Page 1 of Bites in Paradise

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Am I moving right now? It feels like I’m swaying which can’t be right. I don’t think.

The last thing I remember is getting off the plane, bleary eyed and exhausted. I don’t think you can blame me for the being exhausted thing. There’s a lot going on and my body has been working overtime.

It’s not only because I have three men who drain me in the best of ways. I’ll never complain about my men wanting me and showing me exactly how they feel about me. I relish the moments when they let go and become the predators they are under the surface.

They might not have to chase me, especially after they put a ring on my finger, but they haven’t lost any of their bite.

And yes, pun intended.

If Colt, Owen and Barrett stopped sinking their teeth into me, it would be a huge red flag. I don’t want them to stop. I love seeing the evidence of their passion and need for me on my skin.

When it’s hot and hard, they lose all grasp of their humanity and become rutting beasts, complete with feral snarls and growls while they leave their bite marks on me.

Sometimes I can’t believe the life I have now but being with the three of them still feels so right. For so long I was searching for something and was afraid I’d never find it. Now, I know what true contentment feels like. We find it every day with each other as we build our life together.

I crack my eyes open to find myself in Barrett’s arms. I should have known he was the one cradling me against his chest. When his green eyes come down to meet mine, they heat in a way which has tingles shooting through my body instantly. My men always have this effect on me.

“Hey, little lamb, enjoy your nap? You were wiped out and I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” the low rumble of his voice has me perking up, reminding me where we are and why.

I don’t want to sleep this vacation away. I will fight my body to stay up for this. I have every intention to take full advantage of our time at Temptation in Paradise Resort. There are a lot of activities and amenities, but I have a feeling I won’t be able to take advantage of many of them.

The hunger in Barrett’s eyes tell me I’m not wrong at all. If it was up to my men, they’d have me naked and secluded in our cabana the entire time we’re here. I’m not necessarily opposed to it, but if they think I’m not going to enjoy the pink sandy beaches and the clear blue water of the Bahamas then they are going to be in for a rude awakening.

I’ve never been on a vacation like this. I’m not going to miss out by being in a sex haze. Well, not the entire time at least.

I mumble sleepily, “Are we there yet?”

Owen’s warm laugh comes from somewhere behind me, “Yeah, little lamb, we’re here.”

When I tear my eyes from Barrett’s I notice the setting sun, a tapestry of pinks and oranges. What a way to start out our vacation. I’ve always loved the sunset in New York City, but this one is different. Maybe it’s the way the air is clean as the ocean breeze brushes past me. Maybe it’s the quiet. Maybe it’s simply because I’m here with the men, my fiancés, I love with all my heart.

Life isn’t perfect, not by a long shot. My brother, Landon, who is my guy’s oldest friend and boss, still hasn’t really come around to the unconventional relationship I’m in. He was always so protective of me, but he should be relieved he doesn’t have to worry about me now.

My men are former SEALS and I know, in their arms and with their love, nothing bad can touch me. They wouldn’t let it and, if something did happen, they’d burn down the world to get to me and take down anyone who even thought about hurting me.

I peek over Barrett’s gigantic shoulder to find Colt walking behind us, half of our bags in his hands. Even though we’re on vacation, his keen eyes are assessing, making sure we’re safe. When his dark blue eyes meet mine, there’s a softness there reserved only for me. It should warm my heart or something romantic, which it does, but it also makes my pussy clench around nothing, as if I’m already anticipating his cock buried deep inside me.

Because I am.

There is so much promise for pleasure on this trip.

When Owen brought up a vacation, I was reluctant. I was a little afraid of how people would look at us. Three men with one woman isn’t exactly the norm, no matter where you are, but in New York we can blend into the sea of people without anyone caring what we’re doing. Going on a vacation is entirely different.

I don’t do well out of my comfort zone or with people giving us dirty looks. Love is love and all that. I guess a woman and her harem is where some people draw the line.

If they only knew how fucking good it is when I’m encircled by my three growly, protective men. Seriously, they have no idea what they’re missing out on.

My men didn’t miss my reluctance to go on vacation with them and once I shared my reasons, it was Owen who put my mind at ease. He told me, “Temptation in Paradise Resort is a place all about adult pleasure. No one is going to look at us funny there.”

Colt grumbled, “No, people will probably try and look at our little lamb with lust.” He clenched his fist, his eyes going hard and cold. “They’ll learn quickly we might share amongst us, but that’s it.” His eyes pierced me as he reminded me, “You’re ours.”

I am. I so fucking am.

Owen leads us down a walkway attached to the ocean front cabana we’re staying in. I squirm in Barrett’s arms, and he lets out a low growl of warning which has my body stilling and my nipples pebbling. When Owen holds the door open to the cabana, his eyes dancing with amusement, I’m able to take the view in immediately. The view of the water reflecting the sunset, multiplying it until I can taste the colors on my tongue, is breathtaking.
