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“See what?” His head moves back and forth. “We have to go,” he says.

“Wait,” I say, grabbing his hand. “The count had a key around his neck. It’sthekey.”

“Do I even want to know how you know this?” He blows out a harsh breath. “Why would he have the key to a box of my father’s?”

“I don’t have those answers. I just know.”

He pops his fist onto his hip, running his free hand through his hair, exasperation radiating from him. “Let’s just break the damn thing open. That will be a hell of a lot easier than trying to sneak into Dupré’s room.”

Addy’s father. I should’ve known.

“Let’s go,” I say, rushing back to my room. Once inside, I slam the door and turn the lock to keep anyone from entering.

Law’s eyes widen. “Katina has no boundaries,” I explain, and he chuckles.

“Do you have a club or anything heavy to beat against this?”

“Yes, Law. I happen to carry a club with me everywhere I go.” I purse my lips.

“Give me the blasted thing,” he demands. “I’ll use the corner of this wall.”

“Won’t that be loud and draw attention?”

“Do you have a better plan?”

I shake my head, handing him the box. “It’s all yours. Don’t break whatever’s inside.”

Twenty minutes later, we’ve both come to realize that the box is indestructible. It’s been beaten, thrown, and set on fire, and not a damn thing has worked.

“Damn witches,” Law growls under his breath.

“It’s been spelled?”

He nods. “You’re right. Whatever’s in this box is important. It has to be, if my father consorted with witches to protect it.”

We both plop down onto the bed, exhausted.

“We have to get that key, Law.”

He sighs. “I know.”

“Julian and I are headed to Seattle tomorrow. He’s taking me to Shannon.”

He lies back beside me, turning his head to look at me. “Good. It’s about damn time.”

I smile. “Thanks for having my back, Law. It means... everything.”

He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes never waver from mine. The sadness I see in his hazel irises breaks my heart. I know when he looks at me, he sees Maggie. It’s obvious to me that Law had feelings for her. Deep feelings.

He clears his throat, sitting up. “While you’re gone, I’ll try to get into Dupré’s room. It won’t be easy.”

I hate that I’m leaving Law to figure this part out himself. The box, however, will be traveling with me to Seattle. I can’t leave it behind.

“Don’t get caught.”

He snickers. “I’m stealthy.” He taps my knee twice. “I’ve got some work to do.” He makes his way to the door and before he leaves, he turns back. “Be careful, Marina. Seattle is going to be tough. You have to be on your guard. The Shannon you know...” He takes a deep breath. “Well... she’s not the same.”

I appreciate Law’s concern and I know things are going to be tough, but it’s Shannon. She won’t hurt me.

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