Page 44 of Fear the Fall

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You’re Somebody Else

My back slamsagainst the cold concrete building in a dark alley outside of the bar we just left.

A bar. Who am I even?

Luke’s tongue begs entrance to my mouth, and I give it willingly, moaning in response to his expert abilities. I don’t want to even think about how much experience he’s had to provoke such pleasure.

Luke holds my hips pressed against him as his tongue massages mine. I love the feeling. All of the intense emotions felt here on Earth are overwhelming. Every touch I feel to my bones. Every kiss sends my stomach free-falling. I’m on the verge of tears and I have absolutely no idea why. Pure joy is the only explanation I have.

This night is everything I never thought I needed but wouldn’t be without now that I’ve experienced it. It’s been all I hoped for. What I fell for.

We spent the night dancing, bodies pressed tightly together, our lips fused, cementing our budding relationship.

Budding. I laugh to myself. We’re so far past that. It’s as if I’ve known Luke my entire life. He makes me feel things that I never thought possible.

“I’m never letting you go, Victoria.” He says my name like a prayer, and butterflies take flight in my belly at the reverence in his voice. “I’m going to love you until the day I die,” he vows, and I smile, feeling his words in my soul, because I feel the same way.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand erect, signaling danger is close by. Apparently, there are some things that even falling can’t take from me. Demon radar being one of them.

“What’s wrong?” he whispers, placing a kiss on the curve of my neck.

“Something’s coming. Something dangerous,” I explain, and he doesn’t appear bothered in the least.

“It’ll be fine, Victoria. Stay here with me,” he croons.

The certainty in his voice and my eagerness to please him has me relinquishing my concern and giving myself over to him for safekeeping.

I’m lost in the feel of his hands wandering my body when I’m jerked out of his grasp. My body is hurled toward the ground, and I smack hard into the asphalt of the alley floor. When I look up, two glowing red eyes meet mine. Feral and out for blood.

A demon.

I scramble back, unsure what defenses I still possess. I just fell this afternoon, and I lost my blade in the process. A feeling of absolute helplessness invades my troubled mind. How can I save us?

Internally, I berate myself. I’m still a celestial being. That’s something that not even the fall can take away from me. These creatures have crumbled under my touch for centuries. While I’m busy psyching myself up for this fight, the demon lunges toward me, dagger in hand.

I yell out, curling into a ball, trying to protect myself, but the impact I expect never comes. My arms fall to my sides, and when I look up, dread fills me completely. The air is sucked from my lungs and my heart stops.

“Luke?” my voice wavers, eyes opening and closing, trying desperately to unsee what’s laid out before me.

Luke—my Luke—is hovering off the ground, a pair of raven wings protruding from his back. His eyes are the color of night, and his face is twisted in a menacing glare that has even the demon cowering. In a voice unrecognizable to me, he instructs the demon to go back to Hell, and it obeys. Its head lowers and it slinks into the shadows, reprimanded and submissive.

Luke’s gaze turns to me and I know.


My hands fly to my mouth, covering my pathetic moan of guilt and betrayal.


My head shakes back and forth violently as my hands cover my ears to drown out his deceitful words. Never allow the devil to whisper in your ear; you’ll fall victim every time. I’m proof of that.

With a flutter of his wings, he disappears, leaving me alone in the alley.

I curl back into a ball, weeping, praying to God to end my existence.

His mercy never comes.

Zeke’s phone blares to life from the nightstand, jarring us both.
