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“I was just curious. Thanks.”

I know that Julian trusts Anderson, but walls have ears, and I don’t want to voice my suspicion until I speak to Julian. I also don’t want to sound like an idiot. My gut tells me that one of the counts oversees Mexico, which makes attacking the border states easy. At the same time, would they be so obvious?

I join Maggie and Shannon in the cell. They’re talking about Maggie’s time at Marcellus’s and my ears perk up. I’ve only heard bits and pieces of the story, and there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding her time there.

“So you mean to tell me you were there the entire time I was?” Shannon asks incredulously.

Maggie shrugs her shoulders. “I honestly have no idea. He didn’t allow me to leave that room. I was under constant guard,” she explains. “He had someone stationed outside the door the entire time.”

“You didn’t try to escape?” I ask, and she shakes her head.

“I didn’t have a reason to.”

“You didn’t have a reason to?” Shannon’s voice pitches. “That vampire is evil. I watched him behead a girl.”

I cringe at the mention of Stacey, and Shannon has the good sense to mouth an apology. “I know that’s what you all say, but that’s not the man that I encountered. He told me that I was in danger, which I already knew. It was the whole reason I jumped to begin with.” She takes a breath. “He said that he was hiding me, so they couldn’t find me.”

“Who’s they?” Law presses, and I nod my head in agreement. Hopefully, Maggie got some insight into who was after her so we can know for sure who the traitor is.

“He didn’t say.” She frowns. “He did, however, say I was free to go, but if I did, they’d come for me again, and he couldn’t save me this time. Marcellus told me it was for my own protection, and that not even his estate was safe. So no, I didn’t try to leave.” She looks to me. “Not only did I feel safe, but I thought it would be safer for you too,” she says.

She grabs Shannon’s hand. “I don’t know why he was different with you, but I believe it had something to do with keeping up appearances.” I frown. “He mentioned a few times that he needed his brothers to believe he was the bad guy.”

“What the hell does that even mean?” Law barks, and Maggie looks at him, placing a hand on his leg. “He didn’t elaborate.”

“Did you see who was at the cliff that day?” I ask, hoping like hell she has something that can help.

“The sun made it difficult to see, but I believe it was a short, dark-haired man.”

“Anyone you know?” I direct to Law.

“Several, unfortunately.” He huffs. “It’s a start though.”

“Shannon?” Maggie says in a small, unsure voice. “Can I ask you a question?”

Shannon smiles. “Anything.”

Maggie pauses, likely to formulate whatever words she’s getting ready to utter. “What did Marcellus do to you?”

Shannon seems to consider this. “I... I really don’t remember,” she confesses. “I recall the events from the night of the party. The night I was... turned.” She gulps. “B-but I’m struggling to remember anything before that. I have just bits and pieces from the time I was abducted to being here.” She scratches at her head. A look of irritation crossing her features. “I don’t know why I can’t remember.”

“It’s okay, Shannon,” I say gently, trying to get her to calm down. We don’t need her having any setbacks when she’s so close to being out of this cage. “It’ll all come back eventually.” I smile, even though I don’t truly know if her memories ever will come back fully.

The rest of the time we spend in Seattle is filled with conversations about good times from the past, and all the things we plan to do once Shannon feels up to it. We don’t talk about vampires, auctions, or bad memories. We use the time we have to enjoy each other and to be grateful that despite all the changes, we still have each other. No matter what the future brings, we’ll get through it together.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I’m restless.

The sense of unease has abated since the Council meeting, but it’s still there. Not knowing what will come of this has my stomach in knots. If even one of them decides to back out last minute when it comes time to shut down the auction, the whole plan is threatened. Not only do I need every hand on deck, but I have to be certain that I have their loyalty. If I don’t, it leaves room for Marcellus to escape and also for him to gain favor from more of my Council.

I slam my hand down on the desk, frustrated by merely considering that possibility.

“Damn, brother, you’re worked up early,” Law calls from the doorway to my office. “And here I thought I’d get a better reception upon arrival.”

“Welcome home.” It’s all I offer.

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