Page 12 of Summer Muse

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“That’s right,” I snarl with an intensity I didn’t know I had. Only for this woman. “Come all over my cock. Fuck. Your pussy is begging for my cum.”

I grunt as I pump into her three more times before filling her completely and letting the tingle at the base of my spine engulf me. I come so fucking hard my vision goes a little blurry for a moment. As I let out a ragged breath, I try and take in much needed oxygen, but it’s hard when everything feels like it’s pulled tight, and my soul is realigning with Calliope as my center.

When we collapse together, it’s in a tangled heap of sweaty limbs and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t hesitate to pull her against me, needing to feel her close. I need the reassurance of it, the weight of it, the perfection of it.

When she turns her head toward me, there’s a sleepy smile of satisfaction on her face which has my heart pounding in my chest. That’s the smile I want to see on her face every day for the rest of my life. I want to know she’s content and happy. I want to know she feels good with a single look.

When I kiss her, it’s soft and sweet. It’s a thank you and a hope. It’s a promise and a song.

I pepper her face with kisses making her giggles softly. I’ve never quite known what it’s like to fly until this very moment. I swear I can feel my wings flapping and the air ruffling my feathers. I had no idea I was capable of such a feeling.

“I meant it, Calliope,” my voice is soft, but there’s steel there.

I saw the doubt. I want to chase it away. I want to forget it ever existed on her face because it’s been so thoroughly replaced with knowing.

When I notice her breathing has deepened, I almost chuckle. I stop myself because I don’t want to shake her and wake her up. Instead, I curl around her and start making plans.

I have a place in Denver, and I want to make it ours. I know she doesn’t have anything to go home to, not really. She could get a job in Denver just as easily as anywhere else. I have no doubt the family would help her out.

Damn, she’d love them and fit right in with all the ladies in the family. I know it so deeply that I can almost imagine her hugging Holly, the wife of Cole Howard, the lead singer for Suburban Outcasts. I can see her laughing with Amelia, the wife of Beckett Banks, a tattoo artist and part of the family. Hell, I can even imagine her smiling at Kat and getting a smile back.

That’s just the kind of woman my Calliope is.

I know she’d thrive in Denver with the family. Now, the question becomes how I get her to agree to change the course of her life and give it a try. All I need is a chance to show her how perfect it will be.

The only thing which worries me is not knowing if she’ll be willing to make that leap after only a few days. I’m ready to go all in. If I had a ring for her, I’d get down on my fucking knee for her right now and ask her to be my wife.

I don’t want to scare her away, though. I’ll have to find a way to prove it to her subtly.

It’ll be difficult since everything in me wants to hike to the highest point and shout for the world to hear that Calli is mine, that I love her, that I’m not letting her go.

I have a few days to show her that I’m the right choice and then I’m going to have to man up and ask her. Even if she doesn’t agree to stick around here until my exile is lifted, I’m not going to give up on her. I’ll do whatever I need to do to ensure she’s right where she belongs—by my side and in my arms.



I’ve been trying to ignore the feeling of dread which has grown over the last few days. It’s been there in the back of my mind like a storm you know is coming, but desperately wish it would wait a little while longer before it blows in. I knew today would come. I wanted to ignore it, but I knew it wasn’t going to change anything.

I was always destined to be right here. Now that I am, packed up even as Lane’s arms are wrapped around me as I wake up in his cabin, I don’t know how to feel.

I’ve never experienced something like this. I tried to tell myself this was just a fling with an expiration date. I couldn’t even convince myself it wouldn’t hurt or that I could put it off. I knew it was inevitable.

I snuggle deeper into Lane’s chest, hoping to soak up a little more warmth from him. I know only the cold awaits me after today. I try and look forward to the future I was so excited about before coming on this trip and meeting Lane, but it doesn’t help.

He’s much more than I thought I could ever find. How the hell am I going to say goodbye to him? Am I strong enough?

I don’t think so.

Lane has even been great with my family. He’s answered all of Will’s questions about being a musician and the guys in Suburban Outcasts. Lane hasn’t even seemed annoyed about the endless questions. He’s taken everything in stride and damn if it hasn’t made me fall in love with him a little more.

He’s charmed my mother beyond what I even thought was possible. He’s even gotten my dad to open up to him. Yesterday the men, including Lane, all went out onto the lake while mom and I visited the spa.

“Calli, Sweetheart,” his sexy as sin morning voice whispers across my skin as his arms tighten around me. “You’re thinking so damn loud it woke me up.”

I laugh, but it sounds and feels forced. If I move, if I acknowledge I’m awake, then it means I’m that much closer to walking out of this cabin and never seeing Lane again. I can’t believe I wasn’t looking forward to this trip, but now it’s been the one to change my life. I’m just not sure if it’s a good thing yet because I can already feel my heart breaking.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper against his chest, not wanting to look at him. If I do, I’ll break down. “Morning,” my voice sounds resigned and dejected.
