. I let out a deep sigh. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew my intentions were good. I knew she was hurt because I could see it in her eyes. But everything I'd said was true. Women, especially young women, tended to fall in love after they'd had sex. And, well, I didn't want that for Rosalie. I didn't want her to have expectations of our time together that I couldn't fulfill. Even though a part of me knew that if we did make love, it would be more than sex. It would be meaningful. I just didn't know how meaningful or where it could take us, and I wasn't willing to risk it.

I walked into the apartment and closed the sliding door. I sat on the couch and listened to the water running in the bathroom. "Oh man," I mumbled to myself. If I hadn't been such an idiot, perhaps I could have been in the shower with her right now, fucking her against the marble walls. That would have been amazing. But no, here I was sitting on the couch alone, my dick harder than it had been in a long time. But at least my conscience didn't feel like I was a complete and utter bastard that only thought with his small head. At least I had that.



So it turns out that I’m really good at ignoring people once I feel rejected. It had been three days since I’d talked to Oliver. I was still seething with anger at the way he’d turned me down. It was humiliating to be buck naked on a bed, begging for a man to take you and for him to then jump up off the bed and go running. Like what the actual fuck? Thanks for nothing, dickhead. I kept my eyes closed as I heard Oliver walking toward the couch to speak to me, as he did every morning and night.

“Hey Rosalie, not sure if you’re awake or not...” His voice trailed off, and I kept my body as still as possible. “I could tickle you and find out.” I knew that if he even attempted to tickle me, I’d kick him in the balls so hard that one would fall off. “Anyway, I’m headed to work now. I’m leaving early today so maybe we can grab lunch...Alice arrives tomorrow, so you’ll really need to talk to me before then.” He let out a huge sigh. “You know I’m sorry, and you know that I didn’t say no because I don’t think you’re attractive...” I wanted to roll my eyes so badly at his comments. I wasn’t sure what was more offensive. Him not finding me attractive or him not thinking I was girlfriend material. Because I’d read between the lines. This was about more than me being Foster’s sister or a virgin. This was about him not seeing any sort of future relationship for the two of us.

"Well, I guess I will just let you continue sleeping," Oliver said.

I kept my eyes closed and tried not to move. I heard his footsteps as he walked toward the door and then, about thirty seconds later, I heard the door open and slam shut. I counted to ten and then slowly opened my eyes. He was gone. I sat up and stretched and looked around the apartment.

Today is going to be a new day. I jumped up off the couch. That was my new mantra. It was from a post I'd seen on Instagram that had inspired me, and I knew that I couldn't let myself commiserate over Oliver's rejection forever.

I headed toward the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I opened the fridge and looked for some orange juice. I poured myself a tall cup of orange juice and chugged it down and then walked back to my bed.

I stared at the couch and the sheets strewed across it and the two pillows and decided to fold them and put them into Foster's room for the day. I knew that if I left the sheets on the couch, I'd just want to lie down and watch TV all day, and I couldn't do that again. I grabbed my phone to call Alice.

"Hey, morning," she said, immediately answering.
